// // AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT MODIFY! // // @dart=2.12 // ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import // ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first // ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars part of openapi.api; class QueryParam { const QueryParam(this.name, this.value); final String name; final String value; @override String toString() => '${Uri.encodeQueryComponent(name)}=${Uri.encodeQueryComponent(value)}'; } // Ported from the Java version. Iterable _queryParams(String collectionFormat, String name, dynamic value,) { // Assertions to run in debug mode only. assert(name.isNotEmpty, 'Parameter cannot be an empty string.'); final params = []; if (value is List) { if (collectionFormat == 'multi') { return value.map((dynamic v) => QueryParam(name, parameterToString(v)),); } // Default collection format is 'csv'. if (collectionFormat.isEmpty) { collectionFormat = 'csv'; // ignore: parameter_assignments } final delimiter = _delimiters[collectionFormat] ?? ','; params.add(QueryParam(name, value.map(parameterToString).join(delimiter),)); } else if (value != null) { params.add(QueryParam(name, parameterToString(value))); } return params; } /// Format the given parameter object into a [String]. String parameterToString(dynamic value) { if (value == null) { return ''; } if (value is DateTime) { return value.toUtc().toIso8601String(); } if (value is AssetTypeEnum) { return AssetTypeEnumTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is DeleteAssetStatus) { return DeleteAssetStatusTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is DeviceTypeEnum) { return DeviceTypeEnumTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is JobCommand) { return JobCommandTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is JobId) { return JobIdTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is SystemConfigKey) { return SystemConfigKeyTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is TagTypeEnum) { return TagTypeEnumTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is ThumbnailFormat) { return ThumbnailFormatTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } if (value is TimeGroupEnum) { return TimeGroupEnumTypeTransformer().encode(value).toString(); } return value.toString(); } /// Returns the decoded body as UTF-8 if the given headers indicate an 'application/json' /// content type. Otherwise, returns the decoded body as decoded by dart:http package. Future _decodeBodyBytes(Response response) async { final contentType = response.headers['content-type']; return contentType != null && contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith('application/json') ? response.bodyBytes.isEmpty ? '' : utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes) : response.body; } /// Returns a valid [T] value found at the specified Map [key], null otherwise. T? mapValueOfType(dynamic map, String key) { final dynamic value = map is Map ? map[key] : null; return value is T ? value : null; } /// Returns a valid Map found at the specified Map [key], null otherwise. Map? mapCastOfType(dynamic map, String key) { final dynamic value = map is Map ? map[key] : null; return value is Map ? value.cast() : null; } /// Returns a valid [DateTime] found at the specified Map [key], null otherwise. DateTime? mapDateTime(dynamic map, String key, [String? pattern]) { final dynamic value = map is Map ? map[key] : null; if (value != null) { int? millis; if (value is int) { millis = value; } else if (value is String) { if (pattern == _dateEpochMarker) { millis = int.tryParse(value); } else { return DateTime.tryParse(value); } } if (millis != null) { return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millis, isUtc: true); } } return null; }