import { AssetEntity, LibraryType } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { BadRequestException, Inject, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { DateTime, Duration } from 'luxon'; import { extname } from 'path'; import sanitize from 'sanitize-filename'; import { AccessCore, IAccessRepository, Permission } from '../access'; import { AuthUserDto } from '../auth'; import { CommunicationEvent, ICommunicationRepository } from '../communication'; import { ICryptoRepository } from '../crypto'; import { mimeTypes } from '../domain.constant'; import { HumanReadableSize, usePagination } from '../domain.util'; import { IAssetDeletionJob, IJobRepository, JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, JobName } from '../job'; import { IStorageRepository, ImmichReadStream, StorageCore, StorageFolder } from '../storage'; import { ISystemConfigRepository, SystemConfigCore } from '../system-config'; import { IAssetRepository } from './asset.repository'; import { AssetBulkDeleteDto, AssetBulkUpdateDto, AssetIdsDto, AssetJobName, AssetJobsDto, AssetStatsDto, DownloadArchiveInfo, DownloadInfoDto, DownloadResponseDto, MapMarkerDto, MemoryLaneDto, TimeBucketAssetDto, TimeBucketDto, TrashAction, UpdateAssetDto, mapStats, } from './dto'; import { AssetResponseDto, BulkIdsDto, MapMarkerResponseDto, MemoryLaneResponseDto, TimeBucketResponseDto, mapAsset, } from './response-dto'; export enum UploadFieldName { ASSET_DATA = 'assetData', LIVE_PHOTO_DATA = 'livePhotoData', SIDECAR_DATA = 'sidecarData', PROFILE_DATA = 'file', } export interface UploadRequest { authUser: AuthUserDto | null; fieldName: UploadFieldName; file: UploadFile; } export interface UploadFile { checksum: Buffer; originalPath: string; originalName: string; } export class AssetService { private logger = new Logger(; private access: AccessCore; private configCore: SystemConfigCore; private storageCore: StorageCore; constructor( @Inject(IAccessRepository) accessRepository: IAccessRepository, @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(ISystemConfigRepository) configRepository: ISystemConfigRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(ICommunicationRepository) private communicationRepository: ICommunicationRepository, ) { this.access = new AccessCore(accessRepository); this.storageCore = new StorageCore(storageRepository); this.configCore = SystemConfigCore.create(configRepository); } canUploadFile({ authUser, fieldName, file }: UploadRequest): true { this.access.requireUploadAccess(authUser); const filename = file.originalName; switch (fieldName) { case UploadFieldName.ASSET_DATA: if (mimeTypes.isAsset(filename)) { return true; } break; case UploadFieldName.LIVE_PHOTO_DATA: if (mimeTypes.isVideo(filename)) { return true; } break; case UploadFieldName.SIDECAR_DATA: if (mimeTypes.isSidecar(filename)) { return true; } break; case UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA: if (mimeTypes.isProfile(filename)) { return true; } break; } this.logger.error(`Unsupported file type ${filename}`); throw new BadRequestException(`Unsupported file type ${filename}`); } getUploadFilename({ authUser, fieldName, file }: UploadRequest): string { this.access.requireUploadAccess(authUser); const originalExt = extname(file.originalName); const lookup = { [UploadFieldName.ASSET_DATA]: originalExt, [UploadFieldName.LIVE_PHOTO_DATA]: '.mov', [UploadFieldName.SIDECAR_DATA]: '.xmp', [UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA]: originalExt, }; return sanitize(`${this.cryptoRepository.randomUUID()}${lookup[fieldName]}`); } getUploadFolder({ authUser, fieldName }: UploadRequest): string { authUser = this.access.requireUploadAccess(authUser); let folder = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.UPLOAD,; if (fieldName === UploadFieldName.PROFILE_DATA) { folder = this.storageCore.getFolderLocation(StorageFolder.PROFILE,; } this.storageRepository.mkdirSync(folder); return folder; } getMapMarkers(authUser: AuthUserDto, options: MapMarkerDto): Promise { return this.assetRepository.getMapMarkers(, options); } async getMemoryLane(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: MemoryLaneDto): Promise { const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); const assets = await this.assetRepository.getByDayOfYear(, dto); return _.chain(assets) .filter((asset) => asset.localDateTime.getFullYear() < currentYear) .map((asset) => { const years = currentYear - asset.localDateTime.getFullYear(); return { title: `${years} year${years > 1 ? 