#! /usr/bin/env node import { Command, Option } from 'commander'; import os from 'node:os'; import path from 'node:path'; import { version } from '../package.json'; import { LoginCommand } from './commands/login.command'; import { LogoutCommand } from './commands/logout.command'; import { ServerInfoCommand } from './commands/server-info.command'; import { UploadCommand } from './commands/upload.command'; const defaultConfigDirectory = path.join(os.homedir(), '.config/immich/'); const program = new Command() .name('immich') .version(version) .description('Command line interface for Immich') .addOption( new Option('-d, --config-directory ', 'Configuration directory where auth.yml will be stored') .env('IMMICH_CONFIG_DIR') .default(defaultConfigDirectory), ); program .command('upload') .description('Upload assets') .usage('[options] [paths...]') .addOption(new Option('-r, --recursive', 'Recursive').env('IMMICH_RECURSIVE').default(false)) .addOption(new Option('-i, --ignore [paths...]', 'Paths to ignore').env('IMMICH_IGNORE_PATHS')) .addOption(new Option('-h, --skip-hash', "Don't hash files before upload").env('IMMICH_SKIP_HASH').default(false)) .addOption(new Option('-H, --include-hidden', 'Include hidden folders').env('IMMICH_INCLUDE_HIDDEN').default(false)) .addOption( new Option('-a, --album', 'Automatically create albums based on folder name') .env('IMMICH_AUTO_CREATE_ALBUM') .default(false), ) .addOption( new Option('-A, --album-name ', 'Add all assets to specified album') .env('IMMICH_ALBUM_NAME') .conflicts('album'), ) .addOption( new Option('-n, --dry-run', "Don't perform any actions, just show what will be done") .env('IMMICH_DRY_RUN') .default(false), ) .addOption( new Option('-c, --concurrency', 'Number of assets to upload at the same time') .env('IMMICH_UPLOAD_CONCURRENCY') .default(4), ) .addOption(new Option('--delete', 'Delete local assets after upload').env('IMMICH_DELETE_ASSETS')) .argument('[paths...]', 'One or more paths to assets to be uploaded') .action(async (paths, options) => { options.exclusionPatterns = options.ignore; await new UploadCommand(program.opts()).run(paths, options); }); program .command('server-info') .description('Display server information') .action(async () => { await new ServerInfoCommand(program.opts()).run(); }); program .command('login-key') .description('Login using an API key') .argument('url') .argument('key') .action(async (url, key) => { await new LoginCommand(program.opts()).run(url, key); }); program .command('logout') .description('Remove stored credentials') .action(async () => { await new LogoutCommand(program.opts()).run(); }); program.parse(process.argv);