import { AuthController } from '@app/immich'; import { adminSignupStub, changePasswordStub, deviceStub, errorStub, loginResponseStub, loginStub, uuidStub, } from '@test/fixtures'; import request from 'supertest'; import { api } from '../../client'; import { testApp } from '../utils'; const name = 'Immich Admin'; const password = 'Password123'; const email = ''; const adminSignupResponse = { avatarColor: expect.any(String), id: expect.any(String), name: 'Immich Admin', email: '', storageLabel: 'admin', externalPath: null, profileImagePath: '', // why? lol shouldChangePassword: true, isAdmin: true, createdAt: expect.any(String), updatedAt: expect.any(String), deletedAt: null, oauthId: '', memoriesEnabled: true, quotaUsageInBytes: 0, quotaSizeInBytes: null, }; describe(`${} (e2e)`, () => { let server: any; let accessToken: string; beforeAll(async () => { server = (await testApp.create()).getHttpServer(); }); afterAll(async () => { await testApp.teardown(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await testApp.reset(); await api.authApi.adminSignUp(server); const response = await api.authApi.adminLogin(server); accessToken = response.accessToken; }); describe('POST /auth/admin-sign-up', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await testApp.reset(); }); const invalid = [ { should: 'require an email address', data: { name, password }, }, { should: 'require a password', data: { name, email }, }, { should: 'require a name', data: { email, password }, }, { should: 'require a valid email', data: { name, email: 'immich', password }, }, ]; for (const { should, data } of invalid) { it(`should ${should}`, async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post('/auth/admin-sign-up').send(data); expect(status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest()); }); } it(`should sign up the admin`, async () => { await api.authApi.adminSignUp(server); }); it('should sign up the admin with a local domain', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post('/auth/admin-sign-up') .send({ ...adminSignupStub, email: 'admin@local' }); expect(status).toEqual(201); expect(body).toEqual({ ...adminSignupResponse, email: 'admin@local' }); }); it('should transform email to lower case', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post('/auth/admin-sign-up') .send({ ...adminSignupStub, email: '' }); expect(status).toEqual(201); expect(body).toEqual(adminSignupResponse); }); it('should not allow a second admin to sign up', async () => { await api.authApi.adminSignUp(server); const { status, body } = await request(server).post('/auth/admin-sign-up').send(adminSignupStub); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.alreadyHasAdmin); }); for (const key of Object.keys(adminSignupStub)) { it(`should not allow null ${key}`, async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post('/auth/admin-sign-up') .send({ ...adminSignupStub, [key]: null }); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest()); }); } }); describe(`POST /auth/login`, () => { it('should reject an incorrect password', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post('/auth/login').send({ email, password: 'incorrect' }); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.incorrectLogin); expect(status).toBe(401); }); for (const key of Object.keys(loginStub.admin)) { it(`should not allow null ${key}`, async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post('/auth/login') .send({ ...loginStub.admin, [key]: null }); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest()); }); } it('should accept a correct password', async () => { const { status, body, headers } = await request(server).post('/auth/login').send({ email, password }); expect(status).toBe(201); expect(body).toEqual(loginResponseStub.admin.response); const token = body.accessToken; expect(token).toBeDefined(); const cookies = headers['set-cookie']; expect(cookies).toHaveLength(2); expect(cookies[0]).toEqual(`immich_access_token=${token}; HttpOnly; Path=/; Max-Age=34560000; SameSite=Lax;`); expect(cookies[1]).toEqual('immich_auth_type=password; HttpOnly; Path=/; Max-Age=34560000; SameSite=Lax;'); }); }); describe('GET /auth/devices', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/auth/devices'); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should get a list of authorized devices', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).get('/auth/devices').set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual([deviceStub.current]); }); }); describe('DELETE /auth/devices', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).delete(`/auth/devices`); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should logout all devices (except the current one)', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await api.authApi.adminLogin(server); } await expect(api.authApi.getAuthDevices(server, accessToken)).resolves.toHaveLength(6); const { status } = await request(server).delete(`/auth/devices`).set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(204); await api.authApi.validateToken(server, accessToken); }); }); describe('DELETE /auth/devices/:id', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).delete(`/auth/devices/${uuidStub.notFound}`); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should throw an error for a non-existent device id', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .delete(`/auth/devices/${uuidStub.notFound}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest('Not found or no authDevice.delete access')); }); it('should logout a device', async () => { const [device] = await api.authApi.getAuthDevices(server, accessToken); const { status } = await request(server) .delete(`/auth/devices/${}`) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(204); const response = await request(server).post('/auth/validateToken').set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(response.body).toEqual(errorStub.invalidToken); expect(response.status).toBe(401); }); }); describe('POST /auth/validateToken', () => { it('should reject an invalid token', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post(`/auth/validateToken`).set('Authorization', 'Bearer 123'); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.invalidToken); }); it('should accept a valid token', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post(`/auth/validateToken`) .send({}) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual({ authStatus: true }); }); }); describe('POST /auth/change-password', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post(`/auth/change-password`).send(changePasswordStub); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); for (const key of Object.keys(changePasswordStub)) { it(`should not allow null ${key}`, async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post('/auth/change-password') .send({ ...changePasswordStub, [key]: null }) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.badRequest()); }); } it('should require the current password', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server) .post(`/auth/change-password`) .send({ ...changePasswordStub, password: 'wrong-password' }) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(400); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.wrongPassword); }); it('should change the password', async () => { const { status } = await request(server) .post(`/auth/change-password`) .send(changePasswordStub) .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); await api.authApi.login(server, { email: '', password: 'Password1234' }); }); }); describe('POST /auth/logout', () => { it('should require authentication', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post(`/auth/logout`); expect(status).toBe(401); expect(body).toEqual(errorStub.unauthorized); }); it('should logout the user', async () => { const { status, body } = await request(server).post(`/auth/logout`).set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(body).toEqual({ successful: true, redirectUri: '/auth/login?autoLaunch=0' }); }); }); });