using MSFSPopoutPanelManager.DomainModel.Profile; using MSFSPopoutPanelManager.DomainModel.Setting; using MSFSPopoutPanelManager.Shared; using MSFSPopoutPanelManager.WindowsAgent; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; namespace MSFSPopoutPanelManager.Orchestration { public class PanelPopOutOrchestrator : ObservableObject { // This will be replaced by a signal from Ready to Fly Skipper into webserver in version 4.0 private const int READY_TO_FLY_BUTTON_APPEARANCE_DELAY = 2000; private const int CAMERA_VIEW_HOME_COCKPIT_MODE = 8; private const int CAMERA_VIEW_CUSTOM_CAMERA = 7; private ProfileData _profileData; private AppSettingData _appSettingData; private FlightSimData _flightSimData; private int _prePopOutCockpitZoomLevel = 50; public PanelPopOutOrchestrator(ProfileData profileData, AppSettingData appSettingData, FlightSimData flightSimData) { _profileData = profileData; _appSettingData = appSettingData; _flightSimData = flightSimData; IsDisabledStartPopOut = false; } internal FlightSimOrchestrator FlightSimOrchestrator { private get; set; } internal PanelSourceOrchestrator PanelSourceOrchestrator { private get; set; } internal PanelConfigurationOrchestrator PanelConfigurationOrchestrator { private get; set; } private UserProfile ActiveProfile { get { return _profileData == null ? null : _profileData.ActiveProfile; } } private ApplicationSetting AppSetting { get { return _appSettingData == null ? null : _appSettingData.ApplicationSetting; } } public bool IsDisabledStartPopOut { get; set; } public event EventHandler OnPopOutStarted; public event EventHandler OnPopOutCompleted; public event EventHandler OnHudBarOpened; public async void ManualPopOut() { if (IsDisabledStartPopOut || !_flightSimData.IsInCockpit) return; await CoreSteps(false); } public async void AutoPopOut() { await Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async () => { _profileData.AutoSwitchProfile(); if (ActiveProfile == null) return; // Do not do auto pop out if no profile matches the current aircraft if (!ActiveProfile.AircraftBindings.Any(p => p == _flightSimData.AircraftName)) return; // Do not do auto pop out if no panel configs defined if (ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count == 0) return; // Do not do auto pop out if not all custom panels have panel source defined if (ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.CustomPopout) > 0 && ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.CustomPopout && p.HasPanelSource) != ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.CustomPopout)) return; await StepReadyToFlyDelay(true); await CoreSteps(true); }); } private async Task CoreSteps(bool isAutoPopOut) { if (ActiveProfile == null || ActiveProfile.IsEditingPanelSource || ActiveProfile.HasUnidentifiedPanelSource) return; OnPopOutStarted?.Invoke(this, null); StatusMessageWriter.IsEnabled = true; StatusMessageWriter.ClearMessage(); StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Pop out in progress. Please refrain from moving your mouse.", StatusMessageType.Info); StepPopoutPrep(); // *** THIS MUST BE DONE FIRST. Get the built-in panel list to be configured later List builtInPanelHandles = WindowActionManager.GetWindowsByPanelType(new List() { PanelType.BuiltInPopout }); await StepAddCutomPanels(builtInPanelHandles); StepAddBuiltInPanels(builtInPanelHandles); StepAddHudBar(); SetupRefocusDisplay(); StepApplyPanelConfig(); await StepPostPopout(); OnPopOutCompleted?.Invoke(this, null); StatusMessageWriter.IsEnabled = false; } private void StepPopoutPrep() { PanelConfigurationOrchestrator.EndConfiguration(); // Set profile pop out status _profileData.ResetActiveProfile(); // Close all existing custom pop out panels WindowActionManager.CloseAllPopOuts(); // Close all panel source overlays PanelSourceOrchestrator.CloseAllPanelSource(); } private async Task StepReadyToFlyDelay(bool isAutoPopOut) { if (!isAutoPopOut) return; if (AppSetting.AutoPopOutSetting.ReadyToFlyDelay == 0) return; await Task.Run(() => { WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Waiting on ready to fly button delay", () => { // Ready to fly button plugin default delay Thread.Sleep(READY_TO_FLY_BUTTON_APPEARANCE_DELAY); // Extra wait for cockpit view to appear and align Thread.Sleep(AppSetting.AutoPopOutSetting.ReadyToFlyDelay * 1000); }); }); } private async Task StepAddCutomPanels(List builtInPanelHandles) { if (!ActiveProfile.HasCustomPanels) return; await StepPreCustomPanelPopOut(); await StepCustomPanelPopOut(builtInPanelHandles); await StepPostCustomPanelPopOut(); } private async Task StepPreCustomPanelPopOut() { await Task.Run(() => { // Set Windowed Display Mode window's configuration if needed if (_appSettingData.ApplicationSetting.WindowedModeSetting.AutoResizeMsfsGameWindow && WindowActionManager.IsMsfsGameInWindowedMode()) { WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Moving and resizing MSFS game window", () => { WindowActionManager.SetMsfsGameWindowLocation(ActiveProfile.MsfsGameWindowConfig); Thread.Sleep(1000); }); } // Turn on power and avionics if required to pop out panels at least one (fix Cessna 208b grand caravan mod bug where battery is reported as on) if (ActiveProfile.ProfileSetting.PowerOnRequiredForColdStart) { FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOnPower(); FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOnAvionics(); } // Turn off TrackIR if TrackIR is started FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOffTrackIR(); // Turn on Active Pause FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOnActivePause(); // Setting custom camera angle for auto panning if (AppSetting.PopOutSetting.AutoPanning.IsEnabled) { StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Setting auto panning camera view", StatusMessageType.Info); if (_flightSimData.CameraViewTypeAndIndex1 == CAMERA_VIEW_HOME_COCKPIT_MODE) { SetCockpitZoomLevel(_profileData.ActiveProfile.PanelSourceCockpitZoomFactor); } else { // Remember current game's zoom level to be recall after pop out _prePopOutCockpitZoomLevel = _flightSimData.CockpitCameraZoom; WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Resetting camera view", () => { ResetCockpitView(); }, true); WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Loading custom camera view", () => { LoadCustomView(AppSetting.PopOutSetting.AutoPanning.KeyBinding); }, true); WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Setting camera zoom level", () => { SetCockpitZoomLevel(50); }, true); } } }); } private async Task StepCustomPanelPopOut(List builtInPanelHandles) { await Task.Run(() => { // Save current application location to restore it after pop out var appLocation = WindowActionManager.GetWindowRectangle(WindowProcessManager.GetApplicationProcess().Handle); if(ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count > 0) StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Popping out user defined panels", StatusMessageType.Info); int index = 0; foreach (var panelConfig in ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs) { if (panelConfig.PanelType == PanelType.CustomPopout) { WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute(panelConfig.PanelName, () => { panelConfig.IsSelectedPanelSource = true; PanelSourceOrchestrator.ShowPanelSourceNonEdit(panelConfig); ExecuteCustomPopout(panelConfig, builtInPanelHandles, index++); PanelSourceOrchestrator.ClosePanelSourceNonEdit(panelConfig); ApplyPanelLocation(panelConfig); panelConfig.IsSelectedPanelSource = false; if (panelConfig.IsPopOutSuccess != null && !(bool)panelConfig.IsPopOutSuccess) return false; else return true; }, true); } } // Restore current application location WindowActionManager.MoveWindow(WindowProcessManager.GetApplicationProcess().Handle, appLocation); }); } private async Task StepPostCustomPanelPopOut() { await Task.Run(() => { if (ActiveProfile.ProfileSetting.PowerOnRequiredForColdStart) { FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOffAvionics(); FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOffPower(); } // Turn TrackIR back on FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOnTrackIR(); Thread.Sleep(500); // Turn on Active Pause FlightSimOrchestrator.TurnOffActivePause(); Thread.Sleep(500); // Return to custom camera view if set ReturnToAfterPopOutCameraView(); }); } private void StepAddBuiltInPanels(List builtInPanelHandles) { if (ActiveProfile.ProfileSetting.IncludeInGamePanels) { WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Configuring built-in panel", () => { int count = 0; while (builtInPanelHandles.Count == 0 && count < 5) { builtInPanelHandles = WindowActionManager.GetWindowsByPanelType(new List() { PanelType.BuiltInPopout }); } var builtInPanels = new List(); foreach (var panelHandle in builtInPanelHandles) { var panelCaption = WindowActionManager.GetWindowCaption(panelHandle); var panelConfig = ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PanelName == panelCaption); if (panelConfig == null) { if (!ActiveProfile.IsLocked) { var rectangle = WindowActionManager.GetWindowRectangle(panelHandle); panelConfig = new PanelConfig() { PanelHandle = panelHandle, PanelType = PanelType.BuiltInPopout, PanelName = panelCaption, Top = rectangle.Top, Left = rectangle.Left, Width = rectangle.Width, Height = rectangle.Height, AutoGameRefocus = false }; ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Add(panelConfig); } } else { panelConfig.PanelHandle = panelHandle; // Need to do it twice for MSFS to take this setting (MSFS bug) ApplyPanelLocation(panelConfig); ApplyPanelLocation(panelConfig); } } // Set handles for missing built-in panels foreach (var panelConfig in ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs) { if (panelConfig.PanelType == PanelType.BuiltInPopout && panelConfig.PanelHandle == IntPtr.MaxValue) panelConfig.PanelHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } if (ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Any(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.BuiltInPopout && p.IsPopOutSuccess != null && !(bool)p.IsPopOutSuccess) || ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.BuiltInPopout) == 0) return false; else return true; }); } } private void StepAddHudBar() { if (!ActiveProfile.ProfileSetting.HudBarConfig.IsEnabled) return; WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Opening HUD Bar", () => { var panelConfig = ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.HudBarWindow); OnHudBarOpened?.Invoke(this, panelConfig); }); } public void SetupRefocusDisplay() { if (!ActiveProfile.ProfileSetting.RefocusOnDisplay.IsEnabled) return; var panelConfigs = ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Where(p => p.PanelType == PanelType.RefocusDisplay); if (panelConfigs.Count() == 0) return; StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Configurating panels for auto refocus on touch", StatusMessageType.Info); foreach (var panelConfig in panelConfigs) { if (panelConfig != null) { WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute(panelConfig.PanelName, () => { panelConfig.PanelHandle = new IntPtr(1); }, true); } } } private void StepApplyPanelConfig() { // Must apply other panel config after pop out since MSFS popping out action will overwrite panel config such as Always on Top foreach (var panelConfig in ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs) { ApplyPanelConfig(panelConfig); // Set title bar color if (_appSettingData.ApplicationSetting.PopOutSetting.PopOutTitleBarCustomization.IsEnabled && !panelConfig.FullScreen) { WindowActionManager.SetWindowTitleBarColor(panelConfig.PanelHandle, _appSettingData.ApplicationSetting.PopOutSetting.PopOutTitleBarCustomization.HexColor); } } } private async Task StepPostPopout() { await Task.Run(() => { // Set profile pop out status ActiveProfile.IsPoppedOut = true; // Must use application dispatcher to dispatch UI events (winEventHook) PanelConfigurationOrchestrator.StartConfiguration(); // Start touch hook PanelConfigurationOrchestrator.StartTouchHook(); if (CheckForPopOutError()) StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Pop out has been completed with error.", StatusMessageType.Info); else StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Pop out has been completed successfully.", StatusMessageType.Info); Thread.Sleep(1000); }); } private void ExecuteCustomPopout(PanelConfig panel, List builtInPanelHandles, int index) { if (panel.PanelType == PanelType.CustomPopout) { // There should only be one handle that is not in both builtInPanelHandles vs latestAceAppWindowsWithCaptionHandles var handle = TryPopOutCustomPanel(panel.PanelSource, builtInPanelHandles); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { panel.PanelHandle = IntPtr.Zero; return; } // Unable to pop out panel, the handle was previously popped out's handle if (_profileData.ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Any(p => p.PanelHandle.Equals(handle)) || handle.Equals(WindowProcessManager.SimulatorProcess.Handle) || handle == IntPtr.Zero) { panel.PanelHandle = IntPtr.Zero; return; } panel.PanelHandle = handle; WindowActionManager.SetWindowCaption(panel.PanelHandle, $"{panel.PanelName} (Custom)"); // First time popping out if (panel.Width == 0 && panel.Height == 0) { var rect = WindowActionManager.GetWindowRectangle(panel.PanelHandle); panel.Top = 0 + index * 30; panel.Left = 0 + index * 30; panel.Width = rect.Width; panel.Height = rect.Height; } } } private IntPtr TryPopOutCustomPanel(PanelSource panelSource, List builtInPanelHandles) { // Try to pop out 5 times before failure with 1/4 second wait in between int count = 0; do { InputEmulationManager.PopOutPanel((int)panelSource.X, (int)panelSource.Y, AppSetting.PopOutSetting.UseLeftRightControlToPopOut); var latestAceAppWindowsWithCaptionHandles = WindowActionManager.GetWindowsByPanelType(new List() { PanelType.BuiltInPopout }); // There should only be one handle that is not in both builtInPanelHandles vs latestAceAppWindowsWithCaptionHandles var handle = latestAceAppWindowsWithCaptionHandles.Except(builtInPanelHandles).FirstOrDefault(); if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) return handle; Thread.Sleep(250); count++; } while (count < 5); return IntPtr.Zero; } private void ApplyPanelLocation(PanelConfig panel) { if (panel.IsPopOutSuccess == null || !((bool)panel.IsPopOutSuccess) || panel.PanelHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return; // Apply top/left/width/height WindowActionManager.MoveWindow(panel.PanelHandle, panel.Left, panel.Top, panel.Width, panel.Height); } private void ApplyPanelConfig(PanelConfig panel) { if (panel.IsPopOutSuccess == null || !((bool)panel.IsPopOutSuccess) || panel.PanelHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return; if (!panel.FullScreen) { // Apply always on top if (panel.AlwaysOnTop) { WindowActionManager.ApplyAlwaysOnTop(panel.PanelHandle, panel.PanelType, panel.AlwaysOnTop); Thread.Sleep(250); } // Apply hide title bar if (panel.HideTitlebar) { WindowActionManager.ApplyHidePanelTitleBar(panel.PanelHandle, true); Thread.Sleep(250); } } if (panel.FullScreen && !panel.AlwaysOnTop && !panel.HideTitlebar) { Thread.Sleep(500); InputEmulationManager.ToggleFullScreenPanel(panel.PanelHandle); Thread.Sleep(250); } } private void ReturnToAfterPopOutCameraView() { if (!AppSetting.PopOutSetting.AfterPopOutCameraView.IsEnabled) return; StatusMessageWriter.WriteMessageWithNewLine("Applying cockpit view after pop out", StatusMessageType.Info); if (_flightSimData.CameraViewTypeAndIndex1 == CAMERA_VIEW_HOME_COCKPIT_MODE) { FlightSimOrchestrator.ResetCameraView(); } else { switch (AppSetting.PopOutSetting.AfterPopOutCameraView.CameraView) { case AfterPopOutCameraViewType.CockpitCenterView: WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Resetting camera view", () => { ResetCockpitView(); }, true); WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Setting camera zoom level", () => { SetCockpitZoomLevel(_prePopOutCockpitZoomLevel); }, true); break; case AfterPopOutCameraViewType.CustomCameraView: WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Resetting camera view", () => { ResetCockpitView(); }, true); WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Loading custom camera view", () => { LoadCustomView(AppSetting.PopOutSetting.AfterPopOutCameraView.KeyBinding); }, true); WorkflowStepWithMessage.Execute("Setting camera zoom level", () => { SetCockpitZoomLevel(_prePopOutCockpitZoomLevel); }, true); break; } } } private bool CheckForPopOutError() { return ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.IsPopOutSuccess != null && (bool)p.IsPopOutSuccess) != ActiveProfile.PanelConfigs.Count(p => p.IsPopOutSuccess != null); } private void ResetCockpitView() { int retry = 10; for (var i = 0; i < retry; i++) { FlightSimOrchestrator.ResetCameraView(); Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for flightsimdata to be updated if (_flightSimData.CameraViewTypeAndIndex1 == 0) // 0 = reset view break; } } private void LoadCustomView(string keybinding) { int retry = 10; for(var i = 0; i < retry; i++) { InputEmulationManager.LoadCustomView(keybinding); Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for flightsimdata to be updated if (_flightSimData.CameraViewTypeAndIndex1 == CAMERA_VIEW_CUSTOM_CAMERA) // custom camera view enum break; } } private void SetCockpitZoomLevel(int zoom) { int retry = 10; for (var i = 0; i < retry; i++) { FlightSimOrchestrator.SetCockpitCameraZoomLevel(zoom); Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for flightsimdata to be updated if (_flightSimData.CockpitCameraZoom == zoom) break; } } } }