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import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/album.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/etag.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/user.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/album.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/album_api.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/album_media.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/asset.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/etag.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/exif_info.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/interfaces/user.interface.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/album.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/album_api.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/album_media.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/asset.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/etag.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/exif_info.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/repositories/user.repository.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/services/entity.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/services/hash.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/async_mutex.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/collection_extensions.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/datetime_comparison.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/diff.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
final syncServiceProvider = Provider(
(ref) => SyncService(
class SyncService {
final HashService _hashService;
final EntityService _entityService;
final IAlbumMediaRepository _albumMediaRepository;
final IAlbumApiRepository _albumApiRepository;
final IAlbumRepository _albumRepository;
final IAssetRepository _assetRepository;
final IExifInfoRepository _exifInfoRepository;
final IUserRepository _userRepository;
final IETagRepository _eTagRepository;
final AsyncMutex _lock = AsyncMutex();
final Logger _log = Logger('SyncService');
// public methods:
/// Syncs users from the server to the local database
/// Returns `true`if there were any changes
Future<bool> syncUsersFromServer(List<User> users) =>
_lock.run(() => _syncUsersFromServer(users));
/// Syncs remote assets owned by the logged-in user to the DB
/// Returns `true` if there were any changes
Future<bool> syncRemoteAssetsToDb({
required List<User> users,
required Future<(List<Asset>? toUpsert, List<String>? toDelete)> Function(
List<User> users,
DateTime since,
) getChangedAssets,
required FutureOr<List<Asset>?> Function(User user, DateTime until)
required FutureOr<List<User>?> Function() refreshUsers,
}) =>
() async =>
await _syncRemoteAssetChanges(users, getChangedAssets) ??
await _syncRemoteAssetsFull(refreshUsers, loadAssets),
/// Syncs remote albums to the database
/// returns `true` if there were any changes
Future<bool> syncRemoteAlbumsToDb(
List<Album> remote, {
required bool isShared,
}) =>
_lock.run(() => _syncRemoteAlbumsToDb(remote, isShared));
/// Syncs all device albums and their assets to the database
/// Returns `true` if there were any changes
Future<bool> syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb(
List<Album> onDevice, [
Set<String>? excludedAssets,
]) =>
_lock.run(() => _syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb(onDevice, excludedAssets));
/// returns all Asset IDs that are not contained in the existing list
List<int> sharedAssetsToRemove(
List<Asset> deleteCandidates,
List<Asset> existing,
) {
if (deleteCandidates.isEmpty) {
return [];
return _diffAssets(existing, deleteCandidates, compare: Asset.compareById)
.map((e) => e.id)
/// Syncs a new asset to the db. Returns `true` if successful
Future<bool> syncNewAssetToDb(Asset newAsset) =>
_lock.run(() => _syncNewAssetToDb(newAsset));
Future<bool> removeAllLocalAlbumsAndAssets() =>
// private methods:
/// Syncs users from the server to the local database
/// Returns `true`if there were any changes
Future<bool> _syncUsersFromServer(List<User> users) async {
users.sortBy((u) => u.id);
final dbUsers = await _userRepository.getAll(sortBy: UserSort.id);
final List<int> toDelete = [];
final List<User> toUpsert = [];
final changes = diffSortedListsSync(
compare: (User a, User b) => a.id.compareTo(b.id),
both: (User a, User b) {
if (!a.updatedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(b.updatedAt) ||
a.isPartnerSharedBy != b.isPartnerSharedBy ||
a.isPartnerSharedWith != b.isPartnerSharedWith ||
a.inTimeline != b.inTimeline) {
return true;
return false;
onlyFirst: (User a) => toUpsert.add(a),
onlySecond: (User b) => toDelete.add(b.isarId),
if (changes) {
await _userRepository.transaction(() async {
await _userRepository.deleteById(toDelete);
await _userRepository.upsertAll(toUpsert);
return changes;
/// Syncs a new asset to the db. Returns `true` if successful
Future<bool> _syncNewAssetToDb(Asset a) async {
final Asset? inDb =
await _assetRepository.getByOwnerIdChecksum(a.ownerId, a.checksum);
if (inDb != null) {
// unify local/remote assets by replacing the
// local-only asset in the DB with a local&remote asset
a = inDb.updatedCopy(a);
try {
await _assetRepository.update(a);
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to put new asset into db", e);
return false;
return true;
/// Efficiently syncs assets via changes. Returns `null` when a full sync is required.
