import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/exif_info.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/hash.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart' show AssetEntity; import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/string_extensions.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; part 'asset.entity.g.dart'; /// Asset (online or local) @Collection(inheritance: false) class Asset { Asset.remote(AssetResponseDto remote) : remoteId =, checksum = remote.checksum, fileCreatedAt = remote.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt = remote.fileModifiedAt, updatedAt = remote.updatedAt, durationInSeconds = remote.duration.toDuration()?.inSeconds ?? 0, type = remote.type.toAssetType(), fileName = remote.originalFileName, height = remote.exifInfo?.exifImageHeight?.toInt(), width = remote.exifInfo?.exifImageWidth?.toInt(), livePhotoVideoId = remote.livePhotoVideoId, ownerId = fastHash(remote.ownerId), exifInfo = remote.exifInfo != null ? ExifInfo.fromDto(remote.exifInfo!) : null, isFavorite = remote.isFavorite, isArchived = remote.isArchived, isTrashed = remote.isTrashed, isOffline = remote.isOffline, // workaround to nullify stackPrimaryAssetId for the parent asset until we refactor the mobile app // stack handling to properly handle it stackPrimaryAssetId = remote.stack?.primaryAssetId == ? null : remote.stack?.primaryAssetId, stackCount = remote.stack?.assetCount ?? 0, stackId = remote.stack?.id, thumbhash = remote.thumbhash; Asset({ = Isar.autoIncrement, required this.checksum, this.remoteId, required this.localId, required this.ownerId, required this.fileCreatedAt, required this.fileModifiedAt, required this.updatedAt, required this.durationInSeconds, required this.type, this.width, this.height, required this.fileName, this.livePhotoVideoId, this.exifInfo, this.isFavorite = false, this.isArchived = false, this.isTrashed = false, this.stackId, this.stackPrimaryAssetId, this.stackCount = 0, this.isOffline = false, this.thumbhash, }); @ignore AssetEntity? _local; @ignore AssetEntity? get local { if (isLocal && _local == null) { _local = AssetEntity( id: localId!, typeInt: isImage ? 1 : 2, width: width ?? 0, height: height ?? 0, duration: durationInSeconds, createDateSecond: fileCreatedAt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, modifiedDateSecond: fileModifiedAt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, title: fileName, ); } return _local; } set local(AssetEntity? assetEntity) => _local = assetEntity; Id id = Isar.autoIncrement; /// stores the raw SHA1 bytes as a base64 String /// because Isar cannot sort lists of byte arrays String checksum; String? thumbhash; @Index(unique: false, replace: false, type: IndexType.hash) String? remoteId; @Index(unique: false, replace: false, type: IndexType.hash) String? localId; @Index( unique: true, replace: false, composite: [CompositeIndex("checksum", type: IndexType.hash)], ) int ownerId; DateTime fileCreatedAt; DateTime fileModifiedAt; DateTime updatedAt; int durationInSeconds; @Enumerated(EnumType.ordinal) AssetType type; short? width; short? height; String fileName; String? livePhotoVideoId; bool isFavorite; bool isArchived; bool isTrashed; bool isOffline; @ignore ExifInfo? exifInfo; String? stackId; String? stackPrimaryAssetId; int stackCount; /// Aspect ratio of the asset @ignore double? get aspectRatio => width == null || height == null ? 0 : width! / height!; /// `true` if this [Asset] is present on the device @ignore bool get isLocal => localId != null; @ignore bool get isInDb => id != Isar.autoIncrement; @ignore String get name => p.withoutExtension(fileName); /// `true` if this [Asset] is present on the server @ignore bool get isRemote => remoteId != null; @ignore bool get isImage => type == AssetType.image; @ignore AssetState get storage { if (isRemote && isLocal) { return AssetState.merged; } else if (isRemote) { return AssetState.remote; } else if (isLocal) { return AssetState.local; } else { throw Exception("Asset has illegal state: $this"); } } @ignore Duration get duration => Duration(seconds: durationInSeconds); // ignore: invalid_annotation_target @ignore set byteHash(List<int> hash) => checksum = base64.encode(hash); @override bool operator ==(other) { if (other is! Asset) return false; if (identical(this, other)) return true; return id == && checksum == other.checksum && remoteId == other.remoteId && localId == other.localId && ownerId == other.ownerId && fileCreatedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.fileCreatedAt) && fileModifiedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.fileModifiedAt) && updatedAt.isAtSameMomentAs(other.updatedAt) && durationInSeconds == other.durationInSeconds && type == other.type && width == other.width && height == other.height && fileName == other.fileName && livePhotoVideoId == other.livePhotoVideoId && isFavorite == other.isFavorite && isLocal == other.isLocal && isArchived == other.isArchived && isTrashed == other.isTrashed && stackCount == other.stackCount && stackPrimaryAssetId == other.stackPrimaryAssetId && stackId == other.stackId; } @override @ignore int get hashCode => id.hashCode ^ checksum.hashCode ^ remoteId.hashCode ^ localId.hashCode ^ ownerId.hashCode ^ fileCreatedAt.hashCode ^ fileModifiedAt.hashCode ^ updatedAt.hashCode ^ durationInSeconds.hashCode ^ type.hashCode ^ width.hashCode ^ height.hashCode ^ fileName.hashCode ^ livePhotoVideoId.hashCode ^ isFavorite.hashCode ^ isLocal.hashCode ^ isArchived.hashCode ^ isTrashed.hashCode ^ stackCount.hashCode ^ stackPrimaryAssetId.hashCode ^ stackId.hashCode; /// Returns `true` if this [Asset] can updated with values from parameter [a] bool canUpdate(Asset a) { assert(isInDb); assert(checksum == a.checksum); assert( != AssetState.merged); return a.updatedAt.isAfter(updatedAt) || a.isRemote && !isRemote || a.isLocal && !isLocal || width == null && a.width != null || height == null && a.height != null || livePhotoVideoId == null && a.livePhotoVideoId != null || isFavorite != a.isFavorite || isArchived != a.isArchived || isTrashed != a.isTrashed || isOffline != a.isOffline || a.exifInfo?.latitude != exifInfo?.latitude || a.exifInfo?.longitude != exifInfo?.longitude || // no local stack count or different count from remote a.thumbhash != thumbhash || stackId != a.stackId || stackCount != a.stackCount || stackPrimaryAssetId == null && a.stackPrimaryAssetId != null; } /// Returns a new [Asset] with values from this and merged & updated with [a] Asset updatedCopy(Asset a) { assert(canUpdate(a)); if (a.updatedAt.isAfter(updatedAt)) { // take most values from newer asset // keep vales that can never be set by the asset not in DB if (a.isRemote) { return a._copyWith( id: id, localId: localId, width: a.width ?? width, height: a.height ?? height, exifInfo: a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id) ?? exifInfo, ); } else if (isRemote) { return _copyWith( localId: localId ?? a.localId, width: width ?? a.width, height: height ?? a.height, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id), ); } else { // TODO: Revisit this and remove all bool field assignments return a._copyWith( id: id, remoteId: remoteId, livePhotoVideoId: livePhotoVideoId, // workaround to nullify stackPrimaryAssetId for the parent asset until we refactor the mobile app // stack handling to properly handle it stackId: stackId, stackPrimaryAssetId: stackPrimaryAssetId == remoteId ? null : stackPrimaryAssetId, stackCount: stackCount, isFavorite: isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived, isTrashed: isTrashed, isOffline: isOffline, ); } } else { // fill in potentially missing values, i.e. merge assets if (a.isRemote) { // values from remote take precedence return _copyWith( remoteId: a.remoteId, width: a.width, height: a.height, livePhotoVideoId: a.livePhotoVideoId, // workaround to nullify stackPrimaryAssetId for the parent asset until we refactor the mobile app // stack handling to properly handle it stackId: a.stackId, stackPrimaryAssetId: a.stackPrimaryAssetId == a.remoteId ? null : a.stackPrimaryAssetId, stackCount: a.stackCount, // isFavorite + isArchived are not set by device-only assets isFavorite: a.isFavorite, isArchived: a.isArchived, isTrashed: a.isTrashed, isOffline: a.isOffline, exifInfo: a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id) ?? exifInfo, thumbhash: a.thumbhash, ); } else { // add only missing values (and set isLocal to true) return _copyWith( localId: localId ?? a.localId, width: width ?? a.width, height: height ?? a.height, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? a.exifInfo?.copyWith(id: id), ); } } } Asset _copyWith({ Id? id, String? checksum, String? remoteId, String? localId, int? ownerId, DateTime? fileCreatedAt, DateTime? fileModifiedAt, DateTime? updatedAt, int? durationInSeconds, AssetType? type, short? width, short? height, String? fileName, String? livePhotoVideoId, bool? isFavorite, bool? isArchived, bool? isTrashed, bool? isOffline, ExifInfo? exifInfo, String? stackId, String? stackPrimaryAssetId, int? stackCount, String? thumbhash, }) => Asset( id: id ??, checksum: checksum ?? this.checksum, remoteId: remoteId ?? this.remoteId, localId: localId ?? this.localId, ownerId: ownerId ?? this.ownerId, fileCreatedAt: fileCreatedAt ?? this.fileCreatedAt, fileModifiedAt: fileModifiedAt ?? this.fileModifiedAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, durationInSeconds: durationInSeconds ?? this.durationInSeconds, type: type ?? this.type, width: width ?? this.width, height: height ?? this.height, fileName: fileName ?? this.fileName, livePhotoVideoId: livePhotoVideoId ?? this.livePhotoVideoId, isFavorite: isFavorite ?? this.isFavorite, isArchived: isArchived ?? this.isArchived, isTrashed: isTrashed ?? this.isTrashed, isOffline: isOffline ?? this.isOffline, exifInfo: exifInfo ?? this.exifInfo, stackId: stackId ?? this.stackId, stackPrimaryAssetId: stackPrimaryAssetId ?? this.stackPrimaryAssetId, stackCount: stackCount ?? this.stackCount, thumbhash: thumbhash ?? this.thumbhash, ); Future<void> put(Isar db) async { await db.assets.put(this); if (exifInfo != null) { exifInfo!.id = id; await db.exifInfos.put(exifInfo!); } } static int compareById(Asset a, Asset b) =>; static int compareByChecksum(Asset a, Asset b) => a.checksum.compareTo(b.checksum); static int compareByOwnerChecksum(Asset a, Asset b) { final int ownerIdOrder = a.ownerId.compareTo(b.ownerId); if (ownerIdOrder != 0) return ownerIdOrder; return compareByChecksum(a, b); } static int compareByOwnerChecksumCreatedModified( Asset a, Asset b, ) { final int ownerIdOrder = a.ownerId.compareTo(b.ownerId); if (ownerIdOrder != 0) return ownerIdOrder; final int checksumOrder = compareByChecksum(a, b); if (checksumOrder != 0) return checksumOrder; final int createdOrder = a.fileCreatedAt.compareTo(b.fileCreatedAt); if (createdOrder != 0) return createdOrder; return a.fileModifiedAt.compareTo(b.fileModifiedAt); } @override String toString() { return """ { "id": ${id == Isar.autoIncrement ? '"N/A"' : id}, "remoteId": "${remoteId ?? "N/A"}", "localId": "${localId ?? "N/A"}", "checksum": "$checksum", "ownerId": $ownerId, "livePhotoVideoId": "${livePhotoVideoId ?? "N/A"}", "stackId": "${stackId ?? "N/A"}", "stackPrimaryAssetId": "${stackPrimaryAssetId ?? "N/A"}", "stackCount": "$stackCount", "fileCreatedAt": "$fileCreatedAt", "fileModifiedAt": "$fileModifiedAt", "updatedAt": "$updatedAt", "durationInSeconds": $durationInSeconds, "type": "$type", "fileName": "$fileName", "isFavorite": $isFavorite, "isRemote": $isRemote, "storage": "$storage", "width": ${width ?? "N/A"}, "height": ${height ?? "N/A"}, "isArchived": $isArchived, "isTrashed": $isTrashed, "isOffline": $isOffline, }"""; } } enum AssetType { // do not change this order! other, image, video, audio, } extension AssetTypeEnumHelper on AssetTypeEnum { AssetType toAssetType() { switch (this) { case AssetTypeEnum.IMAGE: return AssetType.image; case AssetTypeEnum.VIDEO: return; case AssetTypeEnum.AUDIO: return; case AssetTypeEnum.OTHER: return AssetType.other; } throw Exception(); } } /// Describes where the information of this asset came from: /// only from the local device, only from the remote server or merged from both enum AssetState { local, remote, merged, } extension AssetsHelper on IsarCollection<Asset> { Future<int> deleteAllByRemoteId(Iterable<String> ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value(0) : remote(ids).deleteAll(); Future<int> deleteAllByLocalId(Iterable<String> ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value(0) : local(ids).deleteAll(); Future<List<Asset>> getAllByRemoteId(Iterable<String> ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value([]) : remote(ids).findAll(); Future<List<Asset>> getAllByLocalId(Iterable<String> ids) => ids.isEmpty ? Future.value([]) : local(ids).findAll(); Future<Asset?> getByRemoteId(String id) => where().remoteIdEqualTo(id).findFirst(); QueryBuilder<Asset, Asset, QAfterWhereClause> remote( Iterable<String> ids, ) => where().anyOf(ids, (q, String e) => q.remoteIdEqualTo(e)); QueryBuilder<Asset, Asset, QAfterWhereClause> local( Iterable<String> ids, ) { return where().anyOf(ids, (q, String e) => q.localIdEqualTo(e)); } }