import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:auto_route/auto_route.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart' hide Store; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/store.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/app_settings.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset_viewer/current_asset.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset_viewer/is_motion_video_playing.provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset_viewer/video_player_controls_provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset_viewer/video_player_value_provider.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/app_settings.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/asset.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/debounce.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/hooks/interval_hook.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/asset_viewer/custom_video_player_controls.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:native_video_player/native_video_player.dart'; import 'package:wakelock_plus/wakelock_plus.dart'; @RoutePage() class NativeVideoViewerPage extends HookConsumerWidget { final Asset asset; final bool showControls; final Widget image; const NativeVideoViewerPage({ super.key, required this.asset, required this.image, this.showControls = true, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final controller = useState(null); final lastVideoPosition = useRef(-1); final isBuffering = useRef(false); final showMotionVideo = useState(false); // When a video is opened through the timeline, `isCurrent` will immediately be true. // When swiping from video A to video B, `isCurrent` will initially be true for video A and false for video B. // If the swipe is completed, `isCurrent` will be true for video B after a delay. // If the swipe is canceled, `currentAsset` will not have changed and video A will continue to play. final currentAsset = useState(; final isCurrent = currentAsset.value == asset; // Used to show the placeholder during hero animations for remote videos to avoid a stutter final isVisible = useState((Platform.isIOS && asset.isLocal) || asset.isMotionPhoto); final log = Logger('NativeVideoViewerPage'); ref.listen(isPlayingMotionVideoProvider, (_, value) async { final videoController = controller.value; if (!asset.isMotionPhoto || videoController == null || !context.mounted) { return; } showMotionVideo.value = value; try { if (value) { await videoController.seekTo(0); await; } else { await videoController.pause(); } } catch (error) { log.severe('Error toggling motion video: $error'); } }); Future createSource() async { if (!context.mounted) { return null; } try { final local = asset.local; if (local != null && !asset.isMotionPhoto) { final file = await local.file; if (file == null) { throw Exception('No file found for the video'); } final source = await VideoSource.init( path: file.path, type: VideoSourceType.file, ); return source; } // Use a network URL for the video player controller final serverEndpoint = Store.get(StoreKey.serverEndpoint); final String videoUrl = asset.livePhotoVideoId != null ? '$serverEndpoint/assets/${asset.livePhotoVideoId}/video/playback' : '$serverEndpoint/assets/${asset.remoteId}/video/playback'; final source = await VideoSource.init( path: videoUrl, type:, headers: ApiService.getRequestHeaders(), ); return source; } catch (error) { log.severe( 'Error creating video source for asset ${asset.fileName}: $error', ); return null; } } final videoSource = useMemoized>(() => createSource()); final aspectRatio = useState(asset.aspectRatio); useMemoized( () async { if (!context.mounted || aspectRatio.value != null) { return null; } try { aspectRatio.value = await; } catch (error) { log.severe( 'Error getting aspect ratio for asset ${asset.fileName}: $error', ); } }, ); void checkIfBuffering() { if (!context.mounted) { return; } final videoPlayback =; if ((isBuffering.value || videoPlayback.state == VideoPlaybackState.initializing) && videoPlayback.state != VideoPlaybackState.buffering) { = videoPlayback.copyWith(state: VideoPlaybackState.buffering); } } // Timer to mark videos as buffering if the position does not change useInterval(const Duration(seconds: 5), checkIfBuffering); // When the position changes, seek to the position // Debounce the seek to avoid seeking too often // But also don't delay the seek too much to maintain visual feedback final seekDebouncer = useDebouncer( interval: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), maxWaitTime: const Duration(milliseconds: 200), ); ref.listen(videoPlayerControlsProvider, (oldControls, newControls) async { final playerController = controller.value; if (playerController == null) { return; } final playbackInfo = playerController.playbackInfo; if (playbackInfo == null) { return; } final oldSeek = (oldControls?.position ?? 