import { AudioCodec, Colorspace, CQMode, LogLevel, SystemConfig, SystemConfigEntity, SystemConfigKey, SystemConfigValue, ToneMapping, TranscodeHWAccel, TranscodePolicy, VideoCodec, } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { ImmichLogger } from '@app/infra/logger'; import { BadRequestException, ForbiddenException, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CronExpression } from '@nestjs/schedule'; import { plainToInstance } from 'class-transformer'; import { validate } from 'class-validator'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { QueueName } from '../job/job.constants'; import { ISystemConfigRepository } from '../repositories'; import { SystemConfigDto } from './dto'; export type SystemConfigValidator = (config: SystemConfig, newConfig: SystemConfig) => void | Promise; export const defaults = Object.freeze({ ffmpeg: { crf: 23, threads: 0, preset: 'ultrafast', targetVideoCodec: VideoCodec.H264, acceptedVideoCodecs: [VideoCodec.H264], targetAudioCodec: AudioCodec.AAC, acceptedAudioCodecs: [AudioCodec.AAC], targetResolution: '720', maxBitrate: '0', bframes: -1, refs: 0, gopSize: 0, npl: 0, temporalAQ: false, cqMode: CQMode.AUTO, twoPass: false, preferredHwDevice: 'auto', transcode: TranscodePolicy.REQUIRED, tonemap: ToneMapping.HABLE, accel: TranscodeHWAccel.DISABLED, }, job: { [QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.SMART_SEARCH]: { concurrency: 2 }, [QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.FACE_DETECTION]: { concurrency: 2 }, [QueueName.SEARCH]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.SIDECAR]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.LIBRARY]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.MIGRATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, [QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION]: { concurrency: 1 }, }, logging: { enabled: true, level: LogLevel.LOG, }, machineLearning: { enabled: process.env.IMMICH_MACHINE_LEARNING_ENABLED !== 'false', url: process.env.IMMICH_MACHINE_LEARNING_URL || 'http://immich-machine-learning:3003', clip: { enabled: true, modelName: 'ViT-B-32__openai', }, facialRecognition: { enabled: true, modelName: 'buffalo_l', minScore: 0.7, maxDistance: 0.6, minFaces: 3, }, }, map: { enabled: true, lightStyle: '', darkStyle: '', }, reverseGeocoding: { enabled: true, }, oauth: { autoLaunch: false, autoRegister: true, buttonText: 'Login with OAuth', clientId: '', clientSecret: '', enabled: false, issuerUrl: '', mobileOverrideEnabled: false, mobileRedirectUri: '', scope: 'openid email profile', signingAlgorithm: 'RS256', storageLabelClaim: 'preferred_username', }, passwordLogin: { enabled: true, }, storageTemplate: { enabled: false, hashVerificationEnabled: true, template: '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}', }, thumbnail: { webpSize: 250, jpegSize: 1440, quality: 80, colorspace: Colorspace.P3, }, newVersionCheck: { enabled: true, }, trash: { enabled: true, days: 30, }, theme: { customCss: '', }, library: { scan: { enabled: true, cronExpression: CronExpression.EVERY_DAY_AT_MIDNIGHT, }, watch: { enabled: false, usePolling: false, interval: 10_000, }, }, server: { externalDomain: '', loginPageMessage: '', }, }); export enum FeatureFlag { SMART_SEARCH = 'smartSearch', FACIAL_RECOGNITION = 'facialRecognition', MAP = 'map', REVERSE_GEOCODING = 'reverseGeocoding', SIDECAR = 'sidecar', SEARCH = 'search', OAUTH = 'oauth', OAUTH_AUTO_LAUNCH = 'oauthAutoLaunch', PASSWORD_LOGIN = 'passwordLogin', CONFIG_FILE = 'configFile', TRASH = 'trash', } export type FeatureFlags = Record; let instance: SystemConfigCore | null; @Injectable() export class SystemConfigCore { private logger = new ImmichLogger(; private validators: SystemConfigValidator[] = []; private configCache: SystemConfigEntity[] | null = null; public config$ = new Subject(); private constructor(private repository: ISystemConfigRepository) {} static create(repository: ISystemConfigRepository) { if (!instance) { instance = new SystemConfigCore(repository); } return instance; } static reset() { instance = null; } async requireFeature(feature: FeatureFlag) { const hasFeature = await this.hasFeature(feature); if (!hasFeature) { switch (feature) { case FeatureFlag.SMART_SEARCH: { throw new BadRequestException('Smart search is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.FACIAL_RECOGNITION: { throw new BadRequestException('Facial recognition is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.SIDECAR: { throw new BadRequestException('Sidecar is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.SEARCH: { throw new BadRequestException('Search is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.OAUTH: { throw new BadRequestException('OAuth is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.PASSWORD_LOGIN: { throw new BadRequestException('Password login is not enabled'); } case FeatureFlag.CONFIG_FILE: { throw new BadRequestException('Config file is not set'); } default: { throw new ForbiddenException(`Missing required feature: ${feature}`); } } } } async hasFeature(feature: FeatureFlag) { const features = await this.getFeatures(); return features[feature] ?? false; } async getFeatures(): Promise { const config = await this.getConfig(); const mlEnabled = config.machineLearning.enabled; return { [FeatureFlag.SMART_SEARCH]: mlEnabled && config.machineLearning.clip.enabled, [FeatureFlag.FACIAL_RECOGNITION]: mlEnabled && config.machineLearning.facialRecognition.enabled, [FeatureFlag.MAP]:, [FeatureFlag.REVERSE_GEOCODING]: config.reverseGeocoding.enabled, [FeatureFlag.SIDECAR]: true, [FeatureFlag.SEARCH]: true, [FeatureFlag.TRASH]: config.trash.enabled, [FeatureFlag.OAUTH]: config.oauth.enabled, [FeatureFlag.OAUTH_AUTO_LAUNCH]: config.oauth.autoLaunch, [FeatureFlag.PASSWORD_LOGIN]: config.passwordLogin.enabled, [FeatureFlag.CONFIG_FILE]: !!process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE, }; } public getDefaults(): SystemConfig { return defaults; } public addValidator(validator: SystemConfigValidator) { this.validators.push(validator); } public async getConfig(force = false): Promise { const configFilePath = process.env.IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE; const config = _.cloneDeep(defaults); const overrides = configFilePath ? await this.loadFromFile(configFilePath, force) : await this.repository.load(); for (const { key, value } of overrides) { // set via dot notation _.set(config, key, value); } const errors = await validate(plainToInstance(SystemConfigDto, config)); if (errors.length > 0) { this.logger.error('Validation error', errors); if (configFilePath) { throw new Error(`Invalid value(s) in file: ${errors}`); } } if (!config.ffmpeg.acceptedVideoCodecs.includes(config.ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec)) { config.ffmpeg.acceptedVideoCodecs.unshift(config.ffmpeg.targetVideoCodec); } if (!config.ffmpeg.acceptedAudioCodecs.includes(config.ffmpeg.targetAudioCodec)) { config.ffmpeg.acceptedAudioCodecs.unshift(config.ffmpeg.targetAudioCodec); } return config; } public async updateConfig(newConfig: SystemConfig): Promise { if (await this.hasFeature(FeatureFlag.CONFIG_FILE)) { throw new BadRequestException('Cannot update configuration while IMMICH_CONFIG_FILE is in use'); } const oldConfig = await this.getConfig(); try { for (const validator of this.validators) { await validator(newConfig, oldConfig); } } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`Unable to save system config due to a validation error: ${error}`); throw new BadRequestException(error instanceof Error ? error.message : error); } const updates: SystemConfigEntity[] = []; const deletes: SystemConfigEntity[] = []; for (const key of Object.values(SystemConfigKey)) { // get via dot notation const item = { key, value: _.get(newConfig, key) as SystemConfigValue }; const defaultValue = _.get(defaults, key); const isMissing = !_.has(newConfig, key); if ( isMissing || item.value === null || item.value === '' || item.value === defaultValue || _.isEqual(item.value, defaultValue) ) { deletes.push(item); continue; } updates.push(item); } if (updates.length > 0) { await this.repository.saveAll(updates); } if (deletes.length > 0) { await this.repository.deleteKeys( => item.key)); } const config = await this.getConfig(); this.config$.next(config); return config; } public async refreshConfig() { const newConfig = await this.getConfig(true); this.config$.next(newConfig); } private async loadFromFile(filepath: string, force = false) { if (force || !this.configCache) { try { const file = await this.repository.readFile(filepath); const json = JSON.parse(file.toString()); const overrides: SystemConfigEntity[] = []; for (const key of Object.values(SystemConfigKey)) { const value = _.get(json, key); this.unsetDeep(json, key); if (value !== undefined) { overrides.push({ key, value }); } } if (!_.isEmpty(json)) { this.logger.warn(`Unknown keys found: ${JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)}`); } this.configCache = overrides; } catch (error: Error | any) { this.logger.error(`Unable to load configuration file: ${filepath}`); throw error; } } return this.configCache; } private unsetDeep(object: object, key: string) { _.unset(object, key); const path = key.split('.'); while (path.pop()) { if (!_.isEmpty(_.get(object, path))) { return; } _.unset(object, path); } } }