import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/asset_extensions.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/exif_info.entity.dart'; import 'package:timezone/data/latest.dart'; import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart'; ExifInfo makeExif({ DateTime? dateTimeOriginal, String? timeZone, }) { return ExifInfo( dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal, timeZone: timeZone, ); } Asset makeAsset({ required String id, required DateTime createdAt, ExifInfo? exifInfo, }) { return Asset( checksum: '', localId: id, remoteId: id, ownerId: 1, fileCreatedAt: createdAt, fileModifiedAt:, updatedAt:, durationInSeconds: 0, type: AssetType.image, fileName: id, isFavorite: false, isArchived: false, isTrashed: false, exifInfo: exifInfo, ); } void main() { // Init Timezone DB initializeTimeZones(); group("Returns local time and offset if no exifInfo", () { test('returns createdAt directly if in local', () { final createdAt = DateTime(2023, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12); final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); expect(createdAt, dt); expect(createdAt.timeZoneOffset, tz); }); test('returns createdAt in local if in utc', () { final createdAt = DateTime.utc(2023, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12); final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); final localCreatedAt = createdAt.toLocal(); expect(localCreatedAt, dt); expect(localCreatedAt.timeZoneOffset, tz); }); }); group("Returns dateTimeOriginal", () { test('Returns dateTimeOriginal in UTC from exifInfo without timezone', () { final createdAt = DateTime.parse("2023-01-27T14:00:00-0500"); final dateTimeOriginal = DateTime.parse("2022-01-27T14:00:00+0530"); final e = makeExif(dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal); final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt, exifInfo: e); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); final dateTimeInUTC = dateTimeOriginal.toUtc(); expect(dateTimeInUTC, dt); expect(dateTimeInUTC.timeZoneOffset, tz); }); test('Returns dateTimeOriginal in UTC from exifInfo with invalid timezone', () { final createdAt = DateTime.parse("2023-01-27T14:00:00-0500"); final dateTimeOriginal = DateTime.parse("2022-01-27T14:00:00+0530"); final e = makeExif( dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal, timeZone: "#_#", ); // Invalid timezone final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt, exifInfo: e); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); final dateTimeInUTC = dateTimeOriginal.toUtc(); expect(dateTimeInUTC, dt); expect(dateTimeInUTC.timeZoneOffset, tz); }); }); group("Returns adjusted time if timezone available", () { test('With timezone as location', () { final createdAt = DateTime.parse("2023-01-27T14:00:00-0500"); final dateTimeOriginal = DateTime.parse("2022-01-27T14:00:00+0530"); const location = "Asia/Hong_Kong"; final e = makeExif(dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal, timeZone: location); final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt, exifInfo: e); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); final adjustedTime = TZDateTime.from(dateTimeOriginal.toUtc(), getLocation(location)); expect(adjustedTime, dt); expect(adjustedTime.timeZoneOffset, tz); }); test('With timezone as offset', () { final createdAt = DateTime.parse("2023-01-27T14:00:00-0500"); final dateTimeOriginal = DateTime.parse("2022-01-27T14:00:00+0530"); const offset = "utc+08:00"; final e = makeExif(dateTimeOriginal: dateTimeOriginal, timeZone: offset); final a = makeAsset(id: '1', createdAt: createdAt, exifInfo: e); final (dt, tz) = a.getTZAdjustedTimeAndOffset(); final location = getLocation("Asia/Hong_Kong"); final offsetFromLocation = Duration(milliseconds: location.currentTimeZone.offset); final adjustedTime = dateTimeOriginal.toUtc().add(offsetFromLocation); // Adds the offset to the actual time and returns the offset separately expect(adjustedTime, dt); expect(offsetFromLocation, tz); }); }); }