import { AssetPathType, DatabaseAction, PersonPathType, UserPathType } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { ImmichLogger } from '@app/infra/logger'; import { BadRequestException, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { resolve } from 'node:path'; import { AccessCore, Permission } from '../access'; import { AuthDto } from '../auth'; import { AUDIT_LOG_MAX_DURATION } from '../domain.constant'; import { usePagination } from '../domain.util'; import { JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE } from '../job'; import { IAccessRepository, IAssetRepository, IAuditRepository, ICryptoRepository, IPersonRepository, IStorageRepository, IUserRepository, } from '../repositories'; import { StorageCore, StorageFolder } from '../storage'; import { AuditDeletesDto, AuditDeletesResponseDto, FileChecksumDto, FileChecksumResponseDto, FileReportItemDto, PathEntityType, } from './audit.dto'; @Injectable() export class AuditService { private access: AccessCore; private logger = new ImmichLogger(; constructor( @Inject(IAccessRepository) accessRepository: IAccessRepository, @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(IPersonRepository) private personRepository: IPersonRepository, @Inject(IAuditRepository) private repository: IAuditRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(IUserRepository) private userRepository: IUserRepository, ) { this.access = AccessCore.create(accessRepository); } async handleCleanup(): Promise { await this.repository.removeBefore(; return true; } async getDeletes(auth: AuthDto, dto: AuditDeletesDto): Promise { const userId = dto.userId ||; await this.access.requirePermission(auth, Permission.TIMELINE_READ, userId); const audits = await this.repository.getAfter(dto.after, { ownerId: userId, entityType: dto.entityType, action: DatabaseAction.DELETE, }); const duration =; return { needsFullSync: duration > AUDIT_LOG_MAX_DURATION, ids:{ entityId }) => entityId), }; } async getChecksums(dto: FileChecksumDto) { const results: FileChecksumResponseDto[] = []; for (const filename of dto.filenames) { if (!StorageCore.isImmichPath(filename)) { throw new BadRequestException( `Could not get the checksum of ${filename} because the file isn't accessible by Immich`, ); } const checksum = await this.cryptoRepository.hashFile(filename); results.push({ filename, checksum: checksum.toString('base64') }); } return results; } async fixItems(items: FileReportItemDto[]) { for (const { entityId: id, pathType, pathValue } of items) { if (!StorageCore.isImmichPath(pathValue)) { throw new BadRequestException( `Could not fix item ${id} with path ${pathValue} because the file isn't accessible by Immich`, ); } switch (pathType) { case AssetPathType.ENCODED_VIDEO: await{ id, encodedVideoPath: pathValue }); break; case AssetPathType.JPEG_THUMBNAIL: await{ id, resizePath: pathValue }); break; case AssetPathType.WEBP_THUMBNAIL: await{ id, webpPath: pathValue }); break; case AssetPathType.ORIGINAL: await{ id, originalPath: pathValue }); break; case AssetPathType.SIDECAR: await{ id, sidecarPath: pathValue }); break; case PersonPathType.FACE: await this.personRepository.update({ id, thumbnailPath: pathValue }); break; case UserPathType.PROFILE: await this.userRepository.update(id, { profileImagePath: pathValue }); break; } } } async getFileReport() { const fullPath = (filename: string) => resolve(filename); const hasFile = (items: Set, filename: string) => items.has(filename) || items.has(fullPath(filename)); const crawl = async (folder: StorageFolder) => new Set( await this.storageRepository.crawl({ includeHidden: true, pathsToCrawl: [StorageCore.getBaseFolder(folder)], }), ); const uploadFiles = await crawl(StorageFolder.UPLOAD); const libraryFiles = await crawl(StorageFolder.LIBRARY); const thumbFiles = await crawl(StorageFolder.THUMBNAILS); const videoFiles = await crawl(StorageFolder.ENCODED_VIDEO); const profileFiles = await crawl(StorageFolder.PROFILE); const allFiles = new Set(); for (const list of [libraryFiles, thumbFiles, videoFiles, profileFiles, uploadFiles]) { for (const item of list) { allFiles.add(item); } } const track = (filename: string | null) => { if (!filename) { return; } allFiles.delete(filename); allFiles.delete(fullPath(filename)); }; this.logger.log( `Found ${libraryFiles.size} original files, ${thumbFiles.size} thumbnails, ${videoFiles.size} encoded videos, ${profileFiles.size} profile files`, ); const pagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (options) => this.assetRepository.getAll(options, { withDeleted: true }), ); let assetCount = 0; const orphans: FileReportItemDto[] = []; for await (const assets of pagination) { assetCount += assets.length; for (const { id, originalPath, resizePath, encodedVideoPath, webpPath, isExternal, checksum } of assets) { for (const file of [originalPath, resizePath, encodedVideoPath, webpPath]) { track(file); } const entity = { entityId: id, entityType: PathEntityType.ASSET, checksum: checksum.toString('base64') }; if ( originalPath && !hasFile(libraryFiles, originalPath) && !hasFile(uploadFiles, originalPath) && // Android motion assets !hasFile(videoFiles, originalPath) && // ignore external library assets !isExternal ) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: AssetPathType.ORIGINAL, pathValue: originalPath }); } if (resizePath && !hasFile(thumbFiles, resizePath)) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: AssetPathType.JPEG_THUMBNAIL, pathValue: resizePath }); } if (webpPath && !hasFile(thumbFiles, webpPath)) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: AssetPathType.WEBP_THUMBNAIL, pathValue: webpPath }); } if (encodedVideoPath && !hasFile(videoFiles, encodedVideoPath)) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: AssetPathType.WEBP_THUMBNAIL, pathValue: encodedVideoPath }); } } } const users = await this.userRepository.getList(); for (const { id, profileImagePath } of users) { track(profileImagePath); const entity = { entityId: id, entityType: PathEntityType.USER }; if (profileImagePath && !hasFile(profileFiles, profileImagePath)) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: UserPathType.PROFILE, pathValue: profileImagePath }); } } const personPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => this.personRepository.getAll(pagination), ); for await (const people of personPagination) { for (const { id, thumbnailPath } of people) { track(thumbnailPath); const entity = { entityId: id, entityType: PathEntityType.PERSON }; if (thumbnailPath && !hasFile(thumbFiles, thumbnailPath)) { orphans.push({ ...entity, pathType: PersonPathType.FACE, pathValue: thumbnailPath }); } } this.logger.log(`Found ${assetCount} assets, ${users.length} users, ${people.length} people`); } const extras: string[] = []; for (const file of allFiles) { extras.push(file); } // send as absolute paths for (const orphan of orphans) { orphan.pathValue = fullPath(orphan.pathValue); } return { orphans, extras }; } }