import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:ui' show IsolateNameServer, PluginUtilities; import 'package:cancellation_token_http/http.dart'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/constants/hive_box.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/background_service/localization.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/current_upload_asset.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/error_upload_asset.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/models/hive_backup_albums.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/backup/services/backup.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/login/models/hive_saved_login_info.model.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/settings/services/app_settings.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/services/api.service.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart'; final backgroundServiceProvider = Provider( (ref) => BackgroundService(), ); /// Background backup service class BackgroundService { static const String _portNameLock = "immichLock"; static const MethodChannel _foregroundChannel = MethodChannel('immich/foregroundChannel'); static const MethodChannel _backgroundChannel = MethodChannel('immich/backgroundChannel'); static final NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat("###0.##"); bool _isBackgroundInitialized = false; CancellationToken? _cancellationToken; bool _canceledBySystem = false; int _wantsLockTime = 0; bool _hasLock = false; SendPort? _waitingIsolate; ReceivePort? _rp; bool _errorGracePeriodExceeded = true; int _uploadedAssetsCount = 0; int _assetsToUploadCount = 0; int _lastDetailProgressUpdate = 0; String _lastPrintedProgress = ""; bool get isBackgroundInitialized { return _isBackgroundInitialized; } /// Ensures that the background service is enqueued if enabled in settings Future resumeServiceIfEnabled() async { return await isBackgroundBackupEnabled() && await enableService(); } /// Enqueues the background service Future enableService({bool immediate = false}) async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { final callback = PluginUtilities.getCallbackHandle(_nativeEntry)!; final String title = "backup_background_service_default_notification".tr(); final bool ok = await _foregroundChannel .invokeMethod('enable', [callback.toRawHandle(), title, immediate]); return ok; } catch (error) { return false; } } /// Configures the background service Future configureService({ bool requireUnmetered = true, bool requireCharging = false, }) async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { final bool ok = await _foregroundChannel.invokeMethod( 'configure', [requireUnmetered, requireCharging], ); return ok; } catch (error) { return false; } } /// Cancels the background service (if currently running) and removes it from work queue Future disableService() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { final ok = await _foregroundChannel.invokeMethod('disable'); return ok; } catch (error) { return false; } } /// Returns `true` if the background service is enabled Future isBackgroundBackupEnabled() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return false; } try { return await _foregroundChannel.invokeMethod("isEnabled"); } catch (error) { return false; } } /// Returns `true` if battery optimizations are disabled Future isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { return await _foregroundChannel .invokeMethod('isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations'); } catch (error) { return false; } } /// Updates the notification shown by the background service Future _updateNotification({ String? title, String? content, int progress = 0, int max = 0, bool indeterminate = false, bool isDetail = false, bool onlyIfFG = false, }) async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { if (_isBackgroundInitialized) { return _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod( 'updateNotification', [title, content, progress, max, indeterminate, isDetail, onlyIfFG], ); } } catch (error) { debugPrint("[_updateNotification] failed to communicate with plugin"); } return false; } /// Shows a new priority notification Future _showErrorNotification({ required String title, String? content, String? individualTag, }) async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { if (_isBackgroundInitialized && _errorGracePeriodExceeded) { return await _backgroundChannel .invokeMethod('showError', [title, content, individualTag]); } } catch (error) { debugPrint("[_showErrorNotification] failed to communicate with