import { SetMetadata, applyDecorators } from '@nestjs/common'; import { OnEvent } from '@nestjs/event-emitter'; import { OnEventOptions } from '@nestjs/event-emitter/dist/interfaces'; import { ApiExtension, ApiOperation, ApiProperty, ApiTags } from '@nestjs/swagger'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { ADDED_IN_PREFIX, DEPRECATED_IN_PREFIX, LIFECYCLE_EXTENSION } from 'src/constants'; import { ServerAsyncEvent, ServerEvent } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface'; import { setUnion } from 'src/utils/set'; // PostgreSQL uses a 16-bit integer to indicate the number of bound parameters. This means that the // maximum number of parameters is 65535. Any query that tries to bind more than that (e.g. searching // by a list of IDs) requires splitting the query into multiple chunks. // We are rounding down this limit, as queries commonly include other filters and parameters. export const DATABASE_PARAMETER_CHUNK_SIZE = 65_500; /** * Chunks an array or set into smaller collections of the same type and specified size. * * @param collection The collection to chunk. * @param size The size of each chunk. */ function chunks(collection: Array, size: number): Array>; function chunks(collection: Set, size: number): Array>; function chunks(collection: Array | Set, size: number): Array> | Array> { if (collection instanceof Set) { const result = []; let chunk = new Set(); for (const element of collection) { chunk.add(element); if (chunk.size === size) { result.push(chunk); chunk = new Set(); } } if (chunk.size > 0) { result.push(chunk); } return result; } else { return _.chunk(collection, size); } } /** * Wraps a method that takes a collection of parameters and sequentially calls it with chunks of the collection, * to overcome the maximum number of parameters allowed by the database driver. * * @param options.paramIndex The index of the function parameter to chunk. Defaults to 0. * @param options.flatten Whether to flatten the results. Defaults to false. */ export function Chunked(options: { paramIndex?: number; mergeFn?: (results: any) => any } = {}): MethodDecorator { return (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => { const originalMethod = descriptor.value; const parameterIndex = options.paramIndex ?? 0; descriptor.value = async function (...arguments_: any[]) { const argument = arguments_[parameterIndex]; // Early return if argument length is less than or equal to the chunk size. if ( (Array.isArray(argument) && argument.length <= DATABASE_PARAMETER_CHUNK_SIZE) || (argument instanceof Set && argument.size <= DATABASE_PARAMETER_CHUNK_SIZE) ) { return await originalMethod.apply(this, arguments_); } return Promise.all( chunks(argument, DATABASE_PARAMETER_CHUNK_SIZE).map(async (chunk) => { await Reflect.apply(originalMethod, this, [ ...arguments_.slice(0, parameterIndex), chunk, ...arguments_.slice(parameterIndex + 1), ]); }), ).then((results) => (options.mergeFn ? options.mergeFn(results) : results)); }; }; } export function ChunkedArray(options?: { paramIndex?: number }): MethodDecorator { return Chunked({ ...options, mergeFn: _.flatten }); } export function ChunkedSet(options?: { paramIndex?: number }): MethodDecorator { return Chunked({ ...options, mergeFn: setUnion }); } // export function DecorateAll( decorator: ( target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor, ) => TypedPropertyDescriptor | void, ) { return (target: any) => { const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(target.prototype); for (const [propName, descriptor] of Object.entries(descriptors)) { const isMethod = typeof descriptor.value == 'function' && propName !== 'constructor'; if (!isMethod) { continue; } decorator({, constructor: {, name: } as any }, propName, descriptor); Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, propName, descriptor); } }; } const UUID = '00000000-0000-4000-a000-000000000000'; export const DummyValue = { UUID, UUID_SET: new Set([UUID]), PAGINATION: { take: 10, skip: 0 }, EMAIL: '', STRING: 'abcdefghi', NUMBER: 50, BUFFER: Buffer.from('abcdefghi'), DATE: new Date(), TIME_BUCKET: '2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; export const GENERATE_SQL_KEY = 'generate-sql-key'; export interface GenerateSqlQueries { name?: string; params: unknown[]; } /** Decorator to enable versioning/tracking of generated Sql */ export const GenerateSql = (...options: GenerateSqlQueries[]) => SetMetadata(GENERATE_SQL_KEY, options); export const OnServerEvent = (event: ServerEvent | ServerAsyncEvent, options?: OnEventOptions) => OnEvent(event, { suppressErrors: false, ...options }); type LifecycleRelease = 'NEXT_RELEASE' | string; type LifecycleMetadata = { addedAt?: LifecycleRelease; deprecatedAt?: LifecycleRelease; }; export const EndpointLifecycle = ({ addedAt, deprecatedAt }: LifecycleMetadata) => { const decorators: MethodDecorator[] = [ApiExtension(LIFECYCLE_EXTENSION, { addedAt, deprecatedAt })]; if (deprecatedAt) { decorators.push( ApiTags('Deprecated'), ApiOperation({ deprecated: true, description: DEPRECATED_IN_PREFIX + deprecatedAt }), ); } return applyDecorators(...decorators); }; export const PropertyLifecycle = ({ addedAt, deprecatedAt }: LifecycleMetadata) => { const decorators: PropertyDecorator[] = []; decorators.push(ApiProperty({ description: ADDED_IN_PREFIX + addedAt })); if (deprecatedAt) { decorators.push(ApiProperty({ deprecated: true, description: DEPRECATED_IN_PREFIX + deprecatedAt })); } return applyDecorators(...decorators); };