// // AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT MODIFY! // // @dart=2.12 // ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import // ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first // ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars part of openapi.api; class SystemConfigFFmpegDto { /// Returns a new [SystemConfigFFmpegDto] instance. SystemConfigFFmpegDto({ required this.crf, required this.preset, required this.targetVideoCodec, required this.targetAudioCodec, required this.targetScaling, required this.transcode, }); String crf; String preset; String targetVideoCodec; String targetAudioCodec; String targetScaling; SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum transcode; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is SystemConfigFFmpegDto && other.crf == crf && other.preset == preset && other.targetVideoCodec == targetVideoCodec && other.targetAudioCodec == targetAudioCodec && other.targetScaling == targetScaling && other.transcode == transcode; @override int get hashCode => // ignore: unnecessary_parenthesis (crf.hashCode) + (preset.hashCode) + (targetVideoCodec.hashCode) + (targetAudioCodec.hashCode) + (targetScaling.hashCode) + (transcode.hashCode); @override String toString() => 'SystemConfigFFmpegDto[crf=$crf, preset=$preset, targetVideoCodec=$targetVideoCodec, targetAudioCodec=$targetAudioCodec, targetScaling=$targetScaling, transcode=$transcode]'; Map toJson() { final json = {}; json[r'crf'] = this.crf; json[r'preset'] = this.preset; json[r'targetVideoCodec'] = this.targetVideoCodec; json[r'targetAudioCodec'] = this.targetAudioCodec; json[r'targetScaling'] = this.targetScaling; json[r'transcode'] = this.transcode; return json; } /// Returns a new [SystemConfigFFmpegDto] instance and imports its values from /// [value] if it's a [Map], null otherwise. // ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods static SystemConfigFFmpegDto? fromJson(dynamic value) { if (value is Map) { final json = value.cast(); // Ensure that the map contains the required keys. // Note 1: the values aren't checked for validity beyond being non-null. // Note 2: this code is stripped in release mode! assert(() { requiredKeys.forEach((key) { assert(json.containsKey(key), 'Required key "SystemConfigFFmpegDto[$key]" is missing from JSON.'); assert(json[key] != null, 'Required key "SystemConfigFFmpegDto[$key]" has a null value in JSON.'); }); return true; }()); return SystemConfigFFmpegDto( crf: mapValueOfType(json, r'crf')!, preset: mapValueOfType(json, r'preset')!, targetVideoCodec: mapValueOfType(json, r'targetVideoCodec')!, targetAudioCodec: mapValueOfType(json, r'targetAudioCodec')!, targetScaling: mapValueOfType(json, r'targetScaling')!, transcode: SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum.fromJson(json[r'transcode'])!, ); } return null; } static List? listFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false,}) { final result = []; if (json is List && json.isNotEmpty) { for (final row in json) { final value = SystemConfigFFmpegDto.fromJson(row); if (value != null) { result.add(value); } } } return result.toList(growable: growable); } static Map mapFromJson(dynamic json) { final map = {}; if (json is Map && json.isNotEmpty) { json = json.cast(); // ignore: parameter_assignments for (final entry in json.entries) { final value = SystemConfigFFmpegDto.fromJson(entry.value); if (value != null) { map[entry.key] = value; } } } return map; } // maps a json object with a list of SystemConfigFFmpegDto-objects as value to a dart map static Map> mapListFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false,}) { final map = >{}; if (json is Map && json.isNotEmpty) { json = json.cast(); // ignore: parameter_assignments for (final entry in json.entries) { final value = SystemConfigFFmpegDto.listFromJson(entry.value, growable: growable,); if (value != null) { map[entry.key] = value; } } } return map; } /// The list of required keys that must be present in a JSON. static const requiredKeys = { 'crf', 'preset', 'targetVideoCodec', 'targetAudioCodec', 'targetScaling', 'transcode', }; } class SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum { /// Instantiate a new enum with the provided [value]. const SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum._(this.value); /// The underlying value of this enum member. final String value; @override String toString() => value; String toJson() => value; static const all = SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum._(r'all'); static const optimal = SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum._(r'optimal'); static const required_ = SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum._(r'required'); /// List of all possible values in this [enum][SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum]. static const values = [ all, optimal, required_, ]; static SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum? fromJson(dynamic value) => SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer().decode(value); static List? listFromJson(dynamic json, {bool growable = false,}) { final result = []; if (json is List && json.isNotEmpty) { for (final row in json) { final value = SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum.fromJson(row); if (value != null) { result.add(value); } } } return result.toList(growable: growable); } } /// Transformation class that can [encode] an instance of [SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum] to String, /// and [decode] dynamic data back to [SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum]. class SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer { factory SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer() => _instance ??= const SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer._(); const SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer._(); String encode(SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum data) => data.value; /// Decodes a [dynamic value][data] to a SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum. /// /// If [allowNull] is true and the [dynamic value][data] cannot be decoded successfully, /// then null is returned. However, if [allowNull] is false and the [dynamic value][data] /// cannot be decoded successfully, then an [UnimplementedError] is thrown. /// /// The [allowNull] is very handy when an API changes and a new enum value is added or removed, /// and users are still using an old app with the old code. SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum? decode(dynamic data, {bool allowNull = true}) { if (data != null) { switch (data.toString()) { case r'all': return SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum.all; case r'optimal': return SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum.optimal; case r'required': return SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnum.required_; default: if (!allowNull) { throw ArgumentError('Unknown enum value to decode: $data'); } } } return null; } /// Singleton [SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer] instance. static SystemConfigFFmpegDtoTranscodeEnumTypeTransformer? _instance; }