import { AssetEntity, AssetType, TranscodeHWAccel, TranscodePolicy, VideoCodec } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { Inject, Injectable, Logger, UnsupportedMediaTypeException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { join } from 'path'; import { IAssetRepository, WithoutProperty } from '../asset'; import { usePagination } from '../domain.util'; import { IBaseJob, IEntityJob, IJobRepository, JobName, JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE } from '../job'; import { IStorageRepository, StorageCore, StorageFolder } from '../storage'; import { ISystemConfigRepository, SystemConfigFFmpegDto } from '../system-config'; import { SystemConfigCore } from '../system-config/system-config.core'; import { AudioStreamInfo, IMediaRepository, VideoCodecHWConfig, VideoStreamInfo } from './media.repository'; import { H264Config, HEVCConfig, NVENCConfig, QSVConfig, ThumbnailConfig, VAAPIConfig, VP9Config } from './media.util'; @Injectable() export class MediaService { private logger = new Logger(; private storageCore = new StorageCore(); private configCore: SystemConfigCore; constructor( @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(IMediaRepository) private mediaRepository: IMediaRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(ISystemConfigRepository) systemConfig: ISystemConfigRepository, ) { this.configCore = new SystemConfigCore(systemConfig); } async handleQueueGenerateThumbnails(job: IBaseJob) { const { force } = job; const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.THUMBNAIL); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { if (!asset.resizePath || force) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_JPEG_THUMBNAIL, data: { id: } }); continue; } if (!asset.webpPath) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_WEBP_THUMBNAIL, data: { id: } }); } if (!asset.thumbhash) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_THUMBHASH_THUMBNAIL, data: { id: } }); } } } return true; } async handleGenerateJpegThumbnail({ id }: IEntityJob) { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset) { return false; } const resizePath = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.THUMBNAILS, asset.ownerId); this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(resizePath); const jpegThumbnailPath = join(resizePath, `${}.jpeg`); const { thumbnail } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); switch (asset.type) { case AssetType.IMAGE: await this.mediaRepository.resize(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath, { size: thumbnail.jpegSize, format: 'jpeg', }); this.logger.log(`Successfully generated image thumbnail ${}`); break; case AssetType.VIDEO: const { videoStreams } = await this.mediaRepository.probe(asset.originalPath); const mainVideoStream = this.getMainVideoStream(videoStreams); if (!mainVideoStream) { this.logger.error(`Could not extract thumbnail for asset ${}: no video streams found`); return false; } const { ffmpeg } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); const config = { ...ffmpeg, targetResolution: thumbnail.jpegSize.toString(), twoPass: false }; const options = new ThumbnailConfig(config).getOptions(mainVideoStream); await this.mediaRepository.transcode(asset.originalPath, jpegThumbnailPath, options); this.logger.log(`Successfully generated video thumbnail ${}`); break; } await{ id:, resizePath: jpegThumbnailPath }); return true; } async handleGenerateWebpThumbnail({ id }: IEntityJob) { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset || !asset.resizePath) { return false; } const webpPath = asset.resizePath.replace('jpeg', 'webp').replace('jpg', 'webp'); const { thumbnail } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); await this.mediaRepository.resize(asset.resizePath, webpPath, { size: thumbnail.webpSize, format: 'webp' }); await{ id:, webpPath }); return true; } async handleGenerateThumbhashThumbnail({ id }: IEntityJob): Promise { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset?.resizePath) { return false; } const thumbhash = await this.mediaRepository.generateThumbhash(asset.resizePath); await{ id:, thumbhash }); return true; } async handleQueueVideoConversion(job: IBaseJob) { const { force } = job; const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination, { type: AssetType.VIDEO }) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.ENCODED_VIDEO); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, data: { id: } }); } } return true; } async handleVideoConversion({ id }: IEntityJob) { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset || asset.type !