0) ~/ 1; final newSeek = newControls.position ~/ 1; if (oldSeek != newSeek || newControls.restarted) { => playerController.seekTo(newSeek)); } if (oldControls?.pause != newControls.pause || newControls.restarted) { // Make sure the last seek is complete before pausing or playing // Otherwise, `onPlaybackPositionChanged` can receive outdated events if (seekDebouncer.isActive) { await seekDebouncer.drain(); } try { if (newControls.pause) { await playerController.pause(); } else { await; } } catch (error) { log.severe('Error pausing or playing video: $error'); } } }); void onPlaybackReady() async { final videoController = controller.value; if (videoController == null || !isCurrent || !context.mounted) { return; } final videoPlayback = VideoPlaybackValue.fromNativeController(videoController); = videoPlayback; try { if (asset.isVideo || showMotionVideo.value) { await; } await videoController.setVolume(0.9); } catch (error) { log.severe('Error playing video: $error'); } } void onPlaybackStatusChanged() { final videoController = controller.value; if (videoController == null || !context.mounted) { return; } final videoPlayback = VideoPlaybackValue.fromNativeController(videoController); if (videoPlayback.state == VideoPlaybackState.playing) { // Sync with the controls playing WakelockPlus.enable(); } else { // Sync with the controls pause WakelockPlus.disable(); } = videoPlayback.state; } void onPlaybackPositionChanged() { // When seeking, these events sometimes move the slider to an older position if (seekDebouncer.isActive) { return; } final videoController = controller.value; if (videoController == null || !context.mounted) { return; } final playbackInfo = videoController.playbackInfo; if (playbackInfo == null) { return; } = Duration(seconds: playbackInfo.position); // Check if the video is buffering if (playbackInfo.status == PlaybackStatus.playing) { isBuffering.value = lastVideoPosition.value == playbackInfo.position; lastVideoPosition.value = playbackInfo.position; } else { isBuffering.value = false; lastVideoPosition.value = -1; } } void onPlaybackEnded() { final videoController = controller.value; if (videoController == null || !context.mounted) { return; } if (showMotionVideo.value && videoController.playbackInfo?.status == PlaybackStatus.stopped && !ref .read(appSettingsServiceProvider) .getSetting(AppSettingsEnum.loopVideo)) { = false; } } void removeListeners(NativeVideoPlayerController controller) { controller.onPlaybackPositionChanged .removeListener(onPlaybackPositionChanged); controller.onPlaybackStatusChanged .removeListener(onPlaybackStatusChanged); controller.onPlaybackReady.removeListener(onPlaybackReady); controller.onPlaybackEnded.removeListener(onPlaybackEnded); } void initController(NativeVideoPlayerController nc) async { if (controller.value != null || !context.mounted) { return; };; final source = await videoSource; if (source == null) { return; } nc.onPlaybackPositionChanged.addListener(onPlaybackPositionChanged); nc.onPlaybackStatusChanged.addListener(onPlaybackStatusChanged); nc.onPlaybackReady.addListener(onPlaybackReady); nc.onPlaybackEnded.addListener(onPlaybackEnded); nc.loadVideoSource(source).catchError((error) { log.severe('Error loading video source: $error'); }); final loopVideo = ref .read(appSettingsServiceProvider) .getSetting(AppSettingsEnum.loopVideo); nc.setLoop(loopVideo); controller.value = nc; Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 200), checkIfBuffering); } ref.listen(currentAssetProvider, (_, value) { final playerController = controller.value; if (playerController != null && value != asset) { removeListeners(playerController); } final curAsset = currentAsset.value; if (curAsset == asset) { return; } final imageToVideo = curAsset != null && !curAsset.isVideo; // No need to delay video playback when swiping from an image to a video if (imageToVideo && Platform.isIOS) { currentAsset.value = value; onPlaybackReady(); return; } // Delay the video playback to avoid a stutter in the swipe animation Timer( Platform.isIOS ? const Duration(milliseconds: 300) : imageToVideo ? const Duration(milliseconds: 200) : const Duration(milliseconds: 400), () { if (!context.mounted) { return; } currentAsset.value = value; if (currentAsset.value == asset) { onPlaybackReady(); } }); }); useEffect( () { // If opening a remote video from a hero animation, delay visibility to avoid a stutter final timer = isVisible.value ? null : Timer( const Duration(milliseconds: 300), () => isVisible.value = true, ); return () { timer?.cancel(); final playerController = controller.value; if (playerController == null) { return; } removeListeners(playerController); playerController.stop().catchError((error) { log.fine('Error stopping video: $error'); }); WakelockPlus.disable(); }; }, const [], ); return Stack( children: [ // This remains under the video to avoid flickering // For motion videos, this is the image portion of the asset Center(key: ValueKey(, child: image), if (aspectRatio.value != null) Visibility.maintain( key: ValueKey(asset), visible: (asset.isVideo || showMotionVideo.value) && isVisible.value, child: Center( key: ValueKey(asset), child: AspectRatio( key: ValueKey(asset), aspectRatio: aspectRatio.value!, child: isCurrent ? NativeVideoPlayerView( key: ValueKey(asset), onViewReady: initController, ) : null, ), ), ), if (showControls) const Center(child: CustomVideoPlayerControls()), ], ); } }