import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/image/exceptions/image_loading_exception.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/store.entity.dart';

/// Loads the codec from the URI and sends the events to the [chunkEvents] stream
/// Credit to [flutter_cached_network_image](
/// for this wonderful implementation of their image loader
class ImageLoader {
  static Future<ui.Codec> loadImageFromCache(
    String uri, {
    required CacheManager cache,
    required ImageDecoderCallback decode,
    StreamController<ImageChunkEvent>? chunkEvents,
  }) async {
    final headers = {
      'x-immich-user-token': Store.get(StoreKey.accessToken),

    final stream = cache.getFileStream(
      withProgress: chunkEvents != null,
      headers: headers,

    await for (final result in stream) {
      if (result is DownloadProgress) {
        // We are downloading the file, so update the [chunkEvents]
            cumulativeBytesLoaded: result.downloaded,
            expectedTotalBytes: result.totalSize,
      } else if (result is FileInfo) {
        // We have the file
        final buffer = await ui.ImmutableBuffer.fromFilePath(result.file.path);
        final decoded = await decode(buffer);
        return decoded;

    // If we get here, the image failed to load from the cache stream
    throw ImageLoadingException('Could not load image from stream');