import { BadRequestException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { SystemConfig } from 'src/config'; import { SystemConfigCore } from 'src/cores/system-config.core'; import { IAssetRepository } from 'src/interfaces/asset.interface'; import { IEventRepository } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface'; import { IJobRepository, JobCommand, JobHandler, JobItem, JobName, JobStatus, QueueName, } from 'src/interfaces/job.interface'; import { ILoggerRepository } from 'src/interfaces/logger.interface'; import { IMetricRepository } from 'src/interfaces/metric.interface'; import { IPersonRepository } from 'src/interfaces/person.interface'; import { ISystemMetadataRepository } from 'src/interfaces/system-metadata.interface'; import { JobService } from 'src/services/job.service'; import { assetStub } from 'test/fixtures/asset.stub'; import { newAssetRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/asset.repository.mock'; import { newEventRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/event.repository.mock'; import { newJobRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/job.repository.mock'; import { newLoggerRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/logger.repository.mock'; import { newMetricRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/metric.repository.mock'; import { newPersonRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/person.repository.mock'; import { newSystemMetadataRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/system-metadata.repository.mock'; import { Mocked, vitest } from 'vitest'; const makeMockHandlers = (status: JobStatus) => { const mock = vitest.fn().mockResolvedValue(status); return Object.fromEntries(Object.values(JobName).map((jobName) => [jobName, mock])) as unknown as Record< JobName, JobHandler >; }; describe(, () => { let sut: JobService; let assetMock: Mocked; let eventMock: Mocked; let jobMock: Mocked; let personMock: Mocked; let metricMock: Mocked; let systemMock: Mocked; let loggerMock: Mocked; beforeEach(() => { assetMock = newAssetRepositoryMock(); systemMock = newSystemMetadataRepositoryMock(); eventMock = newEventRepositoryMock(); jobMock = newJobRepositoryMock(); personMock = newPersonRepositoryMock(); metricMock = newMetricRepositoryMock(); loggerMock = newLoggerRepositoryMock(); sut = new JobService(assetMock, eventMock, jobMock, systemMock, personMock, metricMock, loggerMock); }); it('should work', () => { expect(sut).toBeDefined(); }); describe('handleNightlyJobs', () => { it('should run the scheduled jobs', async () => { await sut.handleNightlyJobs(); expect(jobMock.queueAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ { name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION_CHECK }, { name: JobName.USER_DELETE_CHECK }, { name: JobName.PERSON_CLEANUP }, { name: JobName.QUEUE_GENERATE_THUMBNAILS, data: { force: false } }, { name: JobName.CLEAN_OLD_AUDIT_LOGS }, { name: JobName.USER_SYNC_USAGE }, { name: JobName.QUEUE_FACIAL_RECOGNITION, data: { force: false } }, { name: JobName.CLEAN_OLD_SESSION_TOKENS }, ]); }); }); describe('getAllJobStatus', () => { it('should get all job statuses', async () => { jobMock.getJobCounts.mockResolvedValue({ active: 1, completed: 1, failed: 1, delayed: 1, waiting: 1, paused: 1, }); jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: true, isPaused: true, }); const expectedJobStatus = { jobCounts: { active: 1, completed: 1, delayed: 1, failed: 1, waiting: 1, paused: 1, }, queueStatus: { isActive: true, isPaused: true, }, }; await expect(sut.getAllJobsStatus()).resolves.toEqual({ [QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.SMART_SEARCH]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.SEARCH]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.MIGRATION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.FACE_DETECTION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.FACIAL_RECOGNITION]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.SIDECAR]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.LIBRARY]: expectedJobStatus, [QueueName.NOTIFICATION]: expectedJobStatus, }); }); }); describe('handleCommand', () => { it('should handle a pause command', async () => { await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, { command: JobCommand.PAUSE, force: false }); expect(jobMock.pause).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION); }); it('should handle a resume command', async () => { await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, { command: JobCommand.RESUME, force: false }); expect(jobMock.resume).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION); }); it('should handle an empty command', async () => { await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, { command: JobCommand.EMPTY, force: false }); expect(jobMock.empty).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION); }); it('should not start a job that is already running', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: true, isPaused: false }); await expect( sut.handleCommand(QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }), ).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(jobMock.queue).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jobMock.queueAll).