// @dart=2.12

// ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import
// ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

// tests for MetadataSearchDto
void main() {
  // final instance = MetadataSearchDto();

  group('test MetadataSearchDto', () {
    // String checksum
    test('to test the property `checksum`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String city
    test('to test the property `city`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String country
    test('to test the property `country`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime createdAfter
    test('to test the property `createdAfter`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime createdBefore
    test('to test the property `createdBefore`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String deviceAssetId
    test('to test the property `deviceAssetId`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String deviceId
    test('to test the property `deviceId`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String encodedVideoPath
    test('to test the property `encodedVideoPath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String id
    test('to test the property `id`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isArchived
    test('to test the property `isArchived`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isEncoded
    test('to test the property `isEncoded`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isFavorite
    test('to test the property `isFavorite`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isMotion
    test('to test the property `isMotion`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isNotInAlbum
    test('to test the property `isNotInAlbum`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isOffline
    test('to test the property `isOffline`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool isVisible
    test('to test the property `isVisible`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String lensModel
    test('to test the property `lensModel`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String libraryId
    test('to test the property `libraryId`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String make
    test('to test the property `make`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String model
    test('to test the property `model`', () async {
      // TODO

    // AssetOrder order
    test('to test the property `order`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String originalFileName
    test('to test the property `originalFileName`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String originalPath
    test('to test the property `originalPath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // num page
    test('to test the property `page`', () async {
      // TODO

    // List<String> personIds (default value: const [])
    test('to test the property `personIds`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String previewPath
    test('to test the property `previewPath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // This property was deprecated in v1.100.0
    // String resizePath
    test('to test the property `resizePath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // num size
    test('to test the property `size`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String state
    test('to test the property `state`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime takenAfter
    test('to test the property `takenAfter`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime takenBefore
    test('to test the property `takenBefore`', () async {
      // TODO

    // String thumbnailPath
    test('to test the property `thumbnailPath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime trashedAfter
    test('to test the property `trashedAfter`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime trashedBefore
    test('to test the property `trashedBefore`', () async {
      // TODO

    // AssetTypeEnum type
    test('to test the property `type`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime updatedAfter
    test('to test the property `updatedAfter`', () async {
      // TODO

    // DateTime updatedBefore
    test('to test the property `updatedBefore`', () async {
      // TODO

    // This property was deprecated in v1.100.0
    // String webpPath
    test('to test the property `webpPath`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool withArchived (default value: false)
    test('to test the property `withArchived`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool withDeleted
    test('to test the property `withDeleted`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool withExif
    test('to test the property `withExif`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool withPeople
    test('to test the property `withPeople`', () async {
      // TODO

    // bool withStacked
    test('to test the property `withStacked`', () async {
      // TODO

