import { BadRequestException, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { instanceToPlain } from 'class-transformer'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { LogLevel, SystemConfig, defaults } from 'src/config'; import { supportedDayTokens, supportedHourTokens, supportedMinuteTokens, supportedMonthTokens, supportedPresetTokens, supportedSecondTokens, supportedWeekTokens, supportedYearTokens, } from 'src/constants'; import { SystemConfigCore } from 'src/cores/system-config.core'; import { EventHandlerOptions, OnServerEvent } from 'src/decorators'; import { SystemConfigDto, SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto, mapConfig } from 'src/dtos/system-config.dto'; import { ClientEvent, IEventRepository, OnEvents, ServerEvent, SystemConfigUpdate, } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { ISystemMetadataRepository } from 'src/interfaces/system-metadata.interface'; @Injectable() export class SystemConfigService implements OnEvents { private core: SystemConfigCore; constructor( @Inject(ISystemMetadataRepository) repository: ISystemMetadataRepository, @Inject(IEventRepository) private eventRepository: IEventRepository, @Inject(ILoggerRepository) private logger: ILoggerRepository, ) { this.logger.setContext(; this.core = SystemConfigCore.create(repository, this.logger); this.core.config$.subscribe((config) => this.setLogLevel(config)); } @EventHandlerOptions({ priority: -100 }) async onBootstrapEvent() { const config = await this.core.getConfig({ withCache: false }); this.config$.next(config); } get config$() { return this.core.config$; } async getConfig(): Promise { const config = await this.core.getConfig({ withCache: false }); return mapConfig(config); } getDefaults(): SystemConfigDto { return mapConfig(defaults); } onConfigValidateEvent({ newConfig, oldConfig }: SystemConfigUpdate) { if (!_.isEqual(instanceToPlain(newConfig.logging), oldConfig.logging) && this.getEnvLogLevel()) { throw new Error('Logging cannot be changed while the environment variable IMMICH_LOG_LEVEL is set.'); } } async updateConfig(dto: SystemConfigDto): Promise { if (this.core.isUsingConfigFile()) { throw new BadRequestException('Cannot update configuration while IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE is in use'); } const oldConfig = await this.core.getConfig({ withCache: false }); try { await this.eventRepository.emit('onConfigValidateEvent', { newConfig: dto, oldConfig }); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`Unable to save system config due to a validation error: ${error}`); throw new BadRequestException(error instanceof Error ? error.message : error); } const newConfig = await this.core.updateConfig(dto); // TODO probably move web socket emits to a separate service this.eventRepository.clientBroadcast(ClientEvent.CONFIG_UPDATE, {}); this.eventRepository.serverSend(ServerEvent.CONFIG_UPDATE, null); await this.eventRepository.emit('onConfigUpdateEvent', { newConfig, oldConfig }); return mapConfig(newConfig); } getStorageTemplateOptions(): SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto { const options = new SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto(); options.dayOptions = supportedDayTokens; options.weekOptions = supportedWeekTokens; options.monthOptions = supportedMonthTokens; options.yearOptions = supportedYearTokens; options.hourOptions = supportedHourTokens; options.secondOptions = supportedSecondTokens; options.minuteOptions = supportedMinuteTokens; options.presetOptions = supportedPresetTokens; return options; } async getCustomCss(): Promise { const { theme } = await this.core.getConfig({ withCache: false }); return theme.customCss; } @OnServerEvent(ServerEvent.CONFIG_UPDATE) async onConfigUpdateEvent() { await this.core.refreshConfig(); } private setLogLevel({ logging }: SystemConfig) { const envLevel = this.getEnvLogLevel(); const configLevel = logging.enabled ? logging.level : false; const level = envLevel ?? configLevel; this.logger.setLogLevel(level); this.logger.log(`LogLevel=${level} ${envLevel ? '(set via IMMICH_LOG_LEVEL)' : '(set via system config)'}`); } private getEnvLogLevel() { return process.env.IMMICH_LOG_LEVEL as LogLevel; } }