import { IPersonRepository, LoginResponseDto } from '@app/domain'; import { PersonController } from '@app/immich'; import { PersonEntity } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common'; import { api } from '@test/api'; import { errorStub, uuidStub } from '@test/fixtures'; import { testApp } from '@test/test-utils'; import request from 'supertest'; describe(`${}`, () => { let app: INestApplication; let server: any; let loginResponse: LoginResponseDto; let accessToken: string; let personRepository: IPersonRepository; let visiblePerson: PersonEntity; let hiddenPerson: PersonEntity; beforeAll(async () => { [server, app] = await testApp.create(); personRepository = app.get(IPersonRepository); }); afterAll(async () => { await testApp.teardown(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await testApp.reset(); await api.authApi.adminSignUp(server); loginResponse = await api.authApi.adminLogin(server); accessToken = loginResponse.accessToken; const faceAsset = await api.assetApi.upload(server, accessToken, 'face_asset'); visiblePerson = await personRepository.create({ ownerId: loginResponse.userId, name: 'visible_person', thumbnailPath: '/thumbnail/face_asset', }); await personRepository.createFace({ assetId:, personId:, embedding: Array.from({ length: 512 }, Math.random), }); hiddenPerson = await personRepository.create({ ownerId: loginResponse.userId, name: 'hidden_person', isHidden: true, thumbnailPath: '/thumbnail/face_asset', }); await personRepository.createFace({ assetId:, personId:, embedding: Array.from({ length: 512 }, Math.random), }); }); describe('GET /person', () => { beforeEach(async () => {}); it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/person'); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should return all people (including hidden)', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get('/person') .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`) .query({ withHidden: true }); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual({ total: 2, visible: 1, people: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: 'visible_person' }), expect.objectContaining({ name: 'hidden_person' }), ], }); }); it('should return only visible people', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/person').set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual({ total: 1, visible: 1, people: [expect.objectContaining({ name: 'visible_person' })], }); }); }); describe('GET /person/:id', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get(`/person/${uuidStub.notFound}`); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should throw error if person with id does not exist', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get(`/person/${uuidStub.notFound}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest()); }); it('should return person information', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .get(`/person/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ id: })); }); }); describe('PUT /person/:id', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).put(`/person/${uuidStub.notFound}`); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); for (const { key, type } of [ { key: 'name', type: 'string' }, { key: 'featureFaceAssetId', type: 'string' }, { key: 'isHidden', type: 'boolean value' }, ]) { it(`should not allow null ${key}`, async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .put(`/person/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`) .send({ [key]: null }); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest([`${key} must be a ${type}`])); }); } it('should not accept invalid birth dates', async () => { for (const { birthDate, response } of [ { birthDate: false, response: 'Not found or no person.write access' }, { birthDate: 'false', response: ['birthDate must be a Date instance'] }, { birthDate: '123567', response: 'Not found or no person.write access' }, { birthDate: 123567, response: 'Not found or no person.write access' }, ]) { const { status, body } = await request(server) .put(`/person/${uuidStub.notFound}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`) .send({ birthDate }); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest(response)); } }); it('should update a date of birth', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .put(`/person/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`) .send({ birthDate: '1990-01-01T05:00:00.000Z' }); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toMatchObject({ birthDate: '1990-01-01' }); }); it('should clear a date of birth', async () => { const person = await personRepository.create({ birthDate: new Date('1990-01-01'), ownerId: loginResponse.userId, }); expect(person.birthDate).toBeDefined(); const { status, body } = await request(server) .put(`/person/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`) .send({ birthDate: null }); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toMatchObject({ birthDate: null }); }); }); });