import { LoginResponseDto } from '@app/domain'; import { AlbumController, AppModule } from '@app/immich'; import { SharedLinkType } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import request from 'supertest'; import { errorStub, uuidStub } from '../fixtures'; import { api, db } from '../test-utils'; const user1SharedUser = 'user1SharedUser'; const user1SharedLink = 'user1SharedLink'; const user1NotShared = 'user1NotShared'; const user2SharedUser = 'user2SharedUser'; const user2SharedLink = 'user2SharedLink'; const user2NotShared = 'user2NotShared'; describe(`${} (e2e)`, () => { let app: INestApplication; let server: any; let user1: LoginResponseDto; let user2: LoginResponseDto; beforeAll(async () => { const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [AppModule], }).compile(); app = await moduleFixture.createNestApplication().init(); server = app.getHttpServer(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await db.reset(); await api.adminSignUp(server); const admin = await api.adminLogin(server); await api.userApi.create(server, admin.accessToken, { email: '', password: 'Password123', firstName: 'User 1', lastName: 'Test', }); user1 = await api.login(server, { email: '', password: 'Password123' }); await api.userApi.create(server, admin.accessToken, { email: '', password: 'Password123', firstName: 'User 2', lastName: 'Test', }); user2 = await api.login(server, { email: '', password: 'Password123' }); const user1Albums = await Promise.all([ api.albumApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { albumName: user1SharedUser, sharedWithUserIds: [user2.userId], }), api.albumApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { albumName: user1SharedLink }), api.albumApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { albumName: user1NotShared }), ]); // add shared link to user1SharedLink album await api.sharedLinkApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM, albumId: user1Albums[1].id, }); const user2Albums = await Promise.all([ api.albumApi.create(server, user2.accessToken, { albumName: user2SharedUser, sharedWithUserIds: [user1.userId], }), api.albumApi.create(server, user2.accessToken, { albumName: user2SharedLink }), api.albumApi.create(server, user2.accessToken, { albumName: user2NotShared }), ]); // add shared link to user2SharedLink album await api.sharedLinkApi.create(server, user2.accessToken, { type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM, albumId: user2Albums[1].id, }); }); afterAll(async () => { await db.disconnect(); await app.close(); }); describe('GET /album', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/album'); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should reject an invalid shared param', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?shared=invalid') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest); }); it('should reject an invalid assetId param', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?assetId=invalid') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest); }); it('should return the album collection including owned and shared', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/album').set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(3); expect(body).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1SharedUser, shared: true }), expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1SharedLink, shared: true }), expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1NotShared, shared: false }), ]), ); }); it('should return the album collection filtered by shared', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?shared=true') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(3); expect(body).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1SharedUser, shared: true }), expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1SharedLink, shared: true }), expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user2.userId, albumName: user2SharedUser, shared: true }), ]), ); }); it('should return the album collection filtered by NOT shared', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?shared=false') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(1); expect(body).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: user1NotShared, shared: false }), ]), ); }); // TODO: Add asset to album and test if it returns correctly. it('should return the album collection filtered by assetId', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?assetId=ecb120db-45a2-4a65-9293-51476f0d8790') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(0); }); // TODO: Add asset to album and test if it returns correctly. it('should return the album collection filtered by assetId and ignores shared=true', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?shared=true&assetId=ecb120db-45a2-4a65-9293-51476f0d8790') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(0); }); // TODO: Add asset to album and test if it returns correctly. it('should return the album collection filtered by assetId and ignores shared=false', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/album?shared=false&assetId=ecb120db-45a2-4a65-9293-51476f0d8790') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`); expect(status).toEqual(200); expect(body).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('POST /album', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post('/album').send({ albumName: 'New album' }); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should create an album', async () => { const body = await api.albumApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { albumName: 'New album' }); expect(body).toEqual({ id: expect.any(String), createdAt: expect.any(String), updatedAt: expect.any(String), ownerId: user1.userId, albumName: 'New album', description: '', albumThumbnailAssetId: null, shared: false, sharedUsers: [], hasSharedLink: false, assets: [], assetCount: 0, owner: expect.objectContaining({ email: user1.userEmail }), }); }); }); describe('PATCH /album/:id', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .patch(`/album/${uuidStub.notFound}`) .send({ albumName: 'New album name' }); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should update an album', async () => { const album = await api.albumApi.create(server, user1.accessToken, { albumName: 'New album' }); const { status, body } = await request(server) .patch(`/album/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${user1.accessToken}`) .send({ albumName: 'New album name', description: 'An album description', }); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual({ ...album, updatedAt: expect.any(String), albumName: 'New album name', description: 'An album description', }); }); }); });