import { BadRequestException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AudioCodec, CQMode, Colorspace, ImageFormat, LogLevel, SystemConfig, ToneMapping, TranscodeHWAccel, TranscodePolicy, VideoCodec, defaults, } from 'src/config'; import { SystemMetadataKey } from 'src/entities/system-metadata.entity'; import { IEventRepository, ServerEvent } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface'; import { QueueName } from 'src/interfaces/job.interface'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { ISearchRepository } from 'src/interfaces/search.interface'; import { ISystemMetadataRepository } from 'src/interfaces/system-metadata.interface'; import { SystemConfigService } from 'src/services/system-config.service'; import { newEventRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/event.repository.mock'; import { newLoggerRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/logger.repository.mock'; import { newSystemMetadataRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/system-metadata.repository.mock'; import { DeepPartial } from 'typeorm'; import { Mocked } from 'vitest'; const partialConfig = { ffmpeg: { crf: 30 }, oauth: { autoLaunch: true }, trash: { days: 10 }, user: { deleteDelay: 15 }, } satisfies DeepPartial<SystemConfig>; const updatedConfig = Object.freeze<SystemConfig>({ job: { [QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.SMART_SEARCH]: { concurrency: 2 }, [QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.FACE_DETECTION]: { concurrency: 2 }, [QueueName.SEARCH]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.SIDECAR]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.LIBRARY]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.MIGRATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION]: { concurrency: 1 }, [QueueName.NOTIFICATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, }, ffmpeg: { crf: 30, threads: 0, preset: 'ultrafast', targetAudioCodec: AudioCodec.AAC, acceptedAudioCodecs: [AudioCodec.AAC, AudioCodec.MP3, AudioCodec.LIBOPUS], targetResolution: '720', targetVideoCodec: VideoCodec.H264, acceptedVideoCodecs: [VideoCodec.H264], maxBitrate: '0', bframes: -1, refs: 0, gopSize: 0, npl: 0, temporalAQ: false, cqMode: CQMode.AUTO, twoPass: false, preferredHwDevice: 'auto', transcode: TranscodePolicy.REQUIRED, accel: TranscodeHWAccel.DISABLED, accelDecode: false, tonemap: ToneMapping.HABLE, }, logging: { enabled: true, level: LogLevel.LOG, }, machineLearning: { enabled: true, url: 'http://immich-machine-learning:3003', clip: { enabled: true, modelName: 'ViT-B-32__openai', }, duplicateDetection: { enabled: true, maxDistance: 0.0155, }, facialRecognition: { enabled: true, modelName: 'buffalo_l', minScore: 0.7, maxDistance: 0.5, minFaces: 3, }, }, map: { enabled: true, lightStyle: '', darkStyle: '', }, reverseGeocoding: { enabled: true, }, oauth: { autoLaunch: true, autoRegister: true, buttonText: 'Login with OAuth', clientId: '', clientSecret: '', defaultStorageQuota: 0, enabled: false, issuerUrl: '', mobileOverrideEnabled: false, mobileRedirectUri: '', scope: 'openid email profile', signingAlgorithm: 'RS256', storageLabelClaim: 'preferred_username', storageQuotaClaim: 'immich_quota', }, passwordLogin: { enabled: true, }, server: { externalDomain: '', loginPageMessage: '', }, storageTemplate: { enabled: false, hashVerificationEnabled: true, template: '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', }, image: { thumbnailFormat: ImageFormat.WEBP, thumbnailSize: 250, previewFormat: ImageFormat.JPEG, previewSize: 1440, quality: 80, colorspace: Colorspace.P3, extractEmbedded: false, }, newVersionCheck: { enabled: true, }, trash: { enabled: true, days: 10, }, theme: { customCss: '', }, library: { scan: { enabled: true, cronExpression: '0 0 * * *', }, watch: { enabled: false, }, }, user: { deleteDelay: 15, }, notifications: { smtp: { enabled: false, from: '', replyTo: '', transport: { host: '', port: 587, username: '', password: '', ignoreCert: false, }, }, }, }); describe(, () => { let sut: SystemConfigService; let systemMock: Mocked<ISystemMetadataRepository>; let eventMock: Mocked<IEventRepository>; let loggerMock: Mocked<ILoggerRepository>; let smartInfoMock: Mocked<ISearchRepository>; beforeEach(() => { delete process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE; systemMock = newSystemMetadataRepositoryMock(); eventMock = newEventRepositoryMock(); loggerMock = newLoggerRepositoryMock(); sut = new SystemConfigService(systemMock, eventMock, loggerMock, smartInfoMock); }); it('should work', () => { expect(sut).toBeDefined(); }); describe('getDefaults', () => { it('should return the default config', () => { systemMock.get.mockResolvedValue(partialConfig); expect(sut.getDefaults()).toEqual(defaults); expect(systemMock.get).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('getConfig', () => { it('should return the default config', async () => { systemMock.get.mockResolvedValue({}); await expect(sut.getConfig()).resolves.toEqual(defaults); }); it('should merge the overrides', async () => { systemMock.get.mockResolvedValue({ ffmpeg: { crf: 30 }, oauth: { autoLaunch: true }, trash: { days: 10 }, user: { deleteDelay: 15 }, }); await expect(sut.getConfig()).resolves.toEqual(updatedConfig); }); it('should load the config from a json file', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify(partialConfig)); await expect(sut.getConfig()).resolves.toEqual(updatedConfig); expect(systemMock.