import { NotificationType, notificationController } from '$lib/components/shared-components/notification/notification'; import { defaultLang, langs, locales } from '$lib/constants'; import { lang } from '$lib/stores/'; import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error'; import { AssetJobName, AssetMediaSize, JobName, finishOAuth, getAssetOriginalPath, getAssetPlaybackPath, getAssetThumbnailPath, getBaseUrl, getPeopleThumbnailPath, getUserProfileImagePath, linkOAuthAccount, startOAuth, unlinkOAuthAccount, type AssetResponseDto, type PersonResponseDto, type SharedLinkResponseDto, } from '@immich/sdk'; import { mdiCogRefreshOutline, mdiDatabaseRefreshOutline, mdiImageRefreshOutline } from '@mdi/js'; import { sortBy } from 'lodash-es'; import { init, register, t } from 'svelte-i18n'; import { derived, get } from 'svelte/store'; interface DownloadRequestOptions { method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE'; url: string; data?: T; signal?: AbortSignal; onDownloadProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void; } export const initLanguage = async () => { const preferenceLang = get(lang); for (const { code, loader } of langs) { register(code, loader); } await init({ fallbackLocale: preferenceLang === 'dev' ? 'dev' : defaultLang.code, initialLocale: preferenceLang }); }; interface UploadRequestOptions { url: string; method?: 'POST' | 'PUT'; data: FormData; onUploadProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void; } export class AbortError extends Error { name = 'AbortError'; } class ApiError extends Error { name = 'ApiError'; constructor( public message: string, public statusCode: number, public details: string, ) { super(message); } } export const uploadRequest = async (options: UploadRequestOptions): Promise<{ data: T; status: number }> => { const { onUploadProgress: onProgress, data, url } = options; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('error', (error) => reject(error)); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { resolve({ data: xhr.response as T, status: xhr.status }); } else { reject(new ApiError(xhr.statusText, xhr.status, xhr.response)); } }); if (onProgress) { xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (event) => onProgress(event)); } || 'POST', url); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.send(data); }); }; export const downloadRequest = (options: DownloadRequestOptions | string) => { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { url: options }; } const { signal, method, url, data: body, onDownloadProgress: onProgress } = options; return new Promise<{ data: Blob; status: number }>((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('error', (error) => reject(error)); xhr.addEventListener('abort', () => reject(new AbortError())); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { resolve({ data: xhr.response as Blob, status: xhr.status }); } else { reject(new ApiError(xhr.statusText, xhr.status, xhr.responseText)); } }); if (onProgress) { xhr.addEventListener('progress', (event) => onProgress(event)); } if (signal) { signal.addEventListener('abort', () => xhr.abort()); } || 'GET', url); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; if (body) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.send(JSON.stringify(body)); } else { xhr.send(); } }); }; export const getJobName = derived(t, ($t) => { return (jobName: JobName) => { const names: Record = { [JobName.ThumbnailGeneration]: $t('admin.thumbnail_generation_job'), [JobName.MetadataExtraction]: $t('admin.metadata_extraction_job'), [JobName.Sidecar]: $t('admin.sidecar_job'), [JobName.SmartSearch]: $t('admin.machine_learning_smart_search'), [JobName.DuplicateDetection]: $t('admin.machine_learning_duplicate_detection'), [JobName.FaceDetection]: $t('admin.face_detection'), [JobName.FacialRecognition]: $t('admin.machine_learning_facial_recognition'), [JobName.VideoConversion]: $t('admin.video_conversion_job'), [JobName.StorageTemplateMigration]: $t('admin.storage_template_migration'), [JobName.Migration]: $t('admin.migration_job'), [JobName.BackgroundTask]: $t('admin.background_task_job'), [JobName.Search]: $t('search'), [JobName.Library]: $t('library'), [JobName.Notifications]: $t('notifications'), }; return names[jobName]; }; }); let _key: string | undefined; let _sharedLink: SharedLinkResponseDto | undefined; export const setKey = (key: string) => (_key = key); export const getKey = (): string | undefined => _key; export const setSharedLink = (sharedLink: SharedLinkResponseDto) => (_sharedLink = sharedLink); export const getSharedLink = (): SharedLinkResponseDto | undefined => _sharedLink; export const isSharedLink = () => { return !!