import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DocumentBuilder, OpenAPIObject, SwaggerCustomOptions, SwaggerDocumentOptions, SwaggerModule, } from '@nestjs/swagger'; import { SchemaObject } from '@nestjs/swagger/dist/interfaces/open-api-spec.interface'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { writeFileSync } from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { CLIP_MODEL_INFO, IMMICH_ACCESS_COOKIE, IMMICH_API_KEY_HEADER, IMMICH_API_KEY_NAME, serverVersion, } from 'src/constants'; import { Metadata } from 'src/middleware/auth.guard'; import { ImmichLogger } from 'src/utils/logger'; export const isConnectionAborted = (error: Error | any) => error.code === 'ECONNABORTED'; export const handlePromiseError = (promise: Promise, logger: ImmichLogger): void => { promise.catch((error: Error | any) => logger.error(`Promise error: ${error}`, error?.stack)); }; export interface OpenGraphTags { title: string; description: string; imageUrl?: string; } function cleanModelName(modelName: string): string { const token = modelName.split('/').at(-1); if (!token) { throw new Error(`Invalid model name: ${modelName}`); } return token.replaceAll(':', '_'); } export function getCLIPModelInfo(modelName: string) { const modelInfo = CLIP_MODEL_INFO[cleanModelName(modelName)]; if (!modelInfo) { throw new Error(`Unknown CLIP model: ${modelName}`); } return modelInfo; } function sortKeys(target: T): T { if (!target || typeof target !== 'object' || Array.isArray(target)) { return target; } const result: Partial = {}; const keys = Object.keys(target).sort() as Array; for (const key of keys) { result[key] = sortKeys(target[key]); } return result as T; } export const routeToErrorMessage = (methodName: string) => 'Failed to ' + methodName.replaceAll(/[A-Z]+/g, (letter) => ` ${letter.toLowerCase()}`); const patchOpenAPI = (document: OpenAPIObject) => { document.paths = sortKeys(document.paths); if (document.components?.schemas) { const schemas = document.components.schemas as Record; document.components.schemas = sortKeys(schemas); for (const schema of Object.values(schemas)) { if ( { = sortKeys(; } if (schema.required) { schema.required = schema.required.sort(); } } } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(document.paths)) { const newKey = key.replace('/api/', '/'); delete document.paths[key]; document.paths[newKey] = value; } for (const path of Object.values(document.paths)) { const operations = { get: path.get, put: path.put, post:, delete: path.delete, options: path.options, head: path.head, patch: path.patch, trace: path.trace, }; for (const operation of Object.values(operations)) { if (!operation) { continue; } if (( || []).some((item) => !!item[Metadata.PUBLIC_SECURITY])) { delete; } if (operation.summary === '') { delete operation.summary; } if (operation.operationId) { // console.log(`${routeToErrorMessage(operation.operationId).padEnd(40)} (${operation.operationId})`); } if (operation.description === '') { delete operation.description; } if (operation.parameters) { operation.parameters = _.orderBy(operation.parameters, 'name'); } } } return document; }; export const useSwagger = (app: INestApplication, isDevelopment: boolean) => { const config = new DocumentBuilder() .setTitle('Immich') .setDescription('Immich API') .setVersion(serverVersion.toString()) .addBearerAuth({ type: 'http', scheme: 'Bearer', in: 'header', }) .addCookieAuth(IMMICH_ACCESS_COOKIE) .addApiKey( { type: 'apiKey', in: 'header', name: IMMICH_API_KEY_HEADER, }, IMMICH_API_KEY_NAME, ) .addServer('/api') .build(); const options: SwaggerDocumentOptions = { operationIdFactory: (controllerKey: string, methodKey: string) => methodKey, }; const specification = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, config, options); const customOptions: SwaggerCustomOptions = { swaggerOptions: { persistAuthorization: true, }, customSiteTitle: 'Immich API Documentation', }; SwaggerModule.setup('doc', app, specification, customOptions); if (isDevelopment) { // Generate API Documentation only in development mode const outputPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../open-api/immich-openapi-specs.json'); writeFileSync(outputPath, JSON.stringify(patchOpenAPI(specification), null, 2), { encoding: 'utf8' }); } };