import 'dart:math'; import 'package:auto_route/auto_route.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart'; import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart'; import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/asyncvalue_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/build_context_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/latlngbounds_extension.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/maplibrecontroller_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/models/map_event.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/models/map_marker.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/providers/map_marker.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/providers/map_state.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/utils/map_utils.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/widgets/map_app_bar.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/widgets/map_asset_grid.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/widgets/map_bottom_sheet.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/widgets/map_theme_override.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/map/widgets/positioned_asset_marker_icon.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/routing/router.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/asset.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/providers/db.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/ui/immich_toast.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/views/immich_loading_overlay.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/debounce.dart'; import 'package:maplibre_gl/maplibre_gl.dart'; @RoutePage() class MapPage extends HookConsumerWidget { const MapPage({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final mapController = useRef<MaplibreMapController?>(null); final markers = useRef<List<MapMarker>>([]); final markersInBounds = useRef<List<MapMarker>>([]); final bottomSheetStreamController = useStreamController<MapEvent>(); final selectedMarker = useValueNotifier<_AssetMarkerMeta?>(null); final assetsDebouncer = useDebouncer(); final isLoading = useProcessingOverlay(); final scrollController = useScrollController(); final markerDebouncer = useDebouncer(interval: const Duration(milliseconds: 800)); final selectedAssets = useValueNotifier<Set<Asset>>({}); const mapZoomToAssetLevel = 12.0; // updates the markersInBounds value with the map markers that are visible in the current // map camera bounds Future<void> updateAssetsInBounds() async { // Guard map not created if (mapController.value == null) { return; } final bounds = await mapController.value!.getVisibleRegion(); final inBounds = markers.value .where( (m) => bounds.contains(LatLng(m.latLng.latitude, m.latLng.longitude)), ) .toList(); // Notify bottom sheet to update asset grid only when there are new assets if (markersInBounds.value.length != inBounds.length) { bottomSheetStreamController.add( MapAssetsInBoundsUpdated( => e.assetRemoteId).toList(), ), ); } markersInBounds.value = inBounds; } // removes all sources and layers and re-adds them with the updated markers Future<void> reloadLayers() async { if (mapController.value != null) { mapController.value!.reloadAllLayersForMarkers(markers.value); } } Future<void> loadMarkers() async { try { isLoading.value = true; markers.value = await;; reloadLayers(); } finally { isLoading.value = false; } } useEffect( () { loadMarkers(); return null; }, [], ); // Refetch markers when map state is changed ref.listen(mapStateNotifierProvider, (_, current) { if (current.shouldRefetchMarkers) { { ref.invalidate(mapMarkersProvider); // Reset marker selectedMarker.value = null; loadMarkers();; }); } }); // updates the selected markers position based on the current map camera Future<void> updateAssetMarkerPosition( MapMarker marker, { bool shouldAnimate = true, }) async { final assetPoint = await mapController.value!.toScreenLocation(marker.latLng); selectedMarker.value = _AssetMarkerMeta( point: assetPoint, marker: marker, shouldAnimate: shouldAnimate, ); (assetPoint, marker, shouldAnimate); } // finds the nearest asset marker from the tap point and store it as the selectedMarker Future<void> onMarkerClicked(Point<double> point, LatLng coords) async { // Guard map not created if (mapController.value == null) { return; } final latlngBound = await mapController.value!.getBoundsFromPoint(point, 50); final marker = markersInBounds.value.firstWhereOrNull( (m) => latlngBound.contains(LatLng(m.latLng.latitude, m.latLng.longitude)), ); if (marker != null) { updateAssetMarkerPosition(marker); } else { // If no asset was previously selected and no new asset is available, close the bottom sheet if (selectedMarker.value == null) { bottomSheetStreamController.add(MapCloseBottomSheet()); } selectedMarker.value = null; } } void onMapCreated(MaplibreMapController controller) async { mapController.value = controller; controller.addListener(() { if (controller.isCameraMoving && selectedMarker.value != null) { updateAssetMarkerPosition( selectedMarker.value!.marker, shouldAnimate: false, ); } }); } Future<void> onMarkerTapped() async { final assetId = selectedMarker.value?.marker.assetRemoteId; if (assetId == null) { return; } final asset = await; if (asset == null) { return; } context.pushRoute( GalleryViewerRoute( initialIndex: 0, loadAsset: (index) => asset, totalAssets: 1, heroOffset: 0, ), ); } /// BOTTOM SHEET CALLBACKS Future<void> onMapMoved() async {; } void onBottomSheetScrolled(String assetRemoteId) { final assetMarker = markersInBounds.value .firstWhereOrNull((m) => m.assetRemoteId == assetRemoteId); if (assetMarker != null) { updateAssetMarkerPosition(assetMarker); } } void onZoomToAsset(String assetRemoteId) { final assetMarker = markersInBounds.value .firstWhereOrNull((m) => m.assetRemoteId == assetRemoteId); if (mapController.value != null && assetMarker != null) { // Offset the latitude a little to show the marker just above the viewports center final offset = context.isMobile ? 