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith('immich-config.json'); }); it('should log errors with the config file', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(`{ "ffmpeg2": true, "ffmpeg2": true }`); await expect(sut.getConfig()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); expect(systemMock.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith('immich-config.json'); expect(loggerMock.error).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(loggerMock.error.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual('Unable to load configuration file: immich-config.json'); expect(loggerMock.error.mock.calls[1][0].toString()).toEqual( expect.stringContaining('YAMLException: duplicated mapping key (1:20)'), ); }); it('should load the config from a yaml file', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.yaml'; const partialConfig = ` ffmpeg: crf: 30 oauth: autoLaunch: true trash: days: 10 user: deleteDelay: 15 `; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(partialConfig); await expect(sut.getConfig()).resolves.toEqual(updatedConfig); expect(systemMock.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith('immich-config.yaml'); }); it('should accept an empty configuration file', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify({})); await expect(sut.getConfig()).resolves.toEqual(defaults); expect(systemMock.readFile).toHaveBeenCalledWith('immich-config.json'); }); it('should allow underscores in the machine learning url', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; const partialConfig = { machineLearning: { url: 'immich_machine_learning' } }; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify(partialConfig)); const config = await sut.getConfig(); expect(config.machineLearning.url).toEqual('immich_machine_learning'); }); it('should warn for unknown options in yaml', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.yaml'; const partialConfig = ` unknownOption: true `; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(partialConfig); await sut.getConfig(); expect(loggerMock.warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); const tests = [ { should: 'validate numbers', config: { ffmpeg: { crf: 'not-a-number' } } }, { should: 'validate booleans', config: { oauth: { enabled: 'invalid' } } }, { should: 'validate enums', config: { ffmpeg: { transcode: 'unknown' } } }, { should: 'validate required oauth fields', config: { oauth: { enabled: true } } }, { should: 'warn for top level unknown options', warn: true, config: { unknownOption: true } }, { should: 'warn for nested unknown options', warn: true, config: { ffmpeg: { unknownOption: true } } }, ]; for (const test of tests) { it(`should ${test.should}`, async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify(test.config)); if (test.warn) { await sut.getConfig(); expect(loggerMock.warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); } else { await expect(sut.getConfig()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); } }); } }); describe('getStorageTemplateOptions', () => { it('should send back the datetime variables', () => { expect(sut.getStorageTemplateOptions()).toEqual({ dayOptions: ['d', 'dd'], hourOptions: ['h', 'hh', 'H', 'HH'], minuteOptions: ['m', 'mm'], monthOptions: ['M', 'MM', 'MMM', 'MMMM'], presetOptions: [ '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MMMM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MM}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MMM}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MMMM}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MM}}/{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{MMMM}}/{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}-{{MMM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}-{{MMMM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{WW}}/{{filename}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{assetId}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}/{{assetId}}', '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{WW}}/{{assetId}}', '{{album}}/{{filename}}', ], secondOptions: ['s', 'ss', 'SSS'], weekOptions: ['W', 'WW'], yearOptions: ['y', 'yy'], }); }); }); describe('updateConfig', () => { it('should update the config and emit client and server events', async () => { systemMock.get.mockResolvedValue(partialConfig); await expect(sut.updateConfig(updatedConfig)).resolves.toEqual(updatedConfig); expect(eventMock.clientBroadcast).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(eventMock.serverSend).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ServerEvent.CONFIG_UPDATE, null); expect(systemMock.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith(SystemMetadataKey.SYSTEM_CONFIG, partialConfig); }); it('should throw an error if a config file is in use', async () => { process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE = 'immich-config.json'; systemMock.readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify({})); await expect(sut.updateConfig(defaults)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(systemMock.set).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('getCustomCss', () => { it('should return the default theme', async () => { await expect(sut.getCustomCss()).resolves.toEqual(defaults.theme.customCss); }); }); });