Future<bool?> _syncRemoteAssetChanges(
List<User> users,
Future<(List<Asset>? toUpsert, List<String>? toDelete)> Function(
List<User> users,
DateTime since,
) getChangedAssets,
) async {
final currentUser = await _userRepository.me();
final DateTime? since =
(await _eTagRepository.get(currentUser.isarId))?.time?.toUtc();
if (since == null) return null;
final DateTime now = DateTime.now();
final (toUpsert, toDelete) = await getChangedAssets(users, since);
if (toUpsert == null || toDelete == null) {
await _clearUserAssetsETag(users);
return null;
try {
if (toDelete.isNotEmpty) {
await handleRemoteAssetRemoval(toDelete);
if (toUpsert.isNotEmpty) {
final (_, updated) = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(toUpsert);
await upsertAssetsWithExif(updated);
if (toUpsert.isNotEmpty || toDelete.isNotEmpty) {
await _updateUserAssetsETag(users, now);
return true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to sync remote assets to db", e);
return null;
/// Deletes remote-only assets, updates merged assets to be local-only
Future<void> handleRemoteAssetRemoval(List<String> idsToDelete) {
return _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.deleteAllByRemoteId(
state: AssetState.remote,
final merged = await _assetRepository.getAllByRemoteId(
state: AssetState.merged,
if (merged.isEmpty) return;
for (final Asset asset in merged) {
asset.remoteId = null;
asset.isTrashed = false;
await _assetRepository.updateAll(merged);
/// Syncs assets by loading and comparing all assets from the server.
Future<bool> _syncRemoteAssetsFull(
FutureOr<List<User>?> Function() refreshUsers,
FutureOr<List<Asset>?> Function(User user, DateTime until) loadAssets,
) async {
final serverUsers = await refreshUsers();
if (serverUsers == null) {
_log.warning("_syncRemoteAssetsFull aborted because user refresh failed");
return false;
await _syncUsersFromServer(serverUsers);
final List<User> users = await _userRepository.getAllAccessible();
bool changes = false;
for (User u in users) {
changes |= await _syncRemoteAssetsForUser(u, loadAssets);
return changes;
Future<bool> _syncRemoteAssetsForUser(
User user,
FutureOr<List<Asset>?> Function(User user, DateTime until) loadAssets,
) async {
final DateTime now = DateTime.now().toUtc();
final List<Asset>? remote = await loadAssets(user, now);
if (remote == null) {
return false;
final List<Asset> inDb = await _assetRepository.getAll(
ownerId: user.isarId,
sortBy: AssetSort.checksum,
assert(inDb.isSorted(Asset.compareByChecksum), "inDb not sorted!");
// filter our duplicates that might be introduced by the chunked retrieval
remote.uniqueConsecutive(compare: Asset.compareByChecksum);
final (toAdd, toUpdate, toRemove) = _diffAssets(remote, inDb, remote: true);
if (toAdd.isEmpty && toUpdate.isEmpty && toRemove.isEmpty) {
await _updateUserAssetsETag([user], now);
return false;
final idsToDelete = toRemove.map((e) => e.id).toList();
try {
await _assetRepository.deleteById(idsToDelete);
await upsertAssetsWithExif(toAdd + toUpdate);
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to sync remote assets to db", e);
await _updateUserAssetsETag([user], now);
return true;
Future<void> _updateUserAssetsETag(List<User> users, DateTime time) {
final etags = users.map((u) => ETag(id: u.id, time: time)).toList();
return _eTagRepository.upsertAll(etags);
Future<void> _clearUserAssetsETag(List<User> users) {
final ids = users.map((u) => u.id).toList();
return _eTagRepository.deleteByIds(ids);
/// Syncs remote albums to the database
/// returns `true` if there were any changes