's' : ''} since...`, asset: mapAsset(asset), }; }) .groupBy((asset) => asset.title) .map((items, title) => ({ title, assets:{ asset }) => asset) })) .value(); } private async timeBucketChecks(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: TimeBucketDto) { if (dto.albumId) { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ALBUM_READ, [dto.albumId]); } else if (dto.userId) { if (dto.isArchived !== false) { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ARCHIVE_READ, [dto.userId]); } await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.TIMELINE_READ, [dto.userId]); } else { dto.userId =; } } async getTimeBuckets(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: TimeBucketDto): Promise { await this.timeBucketChecks(authUser, dto); return this.assetRepository.getTimeBuckets(dto); } async getByTimeBucket(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: TimeBucketAssetDto): Promise { await this.timeBucketChecks(authUser, dto); const assets = await this.assetRepository.getByTimeBucket(dto.timeBucket, dto); return; } async downloadFile(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_DOWNLOAD, id); const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset) { throw new BadRequestException('Asset not found'); } if (asset.isOffline) { throw new BadRequestException('Asset is offline'); } return this.storageRepository.createReadStream(asset.originalPath, mimeTypes.lookup(asset.originalPath)); } async getDownloadInfo(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: DownloadInfoDto): Promise { const targetSize = dto.archiveSize || HumanReadableSize.GiB * 4; const archives: DownloadArchiveInfo[] = []; let archive: DownloadArchiveInfo = { size: 0, assetIds: [] }; const assetPagination = await this.getDownloadAssets(authUser, dto); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { // motion part of live photos const motionIds = => asset.livePhotoVideoId).filter((id): id is string => !!id); if (motionIds.length > 0) { assets.push(...(await this.assetRepository.getByIds(motionIds))); } for (const asset of assets) { archive.size += Number(asset.exifInfo?.fileSizeInByte || 0); archive.assetIds.push(; if (archive.size > targetSize) { archives.push(archive); archive = { size: 0, assetIds: [] }; } } if (archive.assetIds.length > 0) { archives.push(archive); } } return { totalSize: archives.reduce((total, item) => (total += item.size), 0), archives, }; } async downloadArchive(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: AssetIdsDto): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_DOWNLOAD, dto.assetIds); const zip = this.storageRepository.createZipStream(); const assets = await this.assetRepository.getByIds(dto.assetIds); const paths: Record = {}; for (const { originalPath, originalFileName } of assets) { const ext = extname(originalPath); let filename = `${originalFileName}${ext}`; const count = paths[filename] || 0; paths[filename] = count + 1; if (count !== 0) { filename = `${originalFileName}+${count}${ext}`; } zip.addFile(originalPath, filename); } zip.finalize(); return { stream: }; } private async getDownloadAssets(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: DownloadInfoDto): Promise> { const PAGINATION_SIZE = 2500; if (dto.assetIds) { const assetIds = dto.assetIds; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_DOWNLOAD, assetIds); const assets = await this.assetRepository.getByIds(assetIds); return (async function* () { yield assets; })(); } if (dto.albumId) { const albumId = dto.albumId; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ALBUM_DOWNLOAD, albumId); return usePagination(PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => this.assetRepository.getByAlbumId(pagination, albumId)); } if (dto.userId) { const userId = dto.userId; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.TIMELINE_DOWNLOAD, userId); return usePagination(PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => this.assetRepository.getByUserId(pagination, userId, { isVisible: true }), ); } throw new BadRequestException('assetIds, albumId, or userId is required'); } async getStatistics(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: AssetStatsDto) { const stats = await this.assetRepository.getStatistics(, dto); return mapStats(stats); } async getRandom(authUser: AuthUserDto, count: number): Promise { const assets = await this.assetRepository.getRandom(, count); return => mapAsset(a)); } async update(authUser: AuthUserDto, id: string, dto: UpdateAssetDto): Promise { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_UPDATE, id); const { description, } = dto; if (description !