plugin"); } return false; } Future _clearErrorNotifications() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } try { if (_isBackgroundInitialized) { return await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('clearErrorNotifications'); } } catch (error) { debugPrint( "[_clearErrorNotifications] failed to communicate with plugin", ); } return false; } /// await to ensure this thread (foreground or background) has exclusive access Future acquireLock() async { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return true; } final int lockTime =; _wantsLockTime = lockTime; final ReceivePort rp = ReceivePort(_portNameLock); _rp = rp; final SendPort sp = rp.sendPort; while (!IsolateNameServer.registerPortWithName(sp, _portNameLock)) { try { await _checkLockReleasedWithHeartbeat(lockTime); } catch (error) { return false; } if (_wantsLockTime != lockTime) { return false; } } _hasLock = true; rp.listen(_heartbeatListener); return true; } Future _checkLockReleasedWithHeartbeat(final int lockTime) async { SendPort? other = IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(_portNameLock); if (other != null) { final ReceivePort tempRp = ReceivePort(); final SendPort tempSp = tempRp.sendPort; final bs = tempRp.asBroadcastStream(); while (_wantsLockTime == lockTime) { other.send(tempSp); final dynamic answer = await bs.first .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () => null); if (_wantsLockTime != lockTime) { break; } if (answer == null) { // other isolate failed to answer, assuming it exited without releasing the lock if (other == IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(_portNameLock)) { IsolateNameServer.removePortNameMapping(_portNameLock); } break; } else if (answer == true) { // other isolate released the lock break; } else if (answer == false) { // other isolate is still active } final dynamic isFinished = await bs.first .timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () => false); if (isFinished == true) { break; } } tempRp.close(); } } void _heartbeatListener(dynamic msg) { if (msg is SendPort) { _waitingIsolate = msg; msg.send(false); } } /// releases the exclusive access lock void releaseLock() { if (!Platform.isAndroid) { return; } _wantsLockTime = 0; if (_hasLock) { IsolateNameServer.removePortNameMapping(_portNameLock); _waitingIsolate?.send(true); _waitingIsolate = null; _hasLock = false; } _rp?.close(); _rp = null; } void _setupBackgroundCallHandler() { _backgroundChannel.setMethodCallHandler(_callHandler); _isBackgroundInitialized = true; _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('initialized'); } Future _callHandler(MethodCall call) async { switch (call.method) { case "onAssetsChanged": final Future translationsLoaded = loadTranslations(); try { _clearErrorNotifications(); final bool hasAccess = await acquireLock(); if (!hasAccess) { debugPrint("[_callHandler] could not acquire lock, exiting"); return false; } await translationsLoaded; final bool ok = await _onAssetsChanged(); return ok; } catch (error) { debugPrint(error.toString()); return false; } finally { await Hive.close(); releaseLock(); } case "systemStop": _canceledBySystem = true; _cancellationToken?.cancel(); return true; default: debugPrint("Unknown method ${call.method}"); return false; } } Future _onAssetsChanged() async { await Hive.initFlutter(); Hive.registerAdapter(HiveSavedLoginInfoAdapter()); Hive.registerAdapter(HiveBackupAlbumsAdapter()); await Hive.openBox(userInfoBox); await Hive.openBox(hiveLoginInfoBox); await Hive.openBox(userSettingInfoBox); await Hive.openBox(backgroundBackupInfoBox); ApiService apiService = ApiService(); apiService.setEndpoint(; apiService.setAccessToken(; BackupService backupService = BackupService(apiService); AppSettingsService settingsService = AppSettingsService(); final Box box = await Hive.openBox(hiveBackupInfoBox); final HiveBackupAlbums? backupAlbumInfo = box.get(backupInfoKey); if (backupAlbumInfo == null) { return true; } await PhotoManager.setIgnorePermissionCheck(true); do { final bool backupOk = await _runBackup( backupService, settingsService, backupAlbumInfo, ); if (backupOk) { await; await box.put( backupInfoKey, backupAlbumInfo, ); } else if ( == null) { .put(backupFailedSince,; return false; } // check for new assets added while performing backup } while (true == await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod("hasContentChanged")); return true; } Future _runBackup( BackupService backupService, AppSettingsService settingsService, HiveBackupAlbums backupAlbumInfo, ) async { _errorGracePeriodExceeded = _isErrorGracePeriodExceeded(settingsService); final