using CoordinateSharp; using IniParser; using IniParser.Model; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MSFSPopoutPanelManager.SimConnectAgent.TouchPanel { public class FlightPlanProvider { public static string ParseCustomFLT(string filePath) { var wayPoints = new List(); try { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); var data = parser.ReadFile(filePath); var isActiveFlightPlan = Convert.ToBoolean(data["ATC_Aircraft.0"]["ActiveFlightPlan"]); var isRequestedFlightPlan = Convert.ToBoolean(data["ATC_Aircraft.0"]["RequestedFlightPlan"]); PropertyCollection flightPlan; // If FLT file has both requested and active flight plan set to true, requested flight plan takes precedence if (isRequestedFlightPlan) { flightPlan = data["ATC_RequestedFlightPlan.0"]; } else if (isActiveFlightPlan) { flightPlan = data["ATC_ActiveFlightPlan.0"]; } else { return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wayPoints); } if (flightPlan != null) { int i = 0; Coordinate c; while (true) { var waypointData = flightPlan["waypoint." + i]; if (waypointData == null) break; var waypointArr = waypointData.Split(","); var waypoint = new ATCWaypoint(); waypoint.index = i + 1; waypoint.type = waypointArr[4].Trim(); waypoint.description = waypointArr[3].Trim(); // exclude unnecessary user waypoints if (!(waypoint.type == "V" || (waypoint.type == "U" && (waypoint.description == "TIMECLIMB" || waypoint.description == "TIMECRUIS" || waypoint.description == "TIMEDSCNT" || waypoint.description == "TIMEAPPROACH" || waypoint.description == "TIMEVERT")))) { = waypoint.type == "U" ? waypoint.description : waypointArr[1].Trim(); // parse "+003000.00" - 3000ft var alt = Convert.ToInt32(waypointArr[17].Trim()); waypoint.altitude = alt == 0 ? null : alt; var spd = Convert.ToInt32(waypointArr[16].Trim()); waypoint.maxSpeed = spd == 0 ? null : spd; Coordinate.TryParse(waypointArr[5].Trim() + " " + waypointArr[6].Trim(), out c); waypoint.latLong = new double[] { c.Latitude.DecimalDegree, c.Longitude.DecimalDegree }; //waypoint.departureProcedure = String.IsNullOrEmpty(waypointArr[9].Trim()) ? null : waypointArr[9].Trim(); //waypoint.arrivalProcedure = String.IsNullOrEmpty(waypointArr[10].Trim()) ? null : waypointArr[10].Trim(); //waypoint.approachType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(waypointArr[11].Trim()) ? null : waypointArr[11].Trim(); //waypoint.approachRunway = String.IsNullOrEmpty(waypointArr[12].Trim()) ? null : waypointArr[12].Trim(); wayPoints.Add(waypoint); } i++; } } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new FlightPlan() { waypoints = wayPoints, activeLegIndex = 0 }); } catch (Exception) { return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wayPoints); } } public class FlightPlan { public int activeLegIndex { get; set; } public List waypoints { get; set; } public int dtk { get; set; } } public class ATCWaypoint { public string id { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } public int index { get; set; } [JsonProperty("type")] public string type { get; set; } public double[] latLong { get; set; } public double[] startLatLong { get; set; } public int? altitude { get; set; } public int? maxSpeed { get; set; } public double? distance { get; set; } public int? course { get; set; } public bool isActiveLeg { get; set; } } } }