Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/immich-app/immich.git synced 2025-03-01 15:11:21 +01:00
2024-04-20 15:15:25 -05:00

411 lines
14 KiB

import {
} from '@nestjs/common';
import { isNumber, isString } from 'class-validator';
import cookieParser from 'cookie';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'node:http';
import { ClientMetadata, Issuer, UserinfoResponse, custom, generators } from 'openid-client';
import { AuthType, LOGIN_URL, MOBILE_REDIRECT } from 'src/constants';
import { AccessCore } from 'src/cores/access.core';
import { SystemConfigCore } from 'src/cores/system-config.core';
import { UserCore } from 'src/cores/user.core';
import {
} from 'src/dtos/auth.dto';
import { UserResponseDto, mapUser } from 'src/dtos/user.dto';
import { SystemConfig } from 'src/entities/system-config.entity';
import { UserEntity } from 'src/entities/user.entity';
import { IAccessRepository } from 'src/interfaces/access.interface';
import { IKeyRepository } from 'src/interfaces/api-key.interface';
import { ICryptoRepository } from 'src/interfaces/crypto.interface';
import { ILibraryRepository } from 'src/interfaces/library.interface';
import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface';
import { ISessionRepository } from 'src/interfaces/session.interface';
import { ISharedLinkRepository } from 'src/interfaces/shared-link.interface';
import { ISystemConfigRepository } from 'src/interfaces/system-config.interface';
import { IUserRepository } from 'src/interfaces/user.interface';
import { HumanReadableSize } from 'src/utils/bytes';
export interface LoginDetails {
isSecure: boolean;
clientIp: string;
deviceType: string;
deviceOS: string;
interface OAuthProfile extends UserinfoResponse {
email: string;
interface ClaimOptions<T> {
key: string;
default: T;
isValid: (value: unknown) => boolean;
export class AuthService {
private access: AccessCore;
private configCore: SystemConfigCore;
private userCore: UserCore;
@Inject(IAccessRepository) accessRepository: IAccessRepository,
@Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository,
@Inject(ISystemConfigRepository) configRepository: ISystemConfigRepository,
@Inject(ILibraryRepository) libraryRepository: ILibraryRepository,
@Inject(ILoggerRepository) private logger: ILoggerRepository,
@Inject(IUserRepository) private userRepository: IUserRepository,
@Inject(ISessionRepository) private sessionRepository: ISessionRepository,
@Inject(ISharedLinkRepository) private sharedLinkRepository: ISharedLinkRepository,
@Inject(IKeyRepository) private keyRepository: IKeyRepository,
) {
this.access = AccessCore.create(accessRepository);
this.configCore = SystemConfigCore.create(configRepository, logger);
this.userCore = UserCore.create(cryptoRepository, libraryRepository, userRepository);
custom.setHttpOptionsDefaults({ timeout: 30_000 });
async login(dto: LoginCredentialDto, details: LoginDetails) {
const config = await this.configCore.getConfig();
if (!config.passwordLogin.enabled) {
throw new UnauthorizedException('Password login has been disabled');
let user = await this.userRepository.getByEmail(dto.email, true);
if (user) {
const isAuthenticated = this.validatePassword(dto.password, user);
if (!isAuthenticated) {
user = null;
if (!user) {
this.logger.warn(`Failed login attempt for user ${dto.email} from ip address ${details.clientIp}`);
throw new UnauthorizedException('Incorrect email or password');
return this.createLoginResponse(user, details);
async logout(auth: AuthDto, authType: AuthType): Promise<LogoutResponseDto> {
if (auth.session) {
await this.sessionRepository.delete(auth.session.id);
return {
successful: true,
redirectUri: await this.getLogoutEndpoint(authType),
async changePassword(auth: AuthDto, dto: ChangePasswordDto) {
const { password, newPassword } = dto;
const user = await this.userRepository.getByEmail(auth.user.email, true);
if (!user) {
throw new UnauthorizedException();
const valid = this.validatePassword(password, user);
if (!valid) {
throw new BadRequestException('Wrong password');
return this.userCore.updateUser(auth.user, auth.user.id, { password: newPassword });
async adminSignUp(dto: SignUpDto): Promise<UserResponseDto> {
