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mirror of https://github.com/immich-app/immich.git synced 2025-01-22 11:42:46 +01:00
Alex Phillips 7c1dae918d
feat(server): xmp sidecar metadata (#2466)
* initial commit for XMP sidecar support

* Added support for 'missing' metadata files to include those without sidecar files, now detects sidecar files in the filesystem for media already ingested but the sidecar was created afterwards

* didn't mean to commit default log level during testing

* new sidecar logic for video metadata as well

* Added xml mimetype for sidecars only

* don't need capture group for this regex

* wrong default value reverted

* simplified the move here - keep it in the same try catch since the outcome is to move the media back anyway

* simplified setter logic

Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com>

* simplified logic per suggestions

* sidecar is now its own queue with a discover and sync, updated UI for the new job queueing

* queue a sidecar job for every asset based on discovery or sync, though the logic is almost identical aside from linking the sidecar

* now queue sidecar jobs for each assset, though logic is mostly the same between discovery and sync

* simplified logic of filename extraction and asset instantiation

* not sure how that got deleted..

* updated code per suggestions and comments in the PR

* stat was not being used, removed the variable set

* better type checking, using in-scope variables for exif getter instead of passing in every time

* removed commented out test

* ran and resolved all lints, formats, checks, and tests

* resolved suggested change in PR

* made getExifProperty more dynamic with multiple possible args for fallbacks, fixed typo, used generic in function  for better type checking

* better error handling and moving files back to positions on move or save failure

* regenerated api

* format fixes

* Added XMP documentation

* documentation typo

* Merged in main

* missed merge conflict

* more changes due to a merge

* Resolving conflicts

* added icon for sidecar jobs


Co-authored-by: Jason Rasmussen <jrasm91@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
2023-05-24 20:59:30 -05:00

109 lines
3.9 KiB

// @dart=2.12
// ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import
// ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
part of openapi.api;
class JobName {
/// Instantiate a new enum with the provided [value].
const JobName._(this.value);
/// The underlying value of this enum member.
final String value;
String toString() => value;
String toJson() => value;
static const thumbnailGenerationQueue = JobName._(r'thumbnail-generation-queue');
static const metadataExtractionQueue = JobName._(r'metadata-extraction-queue');
static const videoConversionQueue = JobName._(r'video-conversion-queue');
static const objectTaggingQueue = JobName._(r'object-tagging-queue');
static const recognizeFacesQueue = JobName._(r'recognize-faces-queue');
static const clipEncodingQueue = JobName._(r'clip-encoding-queue');
static const backgroundTaskQueue = JobName._(r'background-task-queue');
static const storageTemplateMigrationQueue = JobName._(r'storage-template-migration-queue');
static const searchQueue = JobName._(r'search-queue');
static const sidecarQueue = JobName._(r'sidecar-queue');
/// List of all possible values in this [enum][JobName].
static const values = <JobName>[
static JobName? fromJson(dynamic value) => JobNameTypeTransformer().decode(value);
static List<JobName>? listFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false,}) {
final result = <JobName>[];
if (json is List && json.isNotEmpty) {
for (final row in json) {
final value = JobName.fromJson(row);
if (value != null) {
return result.toList(growable: growable);
/// Transformation class that can [encode] an instance of [JobName] to String,
/// and [decode] dynamic data back to [JobName].
class JobNameTypeTransformer {
factory JobNameTypeTransformer() => _instance ??= const JobNameTypeTransformer._();
const JobNameTypeTransformer._();
String encode(JobName data) => data.value;
/// Decodes a [dynamic value][data] to a JobName.
/// If [allowNull] is true and the [dynamic value][data] cannot be decoded successfully,
/// then null is returned. However, if [allowNull] is false and the [dynamic value][data]
/// cannot be decoded successfully, then an [UnimplementedError] is thrown.
/// The [allowNull] is very handy when an API changes and a new enum value is added or removed,
/// and users are still using an old app with the old code.
JobName? decode(dynamic data, {bool allowNull = true}) {
if (data != null) {
switch (data) {
case r'thumbnail-generation-queue': return JobName.thumbnailGenerationQueue;
case r'metadata-extraction-queue': return JobName.metadataExtractionQueue;
case r'video-conversion-queue': return JobName.videoConversionQueue;
case r'object-tagging-queue': return JobName.objectTaggingQueue;
case r'recognize-faces-queue': return JobName.recognizeFacesQueue;
case r'clip-encoding-queue': return JobName.clipEncodingQueue;
case r'background-task-queue': return JobName.backgroundTaskQueue;
case r'storage-template-migration-queue': return JobName.storageTemplateMigrationQueue;
case r'search-queue': return JobName.searchQueue;
case r'sidecar-queue': return JobName.sidecarQueue;
if (!allowNull) {
throw ArgumentError('Unknown enum value to decode: $data');
return null;
/// Singleton [JobNameTypeTransformer] instance.
static JobNameTypeTransformer? _instance;