Future<bool> _syncRemoteAlbumsToDb(
List<Album> remoteAlbums,
bool isShared,
) async {
remoteAlbums.sortBy((e) => e.remoteId!);
final User me = await _userRepository.me();
final List<Album> dbAlbums = await _albumRepository.getAll(
remote: true,
shared: isShared ? true : null,
ownerId: isShared ? null : me.isarId,
sortBy: AlbumSort.remoteId,
final List<Asset> toDelete = [];
final List<Asset> existing = [];
final bool changes = await diffSortedLists(
compare: (remoteAlbum, dbAlbum) =>
both: (remoteAlbum, dbAlbum) =>
_syncRemoteAlbum(remoteAlbum, dbAlbum, toDelete, existing),
onlyFirst: (remoteAlbum) => _addAlbumFromServer(remoteAlbum, existing),
onlySecond: (dbAlbum) => _removeAlbumFromDb(dbAlbum, toDelete),
if (isShared && toDelete.isNotEmpty) {
final List<int> idsToRemove = sharedAssetsToRemove(toDelete, existing);
if (idsToRemove.isNotEmpty) {
await _assetRepository.deleteById(idsToRemove);
} else {
return changes;
/// syncs albums from the server to the local database (does not support
/// syncing changes from local back to server)
/// accumulates
Future<bool> _syncRemoteAlbum(
Album dto,
Album album,
List<Asset> deleteCandidates,
List<Asset> existing,
) async {
if (!_hasRemoteAlbumChanged(dto, album)) {
return false;
// loadDetails (/api/album/:id) will not include lastModifiedAssetTimestamp,
// i.e. it will always be null. Save it here.
final originalDto = dto;
dto = await _albumApiRepository.get(dto.remoteId!);
final assetsInDb = await _assetRepository.getByAlbum(
sortBy: AssetSort.ownerIdChecksum,
assert(assetsInDb.isSorted(Asset.compareByOwnerChecksum), "inDb unsorted!");
final List<Asset> assetsOnRemote = dto.remoteAssets.toList();
final (toAdd, toUpdate, toUnlink) = _diffAssets(
compare: Asset.compareByOwnerChecksum,
// update shared users
final List<User> sharedUsers = album.sharedUsers.toList(growable: false);
sharedUsers.sort((a, b) => a.id.compareTo(b.id));
final List<User> users = dto.remoteUsers.toList()
..sort((a, b) => a.id.compareTo(b.id));
final List<String> userIdsToAdd = [];
final List<User> usersToUnlink = [];
compare: (User a, User b) => a.id.compareTo(b.id),
both: (a, b) => false,
onlyFirst: (User a) => userIdsToAdd.add(a.id),
onlySecond: (User a) => usersToUnlink.add(a),
// for shared album: put missing album assets into local DB
final (existingInDb, updated) = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(toAdd);
await upsertAssetsWithExif(updated);
final assetsToLink = existingInDb + updated;
final usersToLink = await _userRepository.getByIds(userIdsToAdd);
album.name = dto.name;
album.shared = dto.shared;
album.createdAt = dto.createdAt;
album.modifiedAt = dto.modifiedAt;
album.startDate = dto.startDate;
album.endDate = dto.endDate;
album.lastModifiedAssetTimestamp = originalDto.lastModifiedAssetTimestamp;
album.shared = dto.shared;
album.activityEnabled = dto.activityEnabled;
final remoteThumbnailAssetId = dto.remoteThumbnailAssetId;
if (remoteThumbnailAssetId != null &&
album.thumbnail.value?.remoteId != remoteThumbnailAssetId) {
album.thumbnail.value =
await _assetRepository.getByRemoteId(remoteThumbnailAssetId);
// write & commit all changes to DB
try {
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.updateAll(toUpdate);
await _albumRepository.addUsers(album, usersToLink);
await _albumRepository.removeUsers(album, usersToUnlink);
await _albumRepository.addAssets(album, assetsToLink);
await _albumRepository.removeAssets(album, toUnlink);
await _albumRepository.recalculateMetadata(album);
await _albumRepository.update(album);