bool notifyTotalProgress = settingsService .getSetting(AppSettingsEnum.backgroundBackupTotalProgress); final bool notifySingleProgress = settingsService .getSetting(AppSettingsEnum.backgroundBackupSingleProgress); if (_canceledBySystem) { return false; } List toUpload = await backupService.buildUploadCandidates(backupAlbumInfo); try { toUpload = await backupService.removeAlreadyUploadedAssets(toUpload); } catch (e) { _showErrorNotification( title: "backup_background_service_error_title".tr(), content: "backup_background_service_connection_failed_message".tr(), ); return false; } if (_canceledBySystem) { return false; } if (toUpload.isEmpty) { return true; } _assetsToUploadCount = toUpload.length; _uploadedAssetsCount = 0; _updateNotification( title: "backup_background_service_in_progress_notification".tr(), content: notifyTotalProgress ? _formatAssetBackupProgress() : null, progress: 0, max: notifyTotalProgress ? _assetsToUploadCount : 0, indeterminate: !notifyTotalProgress, onlyIfFG: !notifyTotalProgress, ); _cancellationToken = CancellationToken(); final bool ok = await backupService.backupAsset( toUpload, _cancellationToken!, notifyTotalProgress ? _onAssetUploaded : (assetId, deviceId) {}, notifySingleProgress ? _onProgress : (sent, total) {}, notifySingleProgress ? _onSetCurrentBackupAsset : (asset) {}, _onBackupError, ); if (!ok && !_cancellationToken!.isCancelled) { _showErrorNotification( title: "backup_background_service_error_title".tr(), content: "backup_background_service_backup_failed_message".tr(), ); } return ok; } String _formatAssetBackupProgress() { final int percent = (_uploadedAssetsCount * 100) ~/ _assetsToUploadCount; return "$percent% ($_uploadedAssetsCount/$_assetsToUploadCount)"; } void _onAssetUploaded(String deviceAssetId, String deviceId) { debugPrint("Uploaded $deviceAssetId from $deviceId"); _uploadedAssetsCount++; _updateNotification( progress: _uploadedAssetsCount, max: _assetsToUploadCount, content: _formatAssetBackupProgress(), ); } void _onProgress(int sent, int total) { final int now =; // limit updates to 10 per second (or Android drops important notifications) if (now > _lastDetailProgressUpdate + 100000) { final String msg = _humanReadableBytesProgress(sent, total); // only update if message actually differs (to stop many useless notification updates on large assets or slow connections) if (msg != _lastPrintedProgress) { _lastDetailProgressUpdate = now; _lastPrintedProgress = msg; _updateNotification( progress: sent, max: total, isDetail: true, content: msg, ); } } } void _onBackupError(ErrorUploadAsset errorAssetInfo) { _showErrorNotification( title: "backup_background_service_upload_failure_notification" .tr(args: [errorAssetInfo.fileName]), individualTag:, ); } void _onSetCurrentBackupAsset(CurrentUploadAsset currentUploadAsset) { _updateNotification( title: "backup_background_service_current_upload_notification" .tr(args: [currentUploadAsset.fileName]), content: "", isDetail: true, progress: 0, max: 0, ); } bool _isErrorGracePeriodExceeded(AppSettingsService appSettingsService) { final int value = appSettingsService .getSetting(AppSettingsEnum.uploadErrorNotificationGracePeriod); if (value == 0) { return true; } else if (value == 5) { return false; } final DateTime? failedSince =; if (failedSince == null) { return false; } final Duration duration =; if (value == 1) { return duration > const Duration(minutes: 30); } else if (value == 2) { return duration > const Duration(hours: 2); } else if (value == 3) { return duration > const Duration(hours: 8); } else if (value == 4) { return duration > const Duration(hours: 24); } assert(false, "Invalid value"); return true; } /// prints percentage and absolute progress in useful (kilo/mega/giga)bytes static String _humanReadableBytesProgress(int bytes, int bytesTotal) { String unit = "KB"; // Kilobyte if (bytesTotal >= 0x40000000) { unit = "GB"; // Gigabyte bytes >>= 20; bytesTotal >>= 20; } else if (bytesTotal >= 0x100000) { unit = "MB"; // Megabyte bytes >>= 10; bytesTotal >>= 10; } else if (bytesTotal < 0x400) { return "$bytes / $bytesTotal B"; } final int percent = (bytes * 100) ~/ bytesTotal; final String done = numberFormat.format(bytes / 1024.0); final String total = numberFormat.format(bytesTotal / 1024.0); return "$percent% ($done/$total$unit)"; } } /// entry point called by Kotlin/Java code; needs to be a top-level function @pragma('vm:entry-point') void _nativeEntry() { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); BackgroundService backgroundService = BackgroundService(); backgroundService._setupBackgroundCallHandler(); }