mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00

* fix: add correct relations to asset typeorm entity * fix: add missing createdAt column to asset entity * ci: run check to make sure generated API is up-to-date * ci: cancel workflows that aren't for the latest commit in a branch * chore: add fvm config for flutter
130 lines
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130 lines
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import { APP_UPLOAD_LOCATION } from '@app/common';
import { AssetEntity, AssetType } from '@app/infra';
import { WebpGeneratorProcessor, JpegGeneratorProcessor, QueueName, JobName } from '@app/domain';
import { InjectQueue, Process, Processor } from '@nestjs/bull';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { mapAsset } from '@app/domain';
import { Job, Queue } from 'bull';
import ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg';
import { existsSync, mkdirSync } from 'node:fs';
import sanitize from 'sanitize-filename';
import sharp from 'sharp';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm/repository/Repository';
import { join } from 'path';
import { CommunicationGateway } from 'apps/immich/src/api-v1/communication/communication.gateway';
import { IMachineLearningJob } from '@app/domain';
import { exiftool } from 'exiftool-vendored';
export class ThumbnailGeneratorProcessor {
readonly logger: Logger = new Logger(ThumbnailGeneratorProcessor.name);
private assetRepository: Repository<AssetEntity>,
private thumbnailGeneratorQueue: Queue,
private wsCommunicationGateway: CommunicationGateway,
private machineLearningQueue: Queue<IMachineLearningJob>,
) {}
@Process({ name: JobName.GENERATE_JPEG_THUMBNAIL, concurrency: 3 })
async generateJPEGThumbnail(job: Job<JpegGeneratorProcessor>) {
const basePath = APP_UPLOAD_LOCATION;
const { asset } = job.data;
const sanitizedDeviceId = sanitize(String(asset.deviceId));
const resizePath = join(basePath, asset.ownerId, 'thumb', sanitizedDeviceId);
if (!existsSync(resizePath)) {
mkdirSync(resizePath, { recursive: true });
const jpegThumbnailPath = join(resizePath, `${asset.id}.jpeg`);
if (asset.type == AssetType.IMAGE) {
try {
await sharp(asset.originalPath, { failOnError: false })
.resize(1440, 1440, { fit: 'outside', withoutEnlargement: true })
.catch(() => {
'Failed to generate jpeg thumbnail for asset: ' +
asset.id +
' using sharp, failing over to exiftool-vendored',
return exiftool.extractThumbnail(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath);
await this.assetRepository.update({ id: asset.id }, { resizePath: jpegThumbnailPath });
} catch (error: any) {
this.logger.error('Failed to generate jpeg thumbnail for asset: ' + asset.id, error.stack);
// Update resize path to send to generate webp queue
asset.resizePath = jpegThumbnailPath;
await this.thumbnailGeneratorQueue.add(JobName.GENERATE_WEBP_THUMBNAIL, { asset });
await this.machineLearningQueue.add(JobName.IMAGE_TAGGING, { asset });
await this.machineLearningQueue.add(JobName.OBJECT_DETECTION, { asset });
this.wsCommunicationGateway.server.to(asset.ownerId).emit('on_upload_success', JSON.stringify(mapAsset(asset)));
if (asset.type == AssetType.VIDEO) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.outputOptions(['-ss 00:00:00.000', '-frames:v 1'])
.on('start', () => {
Logger.log('Start Generating Video Thumbnail', 'generateJPEGThumbnail');
.on('error', (error) => {
Logger.error(`Cannot Generate Video Thumbnail ${error}`, 'generateJPEGThumbnail');
.on('end', async () => {
Logger.log(`Generating Video Thumbnail Success ${asset.id}`, 'generateJPEGThumbnail');
await this.assetRepository.update({ id: asset.id }, { resizePath: jpegThumbnailPath });
// Update resize path to send to generate webp queue
asset.resizePath = jpegThumbnailPath;
await this.thumbnailGeneratorQueue.add(JobName.GENERATE_WEBP_THUMBNAIL, { asset });
await this.machineLearningQueue.add(JobName.IMAGE_TAGGING, { asset });
await this.machineLearningQueue.add(JobName.OBJECT_DETECTION, { asset });
this.wsCommunicationGateway.server.to(asset.ownerId).emit('on_upload_success', JSON.stringify(mapAsset(asset)));
@Process({ name: JobName.GENERATE_WEBP_THUMBNAIL, concurrency: 3 })
async generateWepbThumbnail(job: Job<WebpGeneratorProcessor>) {
const { asset } = job.data;
if (!asset.resizePath) {
const webpPath = asset.resizePath.replace('jpeg', 'webp');
try {
await sharp(asset.resizePath, { failOnError: false }).resize(250).webp().rotate().toFile(webpPath);
await this.assetRepository.update({ id: asset.id }, { webpPath: webpPath });
} catch (error: any) {
this.logger.error('Failed to generate webp thumbnail for asset: ' + asset.id, error.stack);