_log.info("Synced changes of remote album ${album.name} to DB");
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to sync remote album to database", e);
if (album.shared || dto.shared) {
final userId = (await _userRepository.me()).isarId;
final foreign =
await _assetRepository.getByAlbum(album, notOwnedBy: [userId]);
// delete assets in DB unless they belong to this user or part of some other shared album
deleteCandidates.addAll(toUnlink.where((a) => a.ownerId != userId));
return true;
/// Adds a remote album to the database while making sure to add any foreign
/// (shared) assets to the database beforehand
/// accumulates assets already existing in the database
Future<void> _addAlbumFromServer(
Album album,
List<Asset> existing,
) async {
if (album.remoteAssetCount != album.remoteAssets.length) {
album = await _albumApiRepository.get(album.remoteId!);
if (album.remoteAssetCount == album.remoteAssets.length) {
// in case an album contains assets not yet present in local DB:
// put missing album assets into local DB
final (existingInDb, updated) =
await _linkWithExistingFromDb(album.remoteAssets.toList());
await upsertAssetsWithExif(updated);
await _entityService.fillAlbumWithDatabaseEntities(album);
await _albumRepository.create(album);
} else {
"Failed to add album from server: assetCount ${album.remoteAssetCount} != "
"asset array length ${album.remoteAssets.length} for album ${album.name}");
/// Accumulates all suitable album assets to the `deleteCandidates` and
/// removes the album from the database.
Future<void> _removeAlbumFromDb(
Album album,
List<Asset> deleteCandidates,
) async {
if (album.isLocal) {
_log.info("Removing local album $album from DB");
// delete assets in DB unless they are remote or part of some other album
await _assetRepository.getByAlbum(album, state: AssetState.local),
} else if (album.shared) {
// delete assets in DB unless they belong to this user or are part of some other shared album or belong to a partner
final userIds =
(await _userRepository.getAllAccessible()).map((user) => user.isarId);
final orphanedAssets =
await _assetRepository.getByAlbum(album, notOwnedBy: userIds);
try {
await _albumRepository.delete(album.id);
_log.info("Removed local album $album from DB");
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to remove local album $album from DB", e);
/// Syncs all device albums and their assets to the database
/// Returns `true` if there were any changes
Future<bool> _syncLocalAlbumAssetsToDb(
List<Album> onDevice, [
Set<String>? excludedAssets,
]) async {
onDevice.sort((a, b) => a.localId!.compareTo(b.localId!));
final inDb =
await _albumRepository.getAll(remote: false, sortBy: AlbumSort.localId);
final List<Asset> deleteCandidates = [];
final List<Asset> existing = [];
final bool anyChanges = await diffSortedLists(
compare: (Album a, Album b) => a.localId!.compareTo(b.localId!),
both: (Album a, Album b) => _syncAlbumInDbAndOnDevice(
onlyFirst: (Album a) => _addAlbumFromDevice(a, existing, excludedAssets),
onlySecond: (Album a) => _removeAlbumFromDb(a, deleteCandidates),
"Syncing all local albums almost done. Collected ${deleteCandidates.length} asset candidates to delete",
final (toDelete, toUpdate) =
_handleAssetRemoval(deleteCandidates, existing, remote: false);
"${toDelete.length} assets to delete, ${toUpdate.length} to update",
if (toDelete.isNotEmpty || toUpdate.isNotEmpty) {
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.deleteById(toDelete);
await _assetRepository.updateAll(toUpdate);