_key; }; const createUrl = (path: string, parameters?: Record) => { const searchParameters = new URLSearchParams(); for (const key in parameters) { const value = parameters[key]; if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { searchParameters.set(key, value.toString()); } } const url = new URL(path, ''); = searchParameters.toString(); return getBaseUrl() + url.pathname + + url.hash; }; export const getAssetOriginalUrl = (options: string | { id: string; checksum?: string }) => { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { id: options }; } const { id, checksum } = options; return createUrl(getAssetOriginalPath(id), { key: getKey(), c: checksum }); }; export const getAssetThumbnailUrl = (options: string | { id: string; size?: AssetMediaSize; checksum?: string }) => { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { id: options }; } const { id, size, checksum } = options; return createUrl(getAssetThumbnailPath(id), { size, key: getKey(), c: checksum }); }; export const getAssetPlaybackUrl = (options: string | { id: string; checksum?: string }) => { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { id: options }; } const { id, checksum } = options; return createUrl(getAssetPlaybackPath(id), { key: getKey(), c: checksum }); }; export const getProfileImageUrl = (userId: string) => createUrl(getUserProfileImagePath(userId)); export const getPeopleThumbnailUrl = (person: PersonResponseDto, updatedAt?: string) => createUrl(getPeopleThumbnailPath(, { updatedAt: updatedAt ?? person.updatedAt }); export const getAssetJobName = derived(t, ($t) => { return (job: AssetJobName) => { const names: Record = { [AssetJobName.RefreshMetadata]: $t('refresh_metadata'), [AssetJobName.RegenerateThumbnail]: $t('refresh_thumbnails'), [AssetJobName.TranscodeVideo]: $t('refresh_encoded_videos'), }; return names[job]; }; }); export const getAssetJobMessage = derived(t, ($t) => { return (job: AssetJobName) => { const messages: Record = { [AssetJobName.RefreshMetadata]: $t('refreshing_metadata'), [AssetJobName.RegenerateThumbnail]: $t('regenerating_thumbnails'), [AssetJobName.TranscodeVideo]: $t('refreshing_encoded_video'), }; return messages[job]; }; }); export const getAssetJobIcon = (job: AssetJobName) => { const names: Record = { [AssetJobName.RefreshMetadata]: mdiDatabaseRefreshOutline, [AssetJobName.RegenerateThumbnail]: mdiImageRefreshOutline, [AssetJobName.TranscodeVideo]: mdiCogRefreshOutline, }; return names[job]; }; export const copyToClipboard = async (secret: string) => { const $t = get(t); try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(secret);{ message: $t('copied_to_clipboard'), type: NotificationType.Info }); } catch (error) { handleError(error, $t('errors.unable_to_copy_to_clipboard')); } }; export const makeSharedLinkUrl = (externalDomain: string, key: string) => { let url = externalDomain || window.location.origin; if (!url.endsWith('/')) { url += '/'; } return `${url}share/${key}`; }; export const oauth = { isCallback: (location: Location) => { const search =; return search.includes('code=') || search.includes('error='); }, isAutoLaunchDisabled: (location: Location) => { const values = ['autoLaunch=0', 'password=1', 'password=true']; for (const value of values) { if ( { return true; } } return false; }, authorize: async (location: Location) => { const $t = get(t); try { const redirectUri = location.href.split('?')[0]; const { url } = await startOAuth({ oAuthConfigDto: { redirectUri } }); window.location.href = url; return true; } catch (error) { handleError(error, $t('errors.unable_to_login_with_oauth')); return false; } }, login: (location: Location) => { return finishOAuth({ oAuthCallbackDto: { url: location.href } }); }, link: (location: Location) => { return linkOAuthAccount({ oAuthCallbackDto: { url: location.href } }); }, unlink: () => { return unlinkOAuthAccount(); }, }; export const findLocale = (code: string | undefined) => { const language = locales.find((lang) => lang.code === code); return { code: language?.code, name: language?.name, }; }; export const asyncTimeout = (ms: number) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); }; export const handlePromiseError = (promise: Promise): void => { promise.catch((error) => console.error(`[utils.ts]:handlePromiseError ${error}`, error)); }; export const memoryLaneTitle = derived(t, ($t) => { return (yearsAgo: number) => $t('years_ago', { values: { years: yearsAgo } }); }); export const withError = async (fn: () => Promise): Promise<[undefined, T] | [unknown, undefined]> => { try { const result = await fn(); return [undefined, result]; } catch (error) { return [error, undefined]; } }; export const suggestDuplicateByFileSize = (assets: AssetResponseDto[]): AssetResponseDto | undefined => { return sortBy(assets, (asset) => asset.exifInfo?.fileSizeInByte).pop(); }; // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-code-point export const decodeBase64 = (data: string) => Uint8Array.from(atob(data), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));