0.02 : 0; final latlng = LatLng( assetMarker.latLng.latitude - offset, assetMarker.latLng.longitude, ); mapController.value!.animateCamera( CameraUpdate.newLatLngZoom(latlng, mapZoomToAssetLevel), duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 800), ); } } void onZoomToLocation() async { final location = await MapUtils.checkPermAndGetLocation(context); if (location.$2 != null) { if (location.$2 == LocationPermission.unableToDetermine && context.mounted) { context: context, gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM, toastType: ToastType.error, msg: "map_cannot_get_user_location".tr(), ); } return; } if (mapController.value != null && location.$1 != null) { mapController.value!.animateCamera( CameraUpdate.newLatLngZoom( LatLng(location.$1!.latitude, location.$1!.longitude), mapZoomToAssetLevel, ), duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 800), ); } } void onAssetsSelected(bool selected, Set<Asset> selection) { selectedAssets.value = selected ? selection : {}; } return MapThemeOveride( mapBuilder: (style) => context.isMobile // Single-column ? Scaffold( extendBodyBehindAppBar: true, appBar: MapAppBar(selectedAssets: selectedAssets), body: Stack( children: [ _MapWithMarker( style: style, selectedMarker: selectedMarker, onMapCreated: onMapCreated, onMapMoved: onMapMoved, onMapClicked: onMarkerClicked, onStyleLoaded: reloadLayers, onMarkerTapped: onMarkerTapped, ), // Should be a part of the body and not scaffold::bottomsheet for the // location button to be hit testable MapBottomSheet( mapEventStream:, onGridAssetChanged: onBottomSheetScrolled, onZoomToAsset: onZoomToAsset, onAssetsSelected: onAssetsSelected, onZoomToLocation: onZoomToLocation, selectedAssets: selectedAssets, ), ], ), ) // Two-pane : Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Scaffold( extendBodyBehindAppBar: true, appBar: MapAppBar(selectedAssets: selectedAssets), body: Stack( children: [ _MapWithMarker( style: style, selectedMarker: selectedMarker, onMapCreated: onMapCreated, onMapMoved: onMapMoved, onMapClicked: onMarkerClicked, onStyleLoaded: reloadLayers, onMarkerTapped: onMarkerTapped, ), Positioned( right: 0, bottom: 30, child: ElevatedButton( onPressed: onZoomToLocation, style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( shape: const CircleBorder(), ), child: const Icon(Icons.my_location), ), ), ], ), ), ), Expanded( child: LayoutBuilder( builder: (ctx, constraints) => MapAssetGrid( controller: scrollController, mapEventStream:, onGridAssetChanged: onBottomSheetScrolled, onZoomToAsset: onZoomToAsset, onAssetsSelected: onAssetsSelected, selectedAssets: selectedAssets, ), ), ), ], ), ); } } class _AssetMarkerMeta { final Point<num> point; final MapMarker marker; final bool shouldAnimate; const _AssetMarkerMeta({ required this.point, required this.marker, required this.shouldAnimate, }); @override String toString() => '_AssetMarkerMeta(point: $point, marker: $marker, shouldAnimate: $shouldAnimate)'; } class _MapWithMarker extends StatelessWidget { final AsyncValue<String> style; final MapCreatedCallback onMapCreated; final OnCameraIdleCallback onMapMoved; final OnMapClickCallback onMapClicked; final OnStyleLoadedCallback onStyleLoaded; final Function()? onMarkerTapped; final ValueNotifier<_AssetMarkerMeta?> selectedMarker; const _MapWithMarker({ required, required this.onMapCreated, required this.onMapMoved, required this.onMapClicked, required this.onStyleLoaded, required this.selectedMarker, this.onMarkerTapped, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return LayoutBuilder( builder: (ctx, constraints) => SizedBox( height: constraints.maxHeight, width: constraints.maxWidth, child: Stack( children: [ style.widgetWhen( onData: (style) => MaplibreMap( initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(target: LatLng(0, 0)), styleString: style, // This is needed to update the selectedMarker's position on map camera updates // The changes are notified through the mapController ValueListener which is added in [onMapCreated] trackCameraPosition: true, onMapCreated: onMapCreated, onCameraIdle: onMapMoved, onMapClick: onMapClicked, onStyleLoadedCallback: onStyleLoaded, tiltGesturesEnabled: false, dragEnabled: false, myLocationEnabled: false, attributionButtonPosition: AttributionButtonPosition.TopRight, ), ), ValueListenableBuilder( valueListenable: selectedMarker, builder: (ctx, value, _) => value != null ? PositionedAssetMarkerIcon( point: value.point, assetRemoteId: value.marker.assetRemoteId, durationInMilliseconds: value.shouldAnimate ? 100 : 0, onTap: onMarkerTapped, ) : const SizedBox.shrink(), ), ], ), ), ); } }