"Removed ${toDelete.length} and updated ${toUpdate.length} local assets from DB",
return anyChanges;
/// Syncs the device album to the album in the database
/// returns `true` if there were any changes
/// Accumulates asset candidates to delete and those already existing in DB
Future<bool> _syncAlbumInDbAndOnDevice(
Album deviceAlbum,
Album dbAlbum,
List<Asset> deleteCandidates,
List<Asset> existing, [
Set<String>? excludedAssets,
bool forceRefresh = false,
]) async {
if (!forceRefresh && !await _hasAlbumChangeOnDevice(deviceAlbum, dbAlbum)) {
"Local album ${deviceAlbum.name} has not changed. Skipping sync.",
return false;
if (!forceRefresh &&
excludedAssets == null &&
await _syncDeviceAlbumFast(deviceAlbum, dbAlbum)) {
return true;
// general case, e.g. some assets have been deleted or there are excluded albums on iOS
final inDb = await _assetRepository.getByAlbum(
ownerId: (await _userRepository.me()).isarId,
sortBy: AssetSort.checksum,
assert(inDb.isSorted(Asset.compareByChecksum), "inDb not sorted!");
final int assetCountOnDevice =
await _albumMediaRepository.getAssetCount(deviceAlbum.localId!);
final List<Asset> onDevice = await _hashService.getHashedAssets(
excludedAssets: excludedAssets,
// _removeDuplicates sorts `onDevice` by checksum
final (toAdd, toUpdate, toDelete) = _diffAssets(onDevice, inDb);
if (toAdd.isEmpty &&
toUpdate.isEmpty &&
toDelete.isEmpty &&
dbAlbum.name == deviceAlbum.name &&
dbAlbum.modifiedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(deviceAlbum.modifiedAt)) {
// changes only affeted excluded albums
"Only excluded assets in local album ${deviceAlbum.name} changed. Stopping sync.",
if (assetCountOnDevice !=
(await _eTagRepository.getById(deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount))
?.assetCount) {
await _eTagRepository.upsertAll([
id: deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount,
assetCount: assetCountOnDevice,
return false;
"Syncing local album ${deviceAlbum.name}. ${toAdd.length} assets to add, ${toUpdate.length} to update, ${toDelete.length} to delete",
final (existingInDb, updated) = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(toAdd);
"Linking assets to add with existing from db. ${existingInDb.length} existing, ${updated.length} to update",
dbAlbum.name = deviceAlbum.name;
dbAlbum.modifiedAt = deviceAlbum.modifiedAt;
if (dbAlbum.thumbnail.value != null &&
toDelete.contains(dbAlbum.thumbnail.value)) {
dbAlbum.thumbnail.value = null;
try {
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.updateAll(updated + toUpdate);
await _albumRepository.addAssets(dbAlbum, existingInDb + updated);
await _albumRepository.removeAssets(dbAlbum, toDelete);
await _albumRepository.recalculateMetadata(dbAlbum);
await _albumRepository.update(dbAlbum);
await _eTagRepository.upsertAll([
id: deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount,
assetCount: assetCountOnDevice,
_log.info("Synced changes of local album ${deviceAlbum.name} to DB");
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to update synced album ${deviceAlbum.name} in DB", e);
return true;
/// fast path for common case: only new assets were added to device album
/// returns `true` if successfull, else `false`
Future<bool> _syncDeviceAlbumFast(Album deviceAlbum, Album dbAlbum) async {
if (!deviceAlbum.modifiedAt.isAfter(dbAlbum.modifiedAt)) {
return false;
final int totalOnDevice =
await _albumMediaRepository.getAssetCount(deviceAlbum.localId!);
final int lastKnownTotal =
(await _eTagRepository.getById(deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount))
?.assetCount ??
