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synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
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import { IJobRepository, IMediaRepository, JobItem, JobItemHandler, QueueName } from '@app/domain';
import { AppModule } from '@app/immich';
import { InfraModule, InfraTestModule, dataSource } from '@app/infra';
import { MediaRepository } from '@app/infra/repositories';
import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import { Server } from 'node:tls';
import { EntityTarget, ObjectLiteral } from 'typeorm';
import { AppService } from '../../src/microservices/app.service';
export const IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_PATH = process.env.IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_PATH as string;
export const IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_TEMP_PATH = path.normalize(`${IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_PATH}/temp/`);
export const today = DateTime.fromObject({ year: 2023, month: 11, day: 3 });
export const yesterday = today.minus({ days: 1 });
export interface ResetOptions {
entities?: EntityTarget<ObjectLiteral>[];
export const db = {
reset: async (options?: ResetOptions) => {
if (!dataSource.isInitialized) {
await dataSource.initialize();
await dataSource.transaction(async (em) => {
const entities = options?.entities || [];
const tableNames =
entities.length > 0
? entities.map((entity) => em.getRepository(entity).metadata.tableName)
: dataSource.entityMetadatas
.map((entity) => entity.tableName)
.filter((tableName) => !tableName.startsWith('geodata'));
let deleteUsers = false;
for (const tableName of tableNames) {
if (tableName === 'users') {
deleteUsers = true;
await em.query(`DELETE FROM ${tableName} CASCADE;`);
if (deleteUsers) {
await em.query(`DELETE FROM "users" CASCADE;`);
disconnect: async () => {
if (dataSource.isInitialized) {
await dataSource.destroy();
class JobMock implements IJobRepository {
private _handler: JobItemHandler = () => Promise.resolve();
addHandler(_queueName: QueueName, _concurrency: number, handler: JobItemHandler) {
this._handler = handler;
addCronJob() {}
updateCronJob() {}
deleteCronJob() {}
validateCronExpression() {}
queue(item: JobItem) {
return this._handler(item);
queueAll(items: JobItem[]) {
return Promise.all(items.map(this._handler)).then(() => Promise.resolve());
async resume() {}
async empty() {}
async setConcurrency() {}
async getQueueStatus() {
return null as any;
async getJobCounts() {
return null as any;
async pause() {}
async clear() {
return [];
async waitForQueueCompletion() {}
class MediaMockRepository extends MediaRepository {
async generateThumbhash() {
return Buffer.from('mock-thumbhash');
let app: INestApplication;
export const testApp = {
create: async (): Promise<INestApplication> => {
const moduleFixture = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [AppModule], providers: [AppService] })
app = await moduleFixture.createNestApplication().init();
await app.listen(0);
await app.get(AppService).init();
const port = app.getHttpServer().address().port;
const protocol = app instanceof Server ? 'https' : 'http';
process.env.IMMICH_INSTANCE_URL = protocol + '://' + port;
return app;
reset: async (options?: ResetOptions) => {
await app.get(AppService).init();
await db.reset(options);
teardown: async () => {
if (app) {
await app.get(AppService).teardown();
await app.close();
await db.disconnect();
const directoryExists = async (dirPath: string) =>
await fs.promises
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false);
export async function restoreTempFolder(): Promise<void> {
if (await directoryExists(`${IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_TEMP_PATH}`)) {
// Temp directory exists, delete all files inside it
await fs.promises.rm(IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_TEMP_PATH, { recursive: true });
// Create temp folder
await fs.promises.mkdir(IMMICH_TEST_ASSET_TEMP_PATH);