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mirror of https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git synced 2024-10-17 06:10:06 +00:00
Roman Perepelitsa eda706c8ff notes
2020-06-15 17:56:32 +02:00

5.3 KiB

battery: use the same technique as in vpn_ip to avoid reset=2.

implement fake gitstatus api on top of vcs_info (or plain git?) + worker and use it if there is no gitstatus.

  • call vcs_info on worker. the tricky question is what to display while "loading".

  • add _SHOW_SYSTEM to all *env segments.


add POWERLEVEL9K_${SEGMENT}_${STATE}SHOW_IN_DIR='pwd_pattern'; implement the same way as SHOW_ON_UPGLOB. how should it interact with POWERLEVEL9K${SEGMENT}_DISABLED_DIR_PATTERN?

add p10k upglob; returns 0 on match and sets REPLY to the directory where match was found.

when directory cannot be shortened any further, start chopping off segments from the left and replacing the chopped off part with . e.g., …/x/anchor/y/anchor. the shortest dir representation is thus …/last or …/last depending on whether the last segment is an anchor. the replacement parameter's value is …/ (with a slash) to allow for x/anchor/y/anchor.

  • add to faq: how do i display an environment variable in prompt? link it from "extensible"

  • add to faq: how do i display an icon in prompt? link it from "extensible"

  • add root_indicator to config templates

  • test chruby and add it to config templates

  • add ssh to config templates

  • add swift version to config templates; see if there is a good pattern for PROJECT_ONLY

  • add swiftenv

  • add faq: how to customize directory shortening? mention POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_TRUNCATE_BEFORE_MARKER, POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH and co., and truncate_to_last.

fix a bug in zsh: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/issues/502. to reproduce:

emulate zsh -o prompt_percent -c 'print -P "%F{#ff0000}red%F{green}%B bold green"'

add p10k explain that prints something like this:

segment     icons meaning








status      ✔  ✘  exit code of the last command

implement it the hard way: for every enabled segment go over all its {state,icon} pairs, resolve the icon (if not absolute), apply VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION, remove leading and trailing whitespace and print without formatting (sort of like print -P | cat); print segment names in green and icons in bold; battery can have an unlimited number of icons, so ... would be needed (based on total length of concatenated icons rather than the number of icons); user-defined segments would have "unknown" icons by default (yellow and not bold); can allow them to participate by defining explainprompt_foo that populates array reply with strings like this: '-s STATE -i LOCK_ICON +r'; the first element must be segment description.

add docker_context prompt segment; similar to kubecontext; the data should come from currentContext field in ~/.docker/config.json (according to https://github.com/starship/starship/issues/995); there is also DOCKER_CONTEXT; more info: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/context_use; also https://github.com/starship/starship/pull/996.

support env, ionice and strace precommands in parser.zsh.

Add ruler to configuration wizard. Options: , ·, , , , .

Add frame styles to the wizard.






Prompt connection should have matching options.

Add POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SEGMENT_MIRROR_SEPARATOR. If set, left segments get separated with POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR followed by POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SEGMENT_MIRROR_SEPARATOR. Each is drawn without background. The first with the foreground of left segment, the second with the background of right segment. To insert space in between, embed it in POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SEGMENT_MIRROR_SEPARATOR. POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR is unused.

Add Segment Connection screen to configuration wizard with options Fused, Touching and Disjoint. The last two differ by the absence/presence of space between SEGMENT_SEPARATOR and SEGMENT_MIRROR_SEPARATOR.

Fused requires line separator (there is already a screen for it) but the other two options require two filled separators similar to heads and tail. Figure out how to present this choice.

Optimize auto-wizard check.

time ( repeat 1000 [[ -z "${parameters[(I)POWERLEVEL9K_*~(POWERLEVEL9K_MODE|POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE)]}" ]] )
user=0.21s system=0.05s cpu=99% total=0.264

time ( repeat 1000 [[ -z "${parameters[(I)POWERLEVEL9K_*]}" ]] )
user=0.17s system=0.00s cpu=99% total=0.175

Add the equivalent of P9K_PYTHON_VERSION to all *env segments where it makes sense.

Define P9K_ICON on initialization. Fill it with $icon. Duplicate every key that ends in _ICON. Respect POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_STASH_ICON overrides but not anything with segment name or state.

Define POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_* parameters in config templates for all symbols used in my_git_formatter. Add missing entries to icons. Use $P9K_ICON[...] within my_git_formatter. Add a screen to the wizard to choose between clear and circled icons.

Add a screen to the wizard asking whether to set POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLED_WORKDIR_PATTERN='~'. Show it only if there is $HOME/.git. By default this parameter should be commented out.