if (totalOnDevice <= lastKnownTotal) {
return false;
final List<Asset> newAssets = await _hashService.getHashedAssets(
modifiedFrom: dbAlbum.modifiedAt.add(const Duration(seconds: 1)),
modifiedUntil: deviceAlbum.modifiedAt,
if (totalOnDevice != lastKnownTotal + newAssets.length) {
return false;
dbAlbum.modifiedAt = deviceAlbum.modifiedAt;
final (existingInDb, updated) = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(newAssets);
try {
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.updateAll(updated);
await _albumRepository.addAssets(dbAlbum, existingInDb + updated);
await _albumRepository.recalculateMetadata(dbAlbum);
await _albumRepository.update(dbAlbum);
await _eTagRepository.upsertAll(
[ETag(id: deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount, assetCount: totalOnDevice)],
_log.info("Fast synced local album ${deviceAlbum.name} to DB");
} catch (e) {
"Failed to fast sync local album ${deviceAlbum.name} to DB",
return false;
return true;
/// Adds a new album from the device to the database and Accumulates all
/// assets already existing in the database to the list of `existing` assets
Future<void> _addAlbumFromDevice(
Album album,
List<Asset> existing, [
Set<String>? excludedAssets,
]) async {
_log.info("Syncing a new local album to DB: ${album.name}");
final assets = await _hashService.getHashedAssets(
excludedAssets: excludedAssets,
final (existingInDb, updated) = await _linkWithExistingFromDb(assets);
"${existingInDb.length} assets already existed in DB, to upsert ${updated.length}",
await upsertAssetsWithExif(updated);
final thumb = existingInDb.firstOrNull ?? updated.firstOrNull;
album.thumbnail.value = thumb;
try {
await _albumRepository.create(album);
_log.info("Added a new local album to DB: ${album.name}");
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to add new local album ${album.name} to DB", e);
/// Returns a tuple (existing, updated)
Future<(List<Asset> existing, List<Asset> updated)> _linkWithExistingFromDb(
List<Asset> assets,
) async {
if (assets.isEmpty) return ([].cast<Asset>(), [].cast<Asset>());
final List<Asset?> inDb = await _assetRepository.getAllByOwnerIdChecksum(
assets.map((a) => a.ownerId).toInt64List(),
assets.map((a) => a.checksum).toList(growable: false),
assert(inDb.length == assets.length);
final List<Asset> existing = [], toUpsert = [];
for (int i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
final Asset? b = inDb[i];
if (b == null) {
if (b.canUpdate(assets[i])) {
final updated = b.updatedCopy(assets[i]);
} else {
assert(existing.length + toUpsert.length == assets.length);
return (existing, toUpsert);
/// Inserts or updates the assets in the database with their ExifInfo (if any)
Future<void> upsertAssetsWithExif(List<Asset> assets) async {
if (assets.isEmpty) return;
final exifInfos = assets.map((e) => e.exifInfo).nonNulls.toList();
try {
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.updateAll(assets);
for (final Asset added in assets) {
added.exifInfo?.id = added.id;
await _exifInfoRepository.updateAll(exifInfos);
_log.info("Upserted ${assets.length} assets into the DB");
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to upsert ${assets.length} assets into the DB", e);
// give details on the errors
final inDb = await _assetRepository.getAllByOwnerIdChecksum(
assets.map((e) => e.ownerId).toInt64List(),
assets.map((e) => e.checksum).toList(growable: false),
for (int i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
final Asset a = assets[i];
final Asset? b = inDb[i];
if (b == null) {
if (!a.isInDb) {
"Trying to update an asset that does not exist in DB:\n$a",
} else if (a.id != b.id) {
"Trying to insert another asset with the same checksum+owner. In DB:\n$b\nTo insert:\n$a",