== undefined) { await this.assetRepository.upsertExif({ assetId: id, description }); } const asset = await{ id, }); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_INDEX_ASSET, data: { ids: [id] } }); return mapAsset(asset); } async updateAll(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: AssetBulkUpdateDto): Promise { const { ids, ...options } = dto; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_UPDATE, ids); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_INDEX_ASSET, data: { ids } }); await this.assetRepository.updateAll(ids, options); } async handleAssetDeletionCheck() { const config = await this.configCore.getConfig(); const trashedDays = config.trash.enabled ? config.trash.days : 0; const trashedBefore = .minus(Duration.fromObject({ days: trashedDays })) .toJSDate(); const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination, { trashedBefore }), ); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION, data: { id: } }); } } return true; } async handleAssetDeletion(job: IAssetDeletionJob) { const { id, fromExternal } = job; const asset = await this.assetRepository.getById(id); if (!asset) { return false; } // Ignore requests that are not from external library job but is for an external asset if (!fromExternal && (!asset.library || asset.library.type === LibraryType.EXTERNAL)) { return false; } if (asset.faces) { await Promise.all({ assetId, personId }) => this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_REMOVE_FACE, data: { assetId, personId } }), ), ); } await this.assetRepository.remove(asset); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_REMOVE_ASSET, data: { ids: [] } }); this.communicationRepository.send(CommunicationEvent.ASSET_DELETE, asset.ownerId, id); // TODO refactor this to use cascades if (asset.livePhotoVideoId) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION, data: { id: asset.livePhotoVideoId } }); } const files = [asset.webpPath, asset.resizePath, asset.encodedVideoPath, asset.sidecarPath]; if (!fromExternal) { files.push(asset.originalPath); } if (!asset.isReadOnly) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.DELETE_FILES, data: { files } }); } return true; } async deleteAll(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: AssetBulkDeleteDto): Promise { const { ids, force } = dto; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_DELETE, ids); if (force) { for (const id of ids) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION, data: { id } }); } } else { await this.assetRepository.softDeleteAll(ids); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_REMOVE_ASSET, data: { ids } }); this.communicationRepository.send(CommunicationEvent.ASSET_TRASH,, ids); } } async handleTrashAction(authUser: AuthUserDto, action: TrashAction): Promise { const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => this.assetRepository.getByUserId(pagination,, { trashedBefore: }), ); if (action == TrashAction.RESTORE_ALL) { for await (const assets of assetPagination) { const ids = =>; await this.assetRepository.restoreAll(ids); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_INDEX_ASSET, data: { ids } }); } return; } if (action == TrashAction.EMPTY_ALL) { for await (const assets of assetPagination) { for (const asset of assets) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION, data: { id: } }); } } return; } } async restoreAll(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: BulkIdsDto): Promise { const { ids } = dto; await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_RESTORE, ids); await this.assetRepository.restoreAll(ids); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.SEARCH_INDEX_ASSET, data: { ids } }); } async run(authUser: AuthUserDto, dto: AssetJobsDto) { await this.access.requirePermission(authUser, Permission.ASSET_UPDATE, dto.assetIds); for (const id of dto.assetIds) { switch ( { case AssetJobName.REFRESH_METADATA: await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id } }); break; case AssetJobName.REGENERATE_THUMBNAIL: await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.GENERATE_JPEG_THUMBNAIL, data: { id } }); break; case AssetJobName.TRANSCODE_VIDEO: await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, data: { id } }); break; } } } }