mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00

* feat: support isEdited flag for SettingSwitch * feat: add transcodeAll ffmpeg settings for extra transcoding control * refactor: tidy up and rename current video transcoding code + transcode everything * feat: better video transcoding with ffprobe analyses video files to see if they are already in the desired format allows admin to choose to transcode all videos regardless of the current format * fix: always serve encoded video if it exists * feat: change video codec option to a select box, limit options removed previous video codec config option as it's incompatible with new options removed mapping for encoder to codec as we now store the codec in the config * feat: add video conversion job for transcoding previously missed videos * chore: fix spelling of job messages to pluralise assets * chore: fix prettier/eslint warnings * feat: force switch targetAudioCodec default to aac to avoid iOS incompatibility * chore: lint issues after rebase
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14 KiB
Immich API
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.42.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
Dart 2.12 or later
Installation & Usage
If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
git: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/openapi
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api_instance = APIKeyApi();
final aPIKeyCreateDto = APIKeyCreateDto(); // APIKeyCreateDto |
try {
final result = api_instance.createKey(aPIKeyCreateDto);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling APIKeyApi->createKey: $e\n');
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to /api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APIKeyApi | createKey | POST /api-key | |
APIKeyApi | deleteKey | DELETE /api-key/{id} | |
APIKeyApi | getKey | GET /api-key/{id} | |
APIKeyApi | getKeys | GET /api-key | |
APIKeyApi | updateKey | PUT /api-key/{id} | |
AlbumApi | addAssetsToAlbum | PUT /album/{albumId}/assets | |
AlbumApi | addUsersToAlbum | PUT /album/{albumId}/users | |
AlbumApi | createAlbum | POST /album | |
AlbumApi | createAlbumSharedLink | POST /album/create-shared-link | |
AlbumApi | deleteAlbum | DELETE /album/{albumId} | |
AlbumApi | downloadArchive | GET /album/{albumId}/download | |
AlbumApi | getAlbumCountByUserId | GET /album/count-by-user-id | |
AlbumApi | getAlbumInfo | GET /album/{albumId} | |
AlbumApi | getAllAlbums | GET /album | |
AlbumApi | removeAssetFromAlbum | DELETE /album/{albumId}/assets | |
AlbumApi | removeUserFromAlbum | DELETE /album/{albumId}/user/{userId} | |
AlbumApi | updateAlbumInfo | PATCH /album/{albumId} | |
AssetApi | checkDuplicateAsset | POST /asset/check | |
AssetApi | checkExistingAssets | POST /asset/exist | |
AssetApi | createAssetsSharedLink | POST /asset/shared-link | |
AssetApi | deleteAsset | DELETE /asset | |
AssetApi | downloadFile | GET /asset/download/{assetId} | |
AssetApi | downloadFiles | POST /asset/download-files | |
AssetApi | downloadLibrary | GET /asset/download-library | |
AssetApi | getAllAssets | GET /asset | |
AssetApi | getAssetById | GET /asset/assetById/{assetId} | |
AssetApi | getAssetByTimeBucket | POST /asset/time-bucket | |
AssetApi | getAssetCountByTimeBucket | POST /asset/count-by-time-bucket | |
AssetApi | getAssetCountByUserId | GET /asset/count-by-user-id | |
AssetApi | getAssetSearchTerms | GET /asset/search-terms | |
AssetApi | getAssetThumbnail | GET /asset/thumbnail/{assetId} | |
AssetApi | getCuratedLocations | GET /asset/curated-locations | |
AssetApi | getCuratedObjects | GET /asset/curated-objects | |
AssetApi | getUserAssetsByDeviceId | GET /asset/{deviceId} | |
AssetApi | searchAsset | POST /asset/search | |
AssetApi | serveFile | GET /asset/file/{assetId} | |
AssetApi | updateAsset | PUT /asset/{assetId} | |
AssetApi | updateAssetsInSharedLink | PATCH /asset/shared-link | |
AssetApi | uploadFile | POST /asset/upload | |
AuthenticationApi | adminSignUp | POST /auth/admin-sign-up | |