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle a start video conversion command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_VIDEO_CONVERSION, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start storage template migration command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION }); }); it('should handle a start smart search command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.SMART_SEARCH, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_SMART_SEARCH, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start metadata extraction command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start sidecar command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.SIDECAR, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_SIDECAR, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start thumbnail generation command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_GENERATE_THUMBNAILS, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start face detection command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.FACE_DETECTION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_FACE_DETECTION, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should handle a start facial recognition command', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await sut.handleCommand(QueueName.FACIAL_RECOGNITION, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }); expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: JobName.QUEUE_FACIAL_RECOGNITION, data: { force: false } }); }); it('should throw a bad request when an invalid queue is used', async () => { jobMock.getQueueStatus.mockResolvedValue({ isActive: false, isPaused: false }); await expect( sut.handleCommand(QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK, { command: JobCommand.START, force: false }), ).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(jobMock.queue).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jobMock.queueAll).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('init', () => { it('should register a handler for each queue', async () => { await sut.init(makeMockHandlers(JobStatus.SUCCESS)); expect(systemMock.get).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(jobMock.addHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(Object.keys(QueueName).length); }); it('should subscribe to config changes', async () => { await sut.init(makeMockHandlers(JobStatus.FAILED)); SystemConfigCore.create(newSystemMetadataRepositoryMock(false), newLoggerRepositoryMock()).config$.next({ job: { [QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.SMART_SEARCH]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.FACE_DETECTION]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.SEARCH]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.SIDECAR]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.LIBRARY]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.MIGRATION]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION]: { concurrency: 10 }, [QueueName.NOTIFICATION]: { concurrency: 5 }, }, } as SystemConfig); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.BACKGROUND_TASK, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.SMART_SEARCH, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.FACE_DETECTION, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.SIDECAR, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.LIBRARY, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.MIGRATION, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.THUMBNAIL_GENERATION, 10); expect(jobMock.setConcurrency).toHaveBeenCalledWith(QueueName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, 10); }); const tests: Array<{ item: JobItem; jobs: JobName[] }> = [ { item: { name: JobName.SIDECAR_SYNC, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION], }, { item: { name: JobName.SIDECAR_DISCOVERY, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION], }, { item: { name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [JobName.LINK_LIVE_PHOTOS], }, { item: { name: JobName.LINK_LIVE_PHOTOS, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [JobName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION_SINGLE], }, { item: { name: JobName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION_SINGLE, data: { id: 'asset-1', source: 'upload' } }, jobs: [JobName.GENERATE_PREVIEW], }, { item: { name: JobName.STORAGE_TEMPLATE_MIGRATION_SINGLE, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [], }, { item: { name: JobName.GENERATE_PERSON_THUMBNAIL, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [], }, { item: { name: JobName.GENERATE_PREVIEW, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [JobName.GENERATE_THUMBNAIL, JobName.GENERATE_THUMBHASH], }, { item: { name: JobName.GENERATE_PREVIEW, data: { id: 'asset-1', source: 'upload' } }, jobs: [ JobName.GENERATE_THUMBNAIL, JobName.GENERATE_THUMBHASH, JobName.SMART_SEARCH, JobName.FACE_DETECTION, JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, ], }, { item: { name: JobName.GENERATE_PREVIEW, data: { id: 'asset-live-image', source: 'upload' } }, jobs: [ JobName.GENERATE_THUMBNAIL, JobName.GENERATE_THUMBHASH, JobName.SMART_SEARCH, JobName.FACE_DETECTION, JobName.VIDEO_CONVERSION, ], }, { item: { name: JobName.SMART_SEARCH, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [], }, { item: { name: JobName.FACE_DETECTION, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [], }, { item: { name: JobName.FACIAL_RECOGNITION, data: { id: 'asset-1' } }, jobs: [], }, ]; for (const { item, jobs } of tests) { it(`should queue ${jobs.length} jobs when a ${} job finishes successfully`, async () => { if ( === JobName.GENERATE_PREVIEW && === 'upload') { if ( === 'asset-live-image') { assetMock.getByIds.mockResolvedValue([assetStub.livePhotoStillAsset]); } else { assetMock.getByIds.mockResolvedValue([assetStub.livePhotoMotionAsset]); } } await sut.init(makeMockHandlers(JobStatus.SUCCESS)); await jobMock.addHandler.mock.calls[0][2](item); if (jobs.length > 1) { expect(jobMock.queueAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith( => ({ name: jobName, data: expect.anything() })), ); } else { expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(jobs.length); for (const jobName of jobs) { expect(jobMock.queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: jobName, data: expect.anything() }); } } }); it(`should not queue any jobs when ${} finishes with 'false'`, async () => { await sut.init(makeMockHandlers(JobStatus.FAILED)); await jobMock.addHandler.mock.calls[0][2](item); expect(jobMock.queueAll).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); } }); });