import { BadRequestException, ForbiddenException, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { SALT_ROUNDS } from 'src/constants'; import { UserCore } from 'src/cores/user.core'; import { AuthDto } from 'src/dtos/auth.dto'; import { UserAdminCreateDto, UserAdminDeleteDto, UserAdminResponseDto, UserAdminSearchDto, UserAdminUpdateDto, mapUserAdmin, } from 'src/dtos/user.dto'; import { UserMetadataKey } from 'src/entities/user-metadata.entity'; import { UserStatus } from 'src/entities/user.entity'; import { IAlbumRepository } from 'src/interfaces/album.interface'; import { ICryptoRepository } from 'src/interfaces/crypto.interface'; import { IJobRepository, JobName } from 'src/interfaces/job.interface'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { IUserRepository, UserFindOptions } from 'src/interfaces/user.interface'; import { getPreferences, getPreferencesPartial } from 'src/utils/preferences'; @Injectable() export class UserAdminService { private userCore: UserCore; constructor( @Inject(IAlbumRepository) private albumRepository: IAlbumRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(IUserRepository) private userRepository: IUserRepository, @Inject(ILoggerRepository) private logger: ILoggerRepository, ) { this.userCore = UserCore.create(cryptoRepository, userRepository); this.logger.setContext(; } async search(auth: AuthDto, dto: UserAdminSearchDto): Promise { const users = await this.userRepository.getList({ withDeleted: dto.withDeleted }); return => mapUserAdmin(user)); } async create(dto: UserAdminCreateDto): Promise { const { memoriesEnabled, notify, } = dto; let user = await this.userCore.createUser(rest); // TODO remove and replace with entire dto.preferences config if (memoriesEnabled === false) { await this.userRepository.upsertMetadata(, { key: UserMetadataKey.PREFERENCES, value: { memories: { enabled: false } }, }); user = await this.findOrFail(, {}); } const tempPassword = user.shouldChangePassword ? rest.password : undefined; if (notify) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.NOTIFY_SIGNUP, data: { id:, tempPassword } }); } return mapUserAdmin(user); } async get(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise { const user = await this.findOrFail(id, { withDeleted: true }); return mapUserAdmin(user); } async update(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: UserAdminUpdateDto): Promise { const user = await this.findOrFail(id, {}); if (dto.quotaSizeInBytes && user.quotaSizeInBytes !== dto.quotaSizeInBytes) { await this.userRepository.syncUsage(id); } // TODO replace with entire preferences object if (dto.memoriesEnabled !== undefined || dto.avatarColor) { const newPreferences = getPreferences(user); if (dto.memoriesEnabled !== undefined) { newPreferences.memories.enabled = dto.memoriesEnabled; delete dto.memoriesEnabled; } if (dto.avatarColor) { newPreferences.avatar.color = dto.avatarColor; delete dto.avatarColor; } await this.userRepository.upsertMetadata(id, { key: UserMetadataKey.PREFERENCES, value: getPreferencesPartial(user, newPreferences), }); } if ( { const duplicate = await this.userRepository.getByEmail(; if (duplicate && !== id) { throw new BadRequestException('Email already in use by another account'); } } if (dto.storageLabel) { const duplicate = await this.userRepository.getByStorageLabel(dto.storageLabel); if (duplicate && !== id) { throw new BadRequestException('Storage label already in use by another account'); } } if (dto.password) { dto.password = await this.cryptoRepository.hashBcrypt(dto.password, SALT_ROUNDS); } if (dto.storageLabel === '') { dto.storageLabel = null; } const updatedUser = await this.userRepository.update(id, { ...dto, updatedAt: new Date() }); return mapUserAdmin(updatedUser); } async delete(auth: AuthDto, id: string, dto: UserAdminDeleteDto): Promise { const { force } = dto; const { isAdmin } = await this.findOrFail(id, {}); if (isAdmin) { throw new ForbiddenException('Cannot delete admin user'); } await this.albumRepository.softDeleteAll(id); const status = force ? UserStatus.REMOVING : UserStatus.DELETED; const user = await this.userRepository.update(id, { status, deletedAt: new Date() }); if (force) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.USER_DELETION, data: { id:, force } }); } return mapUserAdmin(user); } async restore(auth: AuthDto, id: string): Promise { await this.findOrFail(id, { withDeleted: true }); await this.albumRepository.restoreAll(id); const user = await this.userRepository.update(id, { deletedAt: null, status: UserStatus.ACTIVE }); return mapUserAdmin(user); } private async findOrFail(id: string, options: UserFindOptions) { const user = await this.userRepository.get(id, options); if (!user) { throw new BadRequestException('User not found'); } return user; } }