AuthenticationApi | changePassword | POST /auth/change-password | |
AuthenticationApi | login | POST /auth/login | |
AuthenticationApi | logout | POST /auth/logout | |
AuthenticationApi | validateAccessToken | POST /auth/validateToken | |
DeviceInfoApi | createDeviceInfo | POST /device-info | |
DeviceInfoApi | updateDeviceInfo | PATCH /device-info | |
DeviceInfoApi | upsertDeviceInfo | PUT /device-info | |
JobApi | getAllJobsStatus | GET /jobs | |
JobApi | getJobStatus | GET /jobs/{jobId} | |
JobApi | sendJobCommand | PUT /jobs/{jobId} | |
OAuthApi | callback | POST /oauth/callback | |
OAuthApi | generateConfig | POST /oauth/config | |
OAuthApi | link | POST /oauth/link | |
OAuthApi | mobileRedirect | GET /oauth/mobile-redirect | |
OAuthApi | unlink | POST /oauth/unlink | |
ServerInfoApi | getServerInfo | GET /server-info | |
ServerInfoApi | getServerVersion | GET /server-info/version | |
ServerInfoApi | getStats | GET /server-info/stats | |
ServerInfoApi | pingServer | GET /server-info/ping | |
ShareApi | editSharedLink | PATCH /share/{id} | |
ShareApi | getAllSharedLinks | GET /share | |
ShareApi | getMySharedLink | GET /share/me | |
ShareApi | getSharedLinkById | GET /share/{id} | |
ShareApi | removeSharedLink | DELETE /share/{id} | |
SystemConfigApi | getConfig | GET /system-config | |
SystemConfigApi | getDefaults | GET /system-config/defaults | |
SystemConfigApi | getStorageTemplateOptions | GET /system-config/storage-template-options | |
SystemConfigApi | updateConfig | PUT /system-config | |
TagApi | create | POST /tag | |
TagApi | delete | DELETE /tag/{id} | |
TagApi | findAll | GET /tag | |
TagApi | findOne | GET /tag/{id} | |
TagApi | update | PATCH /tag/{id} | |
UserApi | createProfileImage | POST /user/profile-image | |
UserApi | createUser | POST /user | |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /user/{userId} | |
UserApi | getAllUsers | GET /user | |
UserApi | getMyUserInfo | GET /user/me | |
UserApi | getProfileImage | GET /user/profile-image/{userId} | |
UserApi | getUserById | GET /user/info/{userId} | |
UserApi | getUserCount | GET /user/count | |
UserApi | restoreUser | POST /user/{userId}/restore | |
UserApi | updateUser | PUT /user |
Documentation For Models
- APIKeyCreateDto
- APIKeyCreateResponseDto
- APIKeyResponseDto
- APIKeyUpdateDto
- AddAssetsDto
- AddAssetsResponseDto
- AddUsersDto
- AdminSignupResponseDto
- AlbumCountResponseDto
- AlbumResponseDto
- AllJobStatusResponseDto
- AssetCountByTimeBucket
- AssetCountByTimeBucketResponseDto
- AssetCountByUserIdResponseDto
- AssetFileUploadResponseDto
- AssetResponseDto
- AssetTypeEnum
- ChangePasswordDto
- CheckDuplicateAssetDto
- CheckDuplicateAssetResponseDto
- CheckExistingAssetsDto
- CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto
- CreateAlbumDto
- CreateAlbumShareLinkDto
- CreateAssetsShareLinkDto
- CreateProfileImageResponseDto
- CreateTagDto
- CreateUserDto
- CuratedLocationsResponseDto
- CuratedObjectsResponseDto
- DeleteAssetDto
- DeleteAssetResponseDto
- DeleteAssetStatus
- DeviceInfoResponseDto
- DeviceTypeEnum
- DownloadFilesDto
- EditSharedLinkDto
- ExifResponseDto
- GetAssetByTimeBucketDto
- GetAssetCountByTimeBucketDto
- JobCommand
- JobCommandDto
- JobCounts
- JobId
- JobStatusResponseDto
- LoginCredentialDto
- LoginResponseDto
- LogoutResponseDto
- OAuthCallbackDto
- OAuthConfigDto
- OAuthConfigResponseDto
- RemoveAssetsDto
- SearchAssetDto
- ServerInfoResponseDto
- ServerPingResponse
- ServerStatsResponseDto
- ServerVersionReponseDto
- SharedLinkResponseDto
- SharedLinkType
- SignUpDto
- SmartInfoResponseDto
- SystemConfigDto
- SystemConfigFFmpegDto
- SystemConfigOAuthDto
- SystemConfigPasswordLoginDto
- SystemConfigStorageTemplateDto
- SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto
- TagResponseDto
- TagTypeEnum
- ThumbnailFormat
- TimeGroupEnum
- UpdateAlbumDto
- UpdateAssetDto
- UpdateAssetsToSharedLinkDto
- UpdateTagDto
- UpdateUserDto
- UpsertDeviceInfoDto
- UsageByUserDto
- UserCountResponseDto
- UserResponseDto
- ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP Bearer authentication