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synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00

* New features - Share album. Users can now create albums to share with existing people on the network. - Owner can delete the album. - Owner can invite the additional users to the album. - Shared users and the owner can add additional assets to the album. * In the asset viewer, the user can swipe up to see detailed information and swip down to dismiss. * Several UI enhancements.
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127 lines
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import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/asset.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/immich_asset.model.dart';
import 'package:socket_io_client/socket_io_client.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/login/providers/authentication.provider.dart';
class WebscoketState {
final Socket? socket;
final bool isConnected;
required this.isConnected,
WebscoketState copyWith({
Socket? socket,
bool? isConnected,
}) {
return WebscoketState(
socket: socket ?? this.socket,
isConnected: isConnected ?? this.isConnected,
String toString() => 'WebscoketState(socket: $socket, isConnected: $isConnected)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is WebscoketState && other.socket == socket && other.isConnected == isConnected;
int get hashCode => socket.hashCode ^ isConnected.hashCode;
class WebsocketNotifier extends StateNotifier<WebscoketState> {
WebsocketNotifier(this.ref) : super(WebscoketState(socket: null, isConnected: false)) {
debugPrint("Init websocket instance");
final Ref ref;
connect() {
var authenticationState = ref.read(authenticationProvider);
if (authenticationState.isAuthenticated) {
var accessToken = Hive.box(userInfoBox).get(accessTokenKey);
var endpoint = Hive.box(userInfoBox).get(serverEndpointKey);
try {
debugPrint("[WEBSOCKET] Attempting to connect to ws");
// Configure socket transports must be sepecified
Socket socket = io(
.setExtraHeaders({"Authorization": "Bearer $accessToken"})
socket.onConnect((_) {
debugPrint("[WEBSOCKET] Established Websocket Connection");
state = WebscoketState(isConnected: true, socket: socket);
socket.onDisconnect((_) {
debugPrint("[WEBSOCKET] Disconnect to Websocket Connection");
state = WebscoketState(isConnected: false, socket: null);
socket.on('error', (errorMessage) {
debugPrint("Webcoket Error - $errorMessage");
state = WebscoketState(isConnected: false, socket: null);
socket.on('on_upload_success', (data) {
var jsonString = jsonDecode(data.toString());
ImmichAsset newAsset = ImmichAsset.fromMap(jsonString);
} catch (e) {
debugPrint("[WEBSOCKET] Catch Websocket Error - ${e.toString()}");
disconnect() {
debugPrint("[WEBSOCKET] Attempting to disconnect");
var socket = state.socket?.disconnect();
if (socket != null) {
if (socket.disconnected) {
state = WebscoketState(isConnected: false, socket: null);
stopListenToEvent(String eventName) {
debugPrint("[Websocket] Stop listening to event $eventName");
listenUploadEvent() {
debugPrint("[Websocket] Start listening to event on_upload_success");
state.socket?.on('on_upload_success', (data) {
var jsonString = jsonDecode(data.toString());
ImmichAsset newAsset = ImmichAsset.fromMap(jsonString);
final websocketProvider = StateNotifierProvider<WebsocketNotifier, WebscoketState>((ref) {
return WebsocketNotifier(ref);