import 'dart:async'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/services/asset_description.service.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/exif_info.entity.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/db.provider.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; class AssetDescriptionNotifier extends StateNotifier { final Isar _db; final AssetDescriptionService _service; final Asset _asset; AssetDescriptionNotifier( this._db, this._service, this._asset, ) : super('') { _fetchLocalDescription(); _fetchRemoteDescription(); } String get description => state; /// Fetches the local database value for description /// and writes it to [state] void _fetchLocalDescription() async { final localExifId = _asset.exifInfo?.id; // Guard [localExifId] null if (localExifId == null) { return; } // Subscribe to local changes final exifInfo = await _db.exifInfos.get(localExifId); // Guard if (exifInfo?.description == null) { return; } state = exifInfo!.description!; } /// Fetches the remote value and sets the state void _fetchRemoteDescription() async { final remoteAssetId = _asset.remoteId; final localExifId = _asset.exifInfo?.id; // Guard [remoteAssetId] and [localExifId] null if (remoteAssetId == null || localExifId == null) { return; } // Reads the latest from the remote and writes it to DB in the service final latest = await _service.readLatest(remoteAssetId, localExifId); state = latest; } /// Sets the description to [description] /// Uses the service to set the asset value Future setDescription(String description) async { state = description; final remoteAssetId = _asset.remoteId; final localExifId = _asset.exifInfo?.id; // Guard [remoteAssetId] and [localExifId] null if (remoteAssetId == null || localExifId == null) { return; } return _service.setDescription(description, remoteAssetId, localExifId); } } final assetDescriptionProvider = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose .family( (ref, asset) => AssetDescriptionNotifier(,, asset, ), );