# To use: add a .jira-url file in the base of your project # You can also set JIRA_URL in your .zshrc or put .jira-url in your home directory # .jira-url in the current directory takes precedence # # If you use Rapid Board, set: #JIRA_RAPID_BOARD="true" # in you .zshrc # # Setup: cd to/my/project # echo "https://name.jira.com" >> .jira-url # Usage: jira # opens a new issue # jira ABC-123 # Opens an existing issue open_jira_issue () { local open_cmd if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then open_cmd='open' else open_cmd='xdg-open' fi if [ -f .jira-url ]; then jira_url=$(cat .jira-url) elif [ -f ~/.jira-url ]; then jira_url=$(cat ~/.jira-url) elif [[ "x$JIRA_URL" != "x" ]]; then jira_url=$JIRA_URL else jira_url_help return 1 fi if [ -f .jira-prefix ]; then jira_prefix=$(cat .jira-prefix) elif [ -f ~/.jira-prefix ]; then jira_prefix=$(cat ~/.jira-prefix) else jira_prefix="" fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Opening new issue" $open_cmd "${jira_url}/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa" elif [[ "$1" = "assigned" || "$1" = "reported" ]]; then jira_query $@ else local addcomment='' if [[ "$2" == "m" ]]; then addcomment="#add-comment" echo "Add comment to issue #$1" else echo "Opening issue #$1" fi if [[ "x$JIRA_RAPID_BOARD" = "xtrue" ]]; then $open_cmd "$jira_url/issues/$jira_prefix$1$addcomment" else $open_cmd "$jira_url/browse/$jira_prefix$1$addcomment" fi fi } jira_url_help() { cat << EOF JIRA url is not specified anywhere. Valid options, in order of preference: .jira-url file $HOME/.jira-url file JIRA_URL environment variable EOF } jira_name () { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then if [[ "x${JIRA_NAME}" != "x" ]]; then jira_name=${JIRA_NAME} else echo "JIRA_NAME not specified" return 1 fi else jira_name=$@ fi } jira_query () { verb="$1" if [[ "${verb}" = "reported" ]]; then lookup=reporter preposition=by elif [[ "${verb}" = "assigned" ]]; then lookup=assignee preposition=to else echo "not a valid lookup $verb" return 1 fi shift 1 jira_name $@ if [[ $? = 1 ]]; then return 1 fi echo "Browsing issues ${verb} ${preposition} ${jira_name}" $open_cmd "${jira_url}/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=${lookup}+%3D+%22${jira_name}%22+AND+resolution+%3D+unresolved+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC%2C+created+ASC" } alias jira='open_jira_issue'