#include #include #include // Rotary Encoder Inputs #define CLK1 19 #define DT1 18 #define SW1 17 #define CLK2 2 #define DT2 3 #define SW2 4 #define VRx A0 #define VRy A1 const byte ROWS = 4; const byte COLS = 4; char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'1', '2', '3', 'A'}, {'4', '5', '6', 'B'}, {'7', '8', '9', 'C'}, {'*', '0', '#', 'D'} }; byte rowPins[ROWS] = {31, 33, 35, 37}; byte colPins[COLS] = {39, 41, 43, 45}; Keypad customKeypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); // Rotatry encoder variables int currentStateCLK1; int lastStateCLK1; int currentStateCLK2; int lastStateCLK2; String currentEvent = ""; String currentDir1 = ""; String currentDir2 = ""; boolean rotaryEncoderRotating1 = false; boolean rotaryEncoderRotating2 = false; unsigned long lastButton1Press = 0; unsigned long lastButton2Press = 0; Joystick joystick(VRx, VRy, 8); NewEncoder encoderLower(DT1, CLK1, -32768, 32767, 0, FULL_PULSE); NewEncoder encoderUpper(DT2, CLK2, -32768, 32767, 0, FULL_PULSE); int16_t prevEncoderValueLower; int16_t prevEncoderValueUpper; void setup() { // Set encoder pins as inputs pinMode(SW1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(SW2, INPUT_PULLUP); // Setup joystick joystick.initialize(); joystick.calibrate(); joystick.setSensivity(3); // Setup Serial Monitor Serial.begin(9600); NewEncoder::EncoderState encoderState1; NewEncoder::EncoderState encoderState2; encoderLower.begin(); encoderLower.getState(encoderState1); prevEncoderValueLower = encoderState1.currentValue; encoderUpper.begin(); encoderUpper.getState(encoderState2); prevEncoderValueUpper = encoderState2.currentValue; } void loop() { int16_t currentEncoderValueLower; int16_t currentEncoderValueUpper; NewEncoder::EncoderState currentEncoderStateLower; NewEncoder::EncoderState currentEncoderStateUpper; // Read rotary encoder lower if (encoderLower.getState(currentEncoderStateLower)) { currentEncoderValueLower = currentEncoderStateLower.currentValue; if (currentEncoderValueLower != prevEncoderValueLower) { if(currentEncoderValueLower > prevEncoderValueLower){ Serial.println("EncoderLower:CW:" + String(currentEncoderValueLower - prevEncoderValueLower)); } else{ Serial.println("EncoderLower:CCW:" + String(prevEncoderValueLower - currentEncoderValueLower)); } prevEncoderValueLower = currentEncoderValueLower; } } // Read rotary encoder upper if (encoderUpper.getState(currentEncoderStateUpper)) { currentEncoderValueUpper = currentEncoderStateUpper.currentValue; if (currentEncoderValueUpper != prevEncoderValueUpper) { if(currentEncoderValueUpper > prevEncoderValueUpper){ Serial.println("EncoderUpper:CW:" + String(currentEncoderValueUpper - prevEncoderValueUpper)); } else{ Serial.println("EncoderUpper:CCW:" + String(prevEncoderValueUpper - currentEncoderValueUpper)); } prevEncoderValueUpper = currentEncoderValueUpper; } } // Read the rotary encoder button state int btnState1 = digitalRead(SW1); int btnState2 = digitalRead(SW2); //If we detect LOW signal, button is pressed if (btnState1 == LOW) { //if 500ms have passed since last LOW pulse, it means that the //button has been pressed, released and pressed again if (millis() - lastButton1Press > 500) { Serial.println("EncoderLower:SW"); } // Remember last button press event lastButton1Press = millis(); } if (btnState2 == LOW) { //if 500ms have passed since last LOW pulse, it means that the //button has been pressed, released and pressed again if (millis() - lastButton2Press > 500) { Serial.println("EncoderUpper:SW"); } // Remember last button press event lastButton2Press = millis(); } // Read joystick if(joystick.isPressed()) { Serial.println("Joystick:SW"); } // Read joystick (updated for joystick mounted at 90 degree) if(joystick.isReleased()) { // left if(joystick.isLeft()) { //Serial.println("Joystick:LEFT"); Serial.println("Joystick:UP"); } // right if(joystick.isRight()) { //Serial.println("Joystick:RIGHT"); Serial.println("Joystick:DOWN"); } // up if(joystick.isUp()) { //Serial.println("Joystick:UP"); Serial.println("Joystick:RIGHT"); } // down if(joystick.isDown()) { //Serial.println("Joystick:DOWN"); Serial.println("Joystick:LEFT"); } } // Read keypad char customKey = customKeypad.getKey(); if (customKey){ if(customKey == '#') { Serial.println("Keypad:KeyPound"); } else if(customKey == '*') { Serial.println("Keypad:KeyAsterisk"); } else { Serial.println("Keypad:Key" + String(customKey)); } } // slow down a bit delay(100); }