import { BadRequestException, ForbiddenException, Inject, Injectable, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AccessCore, Permission } from 'src/cores/access.core'; import { AssetIdErrorReason, AssetIdsResponseDto } from 'src/dtos/asset-ids.response.dto'; import { AssetIdsDto } from 'src/dtos/asset.dto'; import { AuthDto } from 'src/dtos/auth.dto'; import { SharedLinkCreateDto, SharedLinkEditDto, SharedLinkPasswordDto, SharedLinkResponseDto, mapSharedLink, mapSharedLinkWithoutMetadata, } from 'src/dtos/shared-link.dto'; import { AssetEntity } from 'src/entities/asset.entity'; import { SharedLinkEntity, SharedLinkType } from 'src/entities/shared-link.entity'; import { IAccessRepository } from 'src/interfaces/access.interface'; import { ICryptoRepository } from 'src/interfaces/crypto.interface'; import { ISharedLinkRepository } from 'src/interfaces/shared-link.interface'; import { OpenGraphTags } from 'src/utils/misc'; @Injectable() export class SharedLinkService { private access: AccessCore; constructor( @Inject(IAccessRepository) accessRepository: IAccessRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(ISharedLinkRepository) private repository: ISharedLinkRepository, ) { this.access = AccessCore.create(accessRepository); } getAll(auth: AuthDto): Promise { return this.repository.getAll( => => mapSharedLink(link))); } async getMine(auth: AuthDto, dto: SharedLinkPasswordDto): Promise { if (!auth.sharedLink) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(,; const response = this.mapToSharedLink(sharedLink, { withExif: sharedLink.showExif }); if (sharedLink.password) { response.token = this.validateAndRefreshToken(sharedLink, dto); } return response; } async get(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise { const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(, id); return this.mapToSharedLink(sharedLink, { withExif: true }); } async create(auth: AuthDto, dto: SharedLinkCreateDto): Promise { switch (dto.type) { case SharedLinkType.ALBUM: { if (!dto.albumId) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid albumId'); } await this.access.requirePermission(auth, Permission.ALBUM_SHARE, dto.albumId); break; } case SharedLinkType.INDIVIDUAL: { if (!dto.assetIds || dto.assetIds.length === 0) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid assetIds'); } await this.access.requirePermission(auth, Permission.ASSET_SHARE, dto.assetIds); break; } } const sharedLink = await this.repository.create({ key: this.cryptoRepository.randomBytes(50), userId:, type: dto.type, albumId: dto.albumId || null, assets: (dto.assetIds || []).map((id) => ({ id }) as AssetEntity), description: dto.description || null, password: dto.password, expiresAt: dto.expiresAt || null, allowUpload: dto.allowUpload ?? true, allowDownload: dto.allowDownload ?? true, showExif: dto.showMetadata ?? true, }); return this.mapToSharedLink(sharedLink, { withExif: true }); } async update(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: SharedLinkEditDto) { await this.findOrFail(, id); const sharedLink = await this.repository.update({ id, userId:, description: dto.description, password: dto.password, expiresAt: dto.changeExpiryTime && !dto.expiresAt ? null : dto.expiresAt, allowUpload: dto.allowUpload, allowDownload: dto.allowDownload, showExif: dto.showMetadata, }); return this.mapToSharedLink(sharedLink, { withExif: true }); } async remove(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise { const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(, id); await this.repository.remove(sharedLink); } // TODO: replace `userId` with permissions and access control checks private async findOrFail(userId: string, id: string) { const sharedLink = await this.repository.get(userId, id); if (!sharedLink) { throw new BadRequestException('Shared link not found'); } return sharedLink; } async addAssets(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: AssetIdsDto): Promise { const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(, id); if (sharedLink.type !== SharedLinkType.INDIVIDUAL) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid shared link type'); } const existingAssetIds = new Set( =>; const notPresentAssetIds = dto.assetIds.filter((assetId) => !existingAssetIds.has(assetId)); const allowedAssetIds = await this.access.checkAccess(auth, Permission.ASSET_SHARE, notPresentAssetIds); const results: AssetIdsResponseDto[] = []; for (const assetId of dto.assetIds) { const hasAsset = existingAssetIds.has(assetId); if (hasAsset) { results.push({ assetId, success: false, error: AssetIdErrorReason.DUPLICATE }); continue; } const hasAccess = allowedAssetIds.has(assetId); if (!hasAccess) { results.push({ assetId, success: false, error: AssetIdErrorReason.NO_PERMISSION }); continue; } results.push({ assetId, success: true }); sharedLink.assets.push({ id: assetId } as AssetEntity); } await this.repository.update(sharedLink); return results; } async removeAssets(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: AssetIdsDto): Promise { const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(, id); if (sharedLink.type !== SharedLinkType.INDIVIDUAL) { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid shared link type'); } const results: AssetIdsResponseDto[] = []; for (const assetId of dto.assetIds) { const hasAsset = sharedLink.assets.find((asset) => === assetId); if (!hasAsset) { results.push({ assetId, success: false, error: AssetIdErrorReason.NOT_FOUND }); continue; } results.push({ assetId, success: true }); sharedLink.assets = sharedLink.assets.filter((asset) => !== assetId); } await this.repository.update(sharedLink); return results; } async getMetadataTags(auth: AuthDto): Promise { if (!auth.sharedLink || auth.sharedLink.password) { return null; } const sharedLink = await this.findOrFail(auth.sharedLink.userId,; const assetId = sharedLink.album?.albumThumbnailAssetId || sharedLink.assets[0]?.id; const assetCount = sharedLink.assets.length > 0 ? sharedLink.assets.length : sharedLink.album?.assets.length || 0; return { title: sharedLink.album ? sharedLink.album.albumName : 'Public Share', description: sharedLink.description || `${assetCount} shared photos & videos`, imageUrl: assetId ? `/api/asset/thumbnail/${assetId}?key=${sharedLink.key.toString('base64url')}` : '/feature-panel.png', }; } private mapToSharedLink(sharedLink: SharedLinkEntity, { withExif }: { withExif: boolean }) { return withExif ? mapSharedLink(sharedLink) : mapSharedLinkWithoutMetadata(sharedLink); } private validateAndRefreshToken(sharedLink: SharedLinkEntity, dto: SharedLinkPasswordDto): string { const token = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha256(`${}-${sharedLink.password}`); const sharedLinkTokens = dto.token?.split(',') || []; if (sharedLink.password !== dto.password && !sharedLinkTokens.includes(token)) { throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password'); } if (!sharedLinkTokens.includes(token)) { sharedLinkTokens.push(token); } return sharedLinkTokens.join(','); } }