const adminUser = await this.userRepository.getAdmin();
if (adminUser) {
throw new BadRequestException('The server already has an admin');
const admin = await this.userCore.createUser({
isAdmin: true,
email: dto.email,
name: dto.name,
password: dto.password,
storageLabel: 'admin',
return mapUser(admin);
async validate(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders, params: Record<string, string>): Promise<AuthDto> {
const shareKey = (headers[ImmichHeader.SHARED_LINK_TOKEN] || params.key) as string;
const session = (headers[ImmichHeader.USER_TOKEN] ||
headers[ImmichHeader.SESSION_TOKEN] ||
params.sessionKey ||
this.getBearerToken(headers) ||
this.getCookieToken(headers)) as string;
const apiKey = (headers[ImmichHeader.API_KEY] || params.apiKey) as string;
if (shareKey) {
return this.validateSharedLink(shareKey);
if (session) {
return this.validateSession(session);
if (apiKey) {
return this.validateApiKey(apiKey);
throw new UnauthorizedException('Authentication required');
getMobileRedirect(url: string) {
return `${MOBILE_REDIRECT}?${url.split('?')[1] || ''}`;
async authorize(dto: OAuthConfigDto): Promise<OAuthAuthorizeResponseDto> {
const config = await this.configCore.getConfig();
if (!config.oauth.enabled) {
throw new BadRequestException('OAuth is not enabled');
const client = await this.getOAuthClient(config);
const url = client.authorizationUrl({
redirect_uri: this.normalize(config, dto.redirectUri),
scope: config.oauth.scope,
state: generators.state(),
return { url };
async callback(dto: OAuthCallbackDto, loginDetails: LoginDetails) {
const config = await this.configCore.getConfig();
const profile = await this.getOAuthProfile(config, dto.url);
this.logger.debug(`Logging in with OAuth: ${JSON.stringify(profile)}`);
let user = await this.userRepository.getByOAuthId(profile.sub);
// link existing user
if (!user) {
const emailUser = await this.userRepository.getByEmail(profile.email);
if (emailUser) {
user = await this.userRepository.update(emailUser.id, { oauthId: profile.sub });
const { autoRegister, defaultStorageQuota, storageLabelClaim, storageQuotaClaim } = config.oauth;
// register new user
if (!user) {
if (!autoRegister) {
`Unable to register ${profile.email}. To enable set OAuth Auto Register to true in admin settings.`,
throw new BadRequestException(`User does not exist and auto registering is disabled.`);
this.logger.log(`Registering new user: ${profile.email}/${profile.sub}`);
this.logger.verbose(`OAuth Profile: ${JSON.stringify(profile)}`);
const storageLabel = this.getClaim(profile, {
key: storageLabelClaim,
default: '',
isValid: isString,
const storageQuota = this.getClaim(profile, {
key: storageQuotaClaim,
default: defaultStorageQuota,
isValid: (value: unknown) => isNumber(value) && value >= 0,
const userName = profile.name ?? `${profile.given_name || ''} ${profile.family_name || ''}`;
user = await this.userCore.createUser({
name: userName,
email: profile.email,
oauthId: profile.sub,
quotaSizeInBytes: storageQuota * HumanReadableSize.GiB || null,
storageLabel: storageLabel || null,
return this.createLoginResponse(user, loginDetails);
async link(auth: AuthDto, dto: OAuthCallbackDto): Promise<UserResponseDto> {
const config = await this.configCore.getConfig();
const { sub: oauthId } = await this.getOAuthProfile(config, dto.url);
const duplicate = await this.userRepository.getByOAuthId(oauthId);
if (duplicate && duplicate.id !== auth.user.id) {
this.logger.warn(`OAuth link account failed: sub is already linked to another user (${duplicate.email}).`);
throw new BadRequestException('This OAuth account has already been linked to another user.');
return mapUser(await this.userRepository.update(auth.user.id, { oauthId }));
async unlink(auth: AuthDto): Promise<UserResponseDto> {
return mapUser(await this.userRepository.update(auth.user.id, { oauthId: '' }));
private async getLogoutEndpoint(authType: AuthType): Promise<string> {
if (authType !== AuthType.OAUTH) {
return LOGIN_URL;
const config = await this.configCore.getConfig();
if (!config.oauth.enabled) {
return LOGIN_URL;
const client = await this.getOAuthClient(config);
return client.issuer.metadata.end_session_endpoint || LOGIN_URL;
private async getOAuthProfile(config: SystemConfig, url: string): Promise<OAuthProfile> {
