import { constants } from 'fs/promises'; import { assetEntityStub, newAssetRepositoryMock, newJobRepositoryMock, newStorageRepositoryMock } from '../../test'; import { IAssetRepository, WithoutProperty, WithProperty } from '../asset'; import { IJobRepository, JobName } from '../job'; import { IStorageRepository } from '../storage'; import { MetadataService } from './metadata.service'; describe(, () => { let sut: MetadataService; let assetMock: jest.Mocked; let jobMock: jest.Mocked; let storageMock: jest.Mocked; beforeEach(async () => { assetMock = newAssetRepositoryMock(); jobMock = newJobRepositoryMock(); storageMock = newStorageRepositoryMock(); sut = new MetadataService(assetMock, jobMock, storageMock); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(sut).toBeDefined(); }); describe('handleQueueSidecar', () => { it('should queue assets with sidecar files', async () => { assetMock.getWith.mockResolvedValue({ items: [assetEntityStub.sidecar], hasNextPage: false }); await sut.handleQueueSidecar({ force: true }); expect(assetMock.getWith).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ take: 1000, skip: 0 }, WithProperty.SIDECAR); expect(assetMock.getWithout).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.SIDECAR_SYNC, data: { asset: assetEntityStub.sidecar }, }); }); it('should queue assets without sidecar files', async () => { assetMock.getWithout.mockResolvedValue({ items: [assetEntityStub.image], hasNextPage: false }); await sut.handleQueueSidecar({ force: false }); expect(assetMock.getWithout).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ take: 1000, skip: 0 }, WithoutProperty.SIDECAR); expect(assetMock.getWith).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.SIDECAR_DISCOVERY, data: { asset: assetEntityStub.image }, }); }); it('should log an error', async () => { assetMock.getWith.mockRejectedValue(new Error('database unavailable')); await sut.handleQueueSidecar({ force: true }); expect(jobMock.queue).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('handleSidecarSync', () => { it('should skip hidden assets', async () => { await sut.handleSidecarSync({ asset: assetEntityStub.livePhotoMotionAsset }); expect(jobMock.queue).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle video assets', async () => { await sut.handleSidecarSync({ asset: }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.EXTRACT_VIDEO_METADATA, data: { asset: }, }); }); it('should handle image assets', async () => { await sut.handleSidecarSync({ asset: assetEntityStub.image }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.EXIF_EXTRACTION, data: { asset: assetEntityStub.image }, }); }); it('should log an error', async () => { jobMock.queue.mockRejectedValue(new Error('queue job failed')); await sut.handleSidecarSync({ asset: assetEntityStub.image }); }); }); describe('handleSidecarDiscovery', () => { it('should skip hidden assets', async () => { await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: assetEntityStub.livePhotoMotionAsset }); expect(storageMock.checkFileExists).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should skip assets with a sidecar path', async () => { await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: assetEntityStub.sidecar }); expect(storageMock.checkFileExists).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should do nothing when a sidecar is not found ', async () => { storageMock.checkFileExists.mockResolvedValue(false); await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: assetEntityStub.image }); expect(; }); it('should update a image asset when a sidecar is found', async () => {; storageMock.checkFileExists.mockResolvedValue(true); await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: assetEntityStub.image }); expect(storageMock.checkFileExists).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/original/path.ext.xmp', constants.W_OK); expect({ id:, sidecarPath: '/original/path.ext.xmp', }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.EXIF_EXTRACTION, data: { asset: assetEntityStub.image }, }); }); it('should update a video asset when a sidecar is found', async () => {; storageMock.checkFileExists.mockResolvedValue(true); await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: }); expect(storageMock.checkFileExists).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/original/path.ext.xmp', constants.W_OK); expect({ id:, sidecarPath: '/original/path.ext.xmp', }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.EXTRACT_VIDEO_METADATA, data: { asset: }, }); }); it('should log an error', async () => { storageMock.checkFileExists.mockRejectedValue(new Error('bad permission')); await sut.handleSidecarDiscovery({ asset: assetEntityStub.image }); }); }); });