import { AssetEntity, AssetType, TranscodePreset } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { Inject, Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { join } from 'path'; import { IAssetRepository, mapAsset, WithoutProperty } from '../asset'; import { CommunicationEvent, ICommunicationRepository } from '../communication'; import { usePagination } from '../domain.util'; import { IAssetJob, IBaseJob, IJobRepository, JobName, JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE } from '../job'; import { IStorageRepository, StorageCore, StorageFolder } from '../storage'; import { ISystemConfigRepository, SystemConfigFFmpegDto } from '../system-config'; import { SystemConfigCore } from '../system-config/system-config.core'; import { JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, WEBP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE } from './media.constant'; import { AudioStreamInfo, IMediaRepository, VideoStreamInfo } from './media.repository'; @Injectable() export class MediaService { private logger = new Logger(; private storageCore = new StorageCore(); private configCore: SystemConfigCore; constructor( @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(ICommunicationRepository) private communicationRepository: ICommunicationRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(IMediaRepository) private mediaRepository: IMediaRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(ISystemConfigRepository) systemConfig: ISystemConfigRepository, ) { this.configCore = new SystemConfigCore(systemConfig); } async handleQueueGenerateThumbnails(job: IBaseJob): Promise { try { const { force } = job; const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.THUMBNAIL); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_JPEG_THUMBNAIL, data: { asset } }); } } } catch (error: any) { this.logger.error('Failed to queue generate thumbnail jobs', error.stack); } } async handleGenerateJpegThumbnail(data: IAssetJob): Promise { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([]); if (!asset) { this.logger.warn( `Asset not found: ${} - Original Path: ${data.asset.originalPath} - Resize Path: ${data.asset.resizePath}`, ); return; } try { const resizePath = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.THUMBNAILS, asset.ownerId); this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(resizePath); const jpegThumbnailPath = join(resizePath, `${}.jpeg`); if (asset.type == AssetType.IMAGE) { try { await this.mediaRepository.resize(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath, { size: JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, format: 'jpeg', }); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn( `Failed to generate jpeg thumbnail using sharp, trying with exiftool-vendored (asset=${})`, ); await this.mediaRepository.extractThumbnailFromExif(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath); } } if (asset.type == AssetType.VIDEO) { this.logger.log('Start Generating Video Thumbnail'); await this.mediaRepository.extractVideoThumbnail(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath, JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE); this.logger.log(`Generating Video Thumbnail Success ${}`); } await{ id:, resizePath: jpegThumbnailPath }); asset.resizePath = jpegThumbnailPath; await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_WEBP_THUMBNAIL, data: { asset } }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.CLASSIFY_IMAGE, data: { asset } }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.DETECT_OBJECTS, data: { asset } }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ENCODE_CLIP, data: { asset } }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.RECOGNIZE_FACES, data: { asset } }); this.communicationRepository.send(CommunicationEvent.UPLOAD_SUCCESS, asset.ownerId, mapAsset(asset)); } catch (error: any) { this.logger.error(`Failed to generate thumbnail for asset: ${}/${asset.type}`, error.stack); } } async handleGenerateWepbThumbnail(data: IAssetJob): Promise { const { asset } = data; if (!asset.resizePath) { return; } const webpPath = asset.resizePath.replace('jpeg', 'webp'); try { await this.mediaRepository.resize(asset.resizePath, webpPath, { size: WEBP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE, format: 'webp' }); await{ id:, webpPath: webpPath }); } catch (error: any) { this.logger.error(`Failed to generate webp thumbnail for asset: ${}`, error.stack); } } async handleQueueVideoConversion(job: IBaseJob) { const { force } = job; try { const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination, { type: AssetType.VIDEO }) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.ENCODED_VIDEO); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, data: { asset } }); } } } catch (error: any) { this.logger.error('Failed to queue video conversions', error.stack); } } async handleVideoConversion(job: IAssetJob) { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([]); if (!asset) { this.logger.warn(`Asset not found: ${} - Original Path: ${job.asset.originalPath}`); return; } try { const input = asset.originalPath; const outputFolder = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.ENCODED_VIDEO, asset.ownerId); const output = join(outputFolder, `${}.mp4`); this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(outputFolder); const { videoStreams, audioStreams, format } = await this.mediaRepository.probe(input); const mainVideoStream = this.getMainVideoStream(videoStreams); const mainAudioStream = this.getMainAudioStream(audioStreams); const containerExtension = format.formatName; if (!mainVideoStream || !mainAudioStream || !containerExtension) { return; } const { ffmpeg: config } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); const required = this.isTranscodeRequired(asset, mainVideoStream, mainAudioStream, containerExtension, config); if (!required) { return; } const outputOptions = this.getFfmpegOptions(mainVideoStream, config); const twoPass = this.eligibleForTwoPass(config); this.logger.log(`Start encoding video ${} ${outputOptions}`); await this.mediaRepository.transcode(input, output, { outputOptions, twoPass }); this.logger.log(`Encoding success ${}`); await{ id:, encodedVideoPath: output }); } catch (error: any) { this.logger.error(`Failed to handle video conversion for asset: ${}`, error.stack); } } private getMainVideoStream(streams: VideoStreamInfo[]): VideoStreamInfo | null { return streams.sort((stream1, stream2) => stream2.frameCount - stream1.frameCount)[0]; } private getMainAudioStream(streams: AudioStreamInfo[]): AudioStreamInfo | null { return streams[0]; } private isTranscodeRequired( asset: AssetEntity, videoStream: VideoStreamInfo, audioStream: AudioStreamInfo, containerExtension: string, ffmpegConfig: SystemConfigFFmpegDto, ): boolean { if (!videoStream.height || !videoStream.width) { this.logger.error('Skipping transcode, height or width undefined for video stream'); return false; } const isTargetVideoCodec = videoStream.codecName === ffmpegConfig.targetVideoCodec; const isTargetAudioCodec = audioStream.codecName === ffmpegConfig.targetAudioCodec; const isTargetContainer = ['mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', 'mp4', 'mov'].includes(containerExtension); this.logger.verbose( `${}: AudioCodecName ${audioStream.codecName}, AudioStreamCodecType ${audioStream.codecType}, containerExtension ${containerExtension}`, ); const allTargetsMatching = isTargetVideoCodec && isTargetAudioCodec && isTargetContainer; const targetResolution = Number.parseInt(ffmpegConfig.targetResolution); const isLargerThanTargetResolution = Math.min(videoStream.height, videoStream.width) > targetResolution; switch (ffmpegConfig.transcode) { case TranscodePreset.DISABLED: return false; case TranscodePreset.ALL: return true; case TranscodePreset.REQUIRED: return !allTargetsMatching; case TranscodePreset.OPTIMAL: return !allTargetsMatching || isLargerThanTargetResolution; default: return false; } } private getFfmpegOptions(stream: VideoStreamInfo, ffmpeg: SystemConfigFFmpegDto) { const options = [ `-vcodec ${ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec}`, `-acodec ${ffmpeg.targetAudioCodec}`, // Makes a second pass moving the moov atom to the beginning of // the file for improved playback speed. `-movflags faststart`, ]; // video dimensions const videoIsRotated = Math.abs(stream.rotation) === 90; const targetResolution = Number.parseInt(ffmpeg.targetResolution); const isVideoVertical = stream.height > stream.width || videoIsRotated; const scaling = isVideoVertical ? `${targetResolution}:-2` : `-2:${targetResolution}`; const shouldScale = Math.min(stream.height, stream.width) > targetResolution; // video codec const isVP9 = ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec === 'vp9'; const isH264 = ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec === 'h264'; const isH265 = ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec === 'hevc'; // transcode efficiency const limitThreads = ffmpeg.threads > 0; const maxBitrateValue = Number.parseInt(ffmpeg.maxBitrate) || 0; const constrainMaximumBitrate = maxBitrateValue > 0; const bitrateUnit = ffmpeg.maxBitrate.trim().substring(maxBitrateValue.toString().length); // use inputted unit if provided if (shouldScale) { options.push(`-vf scale=${scaling}`); } if (isH264 || isH265) { options.push(`-preset ${ffmpeg.preset}`); } if (isVP9) { // vp9 doesn't have presets, but does have a similar setting -cpu-used, from 0-5, 0 being the slowest const presets = ['veryslow', 'slower', 'slow', 'medium', 'fast', 'faster', 'veryfast', 'superfast', 'ultrafast']; const speed = Math.min(presets.indexOf(ffmpeg.preset), 5); // values over 5 require realtime mode, which is its own can of worms since it overrides -crf and -threads if (speed >= 0) { options.push(`-cpu-used ${speed}`); } options.push('-row-mt 1'); // better multithreading } if (limitThreads) { options.push(`-threads ${ffmpeg.threads}`); // x264 and x265 handle threads differently than one might expect // if (isH264 || isH265) { options.push(`-${isH265 ? 'x265' : 'x264'}-params "pools=none"`); options.push(`-${isH265 ? 'x265' : 'x264'}-params "frame-threads=${ffmpeg.threads}"`); } } // two-pass mode for x264/x265 uses bitrate ranges, so it requires a max bitrate from which to derive a target and min bitrate if (constrainMaximumBitrate && ffmpeg.twoPass) { const targetBitrateValue = Math.ceil(maxBitrateValue / 1.45); // recommended by const minBitrateValue = targetBitrateValue / 2; options.push(`-b:v ${targetBitrateValue}${bitrateUnit}`); options.push(`-minrate ${minBitrateValue}${bitrateUnit}`); options.push(`-maxrate ${maxBitrateValue}${bitrateUnit}`); } else if (constrainMaximumBitrate || isVP9) { // for vp9, these flags work for both one-pass and two-pass options.push(`-crf ${ffmpeg.crf}`); options.push(`${isVP9 ? '-b:v' : '-maxrate'} ${maxBitrateValue}${bitrateUnit}`); } else { options.push(`-crf ${ffmpeg.crf}`); } return options; } private eligibleForTwoPass(ffmpeg: SystemConfigFFmpegDto) { if (!ffmpeg.twoPass) { return false; } const isVP9 = ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec === 'vp9'; const maxBitrateValue = Number.parseInt(ffmpeg.maxBitrate) || 0; const constrainMaximumBitrate = maxBitrateValue > 0; return constrainMaximumBitrate || isVP9; } }