import { AssetResponseDto, CreateAlbumDto, CreateAssetDto, CreateUserDto, PersonUpdateDto, SharedLinkCreateDto, createAlbum, createApiKey, createPerson, createSharedLink, createUser, defaults, login, setAdminOnboarding, signUpAdmin, updatePerson, } from '@immich/sdk'; import { BrowserContext } from '@playwright/test'; import { exec, spawn } from 'child_process'; import { randomBytes } from 'node:crypto'; import { access } from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import { promisify } from 'node:util'; import pg from 'pg'; import { loginDto, signupDto } from 'src/fixtures'; import request from 'supertest'; const execPromise = promisify(exec); export const app = ''; const directoryExists = (directory: string) => access(directory) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); // TODO move test assets into e2e/assets export const testAssetDir = path.resolve(`./../server/test/assets/`); const serverContainerName = 'immich-e2e-server'; const uploadMediaDir = '/usr/src/app/upload/upload'; if (!(await directoryExists(`${testAssetDir}/albums`))) { throw new Error( `Test assets not found. Please checkout into ${testAssetDir} before testing` ); } const setBaseUrl = () => (defaults.baseUrl = app); export const asBearerAuth = (accessToken: string) => ({ Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`, }); export const asKeyAuth = (key: string) => ({ 'x-api-key': key }); let client: pg.Client | null = null; export const fileUtils = { reset: async () => { await execPromise( `docker exec -i "${serverContainerName}" rm -R "${uploadMediaDir}"` ); }, }; export const dbUtils = { createFace: async ({ assetId, personId, }: { assetId: string; personId: string; }) => { if (!client) { return; } const vector = Array.from({ length: 512 }, Math.random); const embedding = `[${vector.join(',')}]`; await client.query( 'INSERT INTO asset_faces ("assetId", "personId", "embedding") VALUES ($1, $2, $3)', [assetId, personId, embedding] ); }, setPersonThumbnail: async (personId: string) => { if (!client) { return; } await client.query( `UPDATE "person" set "thumbnailPath" = '/my/awesome/thumbnail.jpg' where "id" = $1`, [personId] ); }, reset: async (tables?: string[]) => { try { if (!client) { client = new pg.Client( 'postgres://postgres:postgres@' ); await client.connect(); } tables = tables || [ 'shared_links', 'person', 'albums', 'assets', 'asset_faces', 'activity', 'api_keys', 'user_token', 'users', 'system_metadata', ]; for (const table of tables) { await client.query(`DELETE FROM ${table} CASCADE;`); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to reset database', error); throw error; } }, teardown: async () => { try { if (client) { await client.end(); client = null; } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to teardown database', error); throw error; } }, }; export interface CliResponse { stdout: string; stderr: string; exitCode: number | null; } export const immichCli = async (args: string[]) => { let _resolve: (value: CliResponse) => void; const deferred = new Promise<CliResponse>((resolve) => (_resolve = resolve)); const _args = ['node_modules/.bin/immich', '-d', '/tmp/immich/', ...args]; const child = spawn('node', _args, { stdio: 'pipe', }); let stdout = ''; let stderr = ''; child.stdout.on('data', (data) => (stdout += data.toString())); child.stderr.on('data', (data) => (stderr += data.toString())); child.on('exit', (exitCode) => { _resolve({ stdout: stdout.trim(), stderr: stderr.trim(), exitCode, }); }); return deferred; }; export interface AdminSetupOptions { onboarding?: boolean; } export const apiUtils = { setup: () => { setBaseUrl(); }, adminSetup: async (options?: AdminSetupOptions) => { options = options || { onboarding: true }; await signUpAdmin({ signUpDto: signupDto.admin }); const response = await login({ loginCredentialDto: loginDto.admin }); if (options.onboarding) { await setAdminOnboarding({ headers: asBearerAuth(response.accessToken) }); } return response; }, userSetup: async (accessToken: string, dto: CreateUserDto) => { await createUser( { createUserDto: dto }, { headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) } ); return login({ loginCredentialDto: { email:, password: dto.password }, }); }, createApiKey: (accessToken: string) => { return createApiKey( { apiKeyCreateDto: { name: 'e2e' } }, { headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) } ); }, createAlbum: (accessToken: string, dto: CreateAlbumDto) => createAlbum( { createAlbumDto: dto }, { headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) } ), createAsset: async ( accessToken: string, dto?: Omit<CreateAssetDto, 'assetData'> ) => { dto = dto || { deviceAssetId: 'test-1', deviceId: 'test', fileCreatedAt: new Date().toISOString(), fileModifiedAt: new Date().toISOString(), }; const { body } = await request(app) .post(`/asset/upload`) .field('deviceAssetId', dto.deviceAssetId) .field('deviceId', dto.deviceId) .field('fileCreatedAt', dto.fileCreatedAt) .field('fileModifiedAt', dto.fileModifiedAt) .attach('assetData', randomBytes(32), 'example.jpg') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); return body as AssetResponseDto; }, createPerson: async (accessToken: string, dto: PersonUpdateDto) => { // TODO fix createPerson to accept a body const { id } = await createPerson({ headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) }); await dbUtils.setPersonThumbnail(id); return updatePerson( { id, personUpdateDto: dto }, { headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) } ); }, createSharedLink: (accessToken: string, dto: SharedLinkCreateDto) => createSharedLink( { sharedLinkCreateDto: dto }, { headers: asBearerAuth(accessToken) } ), }; export const cliUtils = { login: async () => { const admin = await apiUtils.adminSetup(); const key = await apiUtils.createApiKey(admin.accessToken); await immichCli(['login-key', app, `${key.secret}`]); return key.secret; }, }; export const webUtils = { setAuthCookies: async (context: BrowserContext, accessToken: string) => await context.addCookies([ { name: 'immich_access_token', value: accessToken, domain: '', path: '/', expires: 1742402728, httpOnly: true, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }, { name: 'immich_auth_type', value: 'password', domain: '', path: '/', expires: 1742402728, httpOnly: true, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }, { name: 'immich_is_authenticated', value: 'true', domain: '', path: '/', expires: 1742402728, httpOnly: false, secure: false, sameSite: 'Lax', }, ]), };