for (int i = 1; i < assets.length; i++) {
if (Asset.compareByOwnerChecksum(assets[i - 1], assets[i]) == 0) {
"Trying to insert duplicate assets:\n${assets[i - 1]}\n${assets[i]}",
List<Asset> _removeDuplicates(List<Asset> assets) {
final int before = assets.length;
compare: Asset.compareByOwnerChecksum,
onDuplicate: (a, b) =>
_log.info("Ignoring duplicate assets on device:\n$a\n$b"),
final int duplicates = before - assets.length;
if (duplicates > 0) {
_log.warning("Ignored $duplicates duplicate assets on device");
return assets;
/// returns `true` if the albums differ on the surface
Future<bool> _hasAlbumChangeOnDevice(
Album deviceAlbum,
Album dbAlbum,
) async {
return deviceAlbum.name != dbAlbum.name ||
!deviceAlbum.modifiedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(dbAlbum.modifiedAt) ||
await _albumMediaRepository.getAssetCount(deviceAlbum.localId!) !=
(await _eTagRepository.getById(deviceAlbum.eTagKeyAssetCount))
Future<bool> _removeAllLocalAlbumsAndAssets() async {
try {
final assets = await _assetRepository.getAllLocal();
final (toDelete, toUpdate) =
_handleAssetRemoval(assets, [], remote: false);
await _assetRepository.transaction(() async {
await _assetRepository.deleteById(toDelete);
await _assetRepository.updateAll(toUpdate);
await _albumRepository.deleteAllLocal();
return true;
} catch (e) {
_log.severe("Failed to remove all local albums and assets", e);
return false;
/// Returns a triple(toAdd, toUpdate, toRemove)
(List<Asset> toAdd, List<Asset> toUpdate, List<Asset> toRemove) _diffAssets(
List<Asset> assets,
List<Asset> inDb, {
bool? remote,
int Function(Asset, Asset) compare = Asset.compareByChecksum,
}) {
// fast paths for trivial cases: reduces memory usage during initial sync etc.
if (assets.isEmpty && inDb.isEmpty) {
return const ([], [], []);
} else if (assets.isEmpty && remote == null) {
// remove all from database
return (const [], const [], inDb);
} else if (inDb.isEmpty) {
// add all assets
return (assets, const [], const []);
final List<Asset> toAdd = [];
final List<Asset> toUpdate = [];
final List<Asset> toRemove = [];
compare: compare,
both: (Asset a, Asset b) {
if (a.canUpdate(b)) {
return true;
return false;
onlyFirst: (Asset a) {
if (remote == true && a.isLocal) {
if (a.remoteId != null) {
a.remoteId = null;
} else if (remote == false && a.isRemote) {
if (a.isLocal) {
a.localId = null;
} else {
onlySecond: (Asset b) => toAdd.add(b),
return (toAdd, toUpdate, toRemove);
/// returns a tuple (toDelete toUpdate) when assets are to be deleted
(List<int> toDelete, List<Asset> toUpdate) _handleAssetRemoval(
List<Asset> deleteCandidates,
List<Asset> existing, {
bool? remote,
}) {
if (deleteCandidates.isEmpty) {
return const ([], []);
deleteCandidates.uniqueConsecutive(compare: Asset.compareById);
existing.uniqueConsecutive(compare: Asset.compareById);
final (tooAdd, toUpdate, toRemove) = _diffAssets(
compare: Asset.compareById,
remote: remote,
assert(tooAdd.isEmpty, "toAdd should be empty in _handleAssetRemoval");
return (toRemove.map((e) => e.id).toList(), toUpdate);
/// returns `true` if the albums differ on the surface
bool _hasRemoteAlbumChanged(Album remoteAlbum, Album dbAlbum) {
return remoteAlbum.remoteAssetCount != dbAlbum.assetCount ||
remoteAlbum.name != dbAlbum.name ||
remoteAlbum.remoteThumbnailAssetId != dbAlbum.thumbnail.value?.remoteId ||
remoteAlbum.shared != dbAlbum.shared ||
remoteAlbum.remoteUsers.length != dbAlbum.sharedUsers.length ||
!remoteAlbum.modifiedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(dbAlbum.modifiedAt) ||
!isAtSameMomentAs(remoteAlbum.startDate, dbAlbum.startDate) ||
!isAtSameMomentAs(remoteAlbum.endDate, dbAlbum.endDate) ||