const redirectUri = this.normalize(config, url.split('?')[0]);
const client = await this.getOAuthClient(config);
const params = client.callbackParams(url);
try {
const tokens = await client.callback(redirectUri, params, { state: params.state });
return client.userinfo<OAuthProfile>(tokens.access_token || '');
} catch (error: Error | any) {
if (error.message.includes('unexpected JWT alg received')) {
'Algorithm mismatch. Make sure the signing algorithm is set correctly in the OAuth settings.',
'Or, that you have specified a signing key in your OAuth provider.',
].join(' '),
throw error;
private async getOAuthClient(config: SystemConfig) {
const { enabled, clientId, clientSecret, issuerUrl, signingAlgorithm } = config.oauth;
if (!enabled) {
throw new BadRequestException('OAuth2 is not enabled');
const metadata: ClientMetadata = {
client_id: clientId,
client_secret: clientSecret,
response_types: ['code'],
try {
const issuer = await Issuer.discover(issuerUrl);
metadata.id_token_signed_response_alg = signingAlgorithm;
return new issuer.Client(metadata);
} catch (error: any | AggregateError) {
this.logger.error(`Error in OAuth discovery: ${error}`, error?.stack, error?.errors);
throw new InternalServerErrorException(`Error in OAuth discovery: ${error}`, { cause: error });
private normalize(config: SystemConfig, redirectUri: string) {
const isMobile = redirectUri.startsWith(MOBILE_REDIRECT);
const { mobileRedirectUri, mobileOverrideEnabled } = config.oauth;
if (isMobile && mobileOverrideEnabled && mobileRedirectUri) {
return mobileRedirectUri;
return redirectUri;
private getBearerToken(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders): string | null {
const [type, token] = (headers.authorization || '').split(' ');
if (type.toLowerCase() === 'bearer') {
return token;
return null;
private getCookieToken(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders): string | null {
const cookies = cookieParser.parse(headers.cookie || '');
return cookies[ImmichCookie.ACCESS_TOKEN] || null;
async validateSharedLink(key: string | string[]): Promise<AuthDto> {
key = Array.isArray(key) ? key[0] : key;
const bytes = Buffer.from(key, key.length === 100 ? 'hex' : 'base64url');
const sharedLink = await this.sharedLinkRepository.getByKey(bytes);
if (sharedLink && (!sharedLink.expiresAt || new Date(sharedLink.expiresAt) > new Date())) {
const user = sharedLink.user;
if (user) {
return { user, sharedLink };
throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid share key');
private async validateApiKey(key: string): Promise<AuthDto> {
const hashedKey = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha256(key);
const apiKey = await this.keyRepository.getKey(hashedKey);
if (apiKey?.user) {
return { user: apiKey.user, apiKey };
throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid API key');
private validatePassword(inputPassword: string, user: UserEntity): boolean {
if (!user || !user.password) {
return false;
return this.cryptoRepository.compareBcrypt(inputPassword, user.password);
private async validateSession(tokenValue: string): Promise<AuthDto> {
const hashedToken = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha256(tokenValue);
const session = await this.sessionRepository.getByToken(hashedToken);
if (session?.user) {
const now = DateTime.now();
const updatedAt = DateTime.fromJSDate(session.updatedAt);
const diff = now.diff(updatedAt, ['hours']);
if (diff.hours > 1) {
await this.sessionRepository.update({ id: session.id, updatedAt: new Date() });
return { user: session.user, session: session };
throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid user token');
private async createLoginResponse(user: UserEntity, loginDetails: LoginDetails) {
const key = this.cryptoRepository.newPassword(32);
const token = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha256(key);
await this.sessionRepository.create({
deviceOS: loginDetails.deviceOS,
deviceType: loginDetails.deviceType,
return mapLoginResponse(user, key);
private getClaim<T>(profile: OAuthProfile, options: ClaimOptions<T>): T {
const value = profile[options.key as keyof OAuthProfile];
return options.isValid(value) ? (value as T) : options.default;