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mirror of https://github.com/immich-app/immich.git synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
Jaime Baez c918f5b001
Set TypeScript to strict mode and fix issues related to server types (#261)
* Fix lint issues and some other TS issues

- set TypeScript in strict mode
- add npm commands to lint / check code
- fix all lint issues
- fix some TS issues
- rename User reponse DTO to make it consistent with the other ones
- override Express/User interface to use UserResponseDto interface
 This is for when the accessing the `user` from a Express Request,
 like in `asset-upload-config`

* Fix the rest of TS issues

- fix all the remaining TypeScript errors
- add missing `@types/mapbox__mapbox-sdk` package

* Move global.d.ts to server `src` folder

* Update AssetReponseDto duration type

This is now of type `string` that defaults to '0:00:00.00000' if not set
which is what the mobile app currently expects

* Set context when logging error in asset.service

Use `ServeFile` as the context for logging an error when
asset.resizePath is not set

* Fix wrong AppController merge conflict resolution

`redirectToWebpage` was removed in main as is no longer used.
2022-06-25 12:53:06 -05:00

126 lines
3.8 KiB

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"@app/database/config/(.*)": "<rootDir>/libs/database/src/config/$1",
"@app/database/config": "<rootDir>/libs/database/src/config"