== AssetType.VIDEO) { return false; } const input = asset.originalPath; const outputFolder = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.ENCODED_VIDEO, asset.ownerId); const output = join(outputFolder, `${}.mp4`); this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(outputFolder); const { videoStreams, audioStreams, format } = await this.mediaRepository.probe(input); const mainVideoStream = this.getMainVideoStream(videoStreams); const mainAudioStream = this.getMainAudioStream(audioStreams); const containerExtension = format.formatName; if (!mainVideoStream || !containerExtension) { return false; } const { ffmpeg: config } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); const required = this.isTranscodeRequired(asset, mainVideoStream, mainAudioStream, containerExtension, config); if (!required) { return false; } let transcodeOptions; try { transcodeOptions = await this.getCodecConfig(config).then((c) => c.getOptions(mainVideoStream)); } catch (err) { this.logger.error(`An error occurred while configuring transcoding options: ${err}`); return false; } this.logger.log(`Start encoding video ${} ${JSON.stringify(transcodeOptions)}`); try { await this.mediaRepository.transcode(input, output, transcodeOptions); } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err); if (config.accel && config.accel !== TranscodeHWAccel.DISABLED) { this.logger.error( `Error occurred during transcoding. Retrying with ${config.accel.toUpperCase()} acceleration disabled.`, ); } config.accel = TranscodeHWAccel.DISABLED; transcodeOptions = await this.getCodecConfig(config).then((c) => c.getOptions(mainVideoStream)); await this.mediaRepository.transcode(input, output, transcodeOptions); } this.logger.log(`Encoding success ${}`); await{ id:, encodedVideoPath: output }); return true; } private getMainVideoStream(streams: VideoStreamInfo[]): VideoStreamInfo | null { return streams.sort((stream1, stream2) => stream2.frameCount - stream1.frameCount)[0]; } private getMainAudioStream(streams: AudioStreamInfo[]): AudioStreamInfo | null { return streams[0]; } private isTranscodeRequired( asset: AssetEntity, videoStream: VideoStreamInfo, audioStream: AudioStreamInfo | null, containerExtension: string, ffmpegConfig: SystemConfigFFmpegDto, ): boolean { if (!videoStream.height || !videoStream.width) { this.logger.error('Skipping transcode, height or width undefined for video stream'); return false; } const isTargetVideoCodec = videoStream.codecName === ffmpegConfig.targetVideoCodec; const isTargetContainer = ['mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', 'mp4', 'mov'].includes(containerExtension); const isTargetAudioCodec = audioStream == null || audioStream.codecName === ffmpegConfig.targetAudioCodec; this.logger.verbose( `${}: AudioCodecName ${audioStream?.codecName ?? 'None'}, AudioStreamCodecType ${ audioStream?.codecType ?? 'None' }, containerExtension ${containerExtension}`, ); const allTargetsMatching = isTargetVideoCodec && isTargetAudioCodec && isTargetContainer; const scalingEnabled = ffmpegConfig.targetResolution !== 'original'; const targetRes = Number.parseInt(ffmpegConfig.targetResolution); const isLargerThanTargetRes = scalingEnabled && Math.min(videoStream.height, videoStream.width) > targetRes; switch (ffmpegConfig.transcode) { case TranscodePolicy.DISABLED: return false; case TranscodePolicy.ALL: return true; case TranscodePolicy.REQUIRED: return !allTargetsMatching || videoStream.isHDR; case TranscodePolicy.OPTIMAL: return !allTargetsMatching || isLargerThanTargetRes || videoStream.isHDR; default: return false; } } async getCodecConfig(config: SystemConfigFFmpegDto) { if (config.accel === TranscodeHWAccel.DISABLED) { return this.getSWCodecConfig(config); } return this.getHWCodecConfig(config); } private getSWCodecConfig(config: SystemConfigFFmpegDto) { switch (config.targetVideoCodec) { case VideoCodec.H264: return new H264Config(config); case VideoCodec.HEVC: return new HEVCConfig(config); case VideoCodec.VP9: return new VP9Config(config); default: throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(`Codec '${config.targetVideoCodec}' is unsupported`); } } private async getHWCodecConfig(config: SystemConfigFFmpegDto) { let handler: VideoCodecHWConfig; let devices: string[]; switch (config.accel) { case TranscodeHWAccel.NVENC: handler = new NVENCConfig(config); break; case TranscodeHWAccel.QSV: devices = await this.storageRepository.readdir('/dev/dri'); handler = new QSVConfig(config, devices); break; case TranscodeHWAccel.VAAPI: devices = await this.storageRepository.readdir('/dev/dri'); handler = new VAAPIConfig(config, devices); break; default: throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException(`${config.accel.toUpperCase()} acceleration is unsupported`); } if (!handler.getSupportedCodecs().includes(config.targetVideoCodec)) { throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException( `${config.accel.toUpperCase()} acceleration does not support codec '${config.targetVideoCodec.toUpperCase()}'. Supported codecs: ${handler.getSupportedCodecs()}`, ); } return handler; } }