// // AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT MODIFY! // // @dart=2.12 // ignore_for_file: unused_element, unused_import // ignore_for_file: always_put_required_named_parameters_first // ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars part of openapi.api; class ApiClient { ApiClient({this.basePath = '/api', this.authentication}); final String basePath; var _client = Client(); /// Returns the current HTTP [Client] instance to use in this class. /// /// The return value is guaranteed to never be null. Client get client => _client; /// Requests to use a new HTTP [Client] in this class. set client(Client newClient) { _client = newClient; } final _defaultHeaderMap = {}; final Authentication? authentication; void addDefaultHeader(String key, String value) { _defaultHeaderMap[key] = value; } Map get defaultHeaderMap => _defaultHeaderMap; // We don't use a Map for queryParams. // If collectionFormat is 'multi', a key might appear multiple times. Future invokeAPI( String path, String method, List queryParams, Object? body, Map headerParams, Map formParams, String? contentType, ) async { _updateParamsForAuth(queryParams, headerParams); headerParams.addAll(_defaultHeaderMap); if (contentType != null) { headerParams['Content-Type'] = contentType; } final urlEncodedQueryParams = queryParams.map((param) => '$param'); final queryString = urlEncodedQueryParams.isNotEmpty ? '?${urlEncodedQueryParams.join('&')}' : ''; final uri = Uri.parse('$basePath$path$queryString'); try { // Special case for uploading a single file which isn't a 'multipart/form-data'. if ( body is MultipartFile && (contentType == null || !contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith('multipart/form-data')) ) { final request = StreamedRequest(method, uri); request.headers.addAll(headerParams); request.contentLength = body.length; body.finalize().listen( request.sink.add, onDone: request.sink.close, // ignore: avoid_types_on_closure_parameters onError: (Object error, StackTrace trace) => request.sink.close(), cancelOnError: true, ); final response = await _client.send(request); return Response.fromStream(response); } if (body is MultipartRequest) { final request = MultipartRequest(method, uri); request.fields.addAll(body.fields); request.files.addAll(body.files); request.headers.addAll(body.headers); request.headers.addAll(headerParams); final response = await _client.send(request); return Response.fromStream(response); } final msgBody = contentType == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ? formParams : await serializeAsync(body); final nullableHeaderParams = headerParams.isEmpty ? null : headerParams; switch(method) { case 'POST': return await _client.post(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams, body: msgBody,); case 'PUT': return await _client.put(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams, body: msgBody,); case 'DELETE': return await _client.delete(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams, body: msgBody,); case 'PATCH': return await _client.patch(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams, body: msgBody,); case 'HEAD': return await _client.head(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams,); case 'GET': return await _client.get(uri, headers: nullableHeaderParams,); } } on SocketException catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'Socket operation failed: $method $path', error, trace, ); } on TlsException catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'TLS/SSL communication failed: $method $path', error, trace, ); } on IOException catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'I/O operation failed: $method $path', error, trace, ); } on ClientException catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'HTTP connection failed: $method $path', error, trace, ); } on Exception catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'Exception occurred: $method $path', error, trace, ); } throw ApiException( HttpStatus.badRequest, 'Invalid HTTP operation: $method $path', ); } Future deserializeAsync(String json, String targetType, {bool growable = false,}) async => // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package deserialize(json, targetType, growable: growable); @Deprecated('Scheduled for removal in OpenAPI Generator 6.x. Use deserializeAsync() instead.') dynamic deserialize(String json, String targetType, {bool growable = false,}) { // Remove all spaces. Necessary for regular expressions as well. targetType = targetType.replaceAll(' ', ''); // ignore: parameter_assignments // If the expected target type is String, nothing to do... return targetType == 'String' ? json : _deserialize(jsonDecode(json), targetType, growable: growable); } // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package Future serializeAsync(Object? value) async => serialize(value); @Deprecated('Scheduled for removal in OpenAPI Generator 6.x. Use serializeAsync() instead.') String serialize(Object? value) => value == null ? '' : json.encode(value); /// Update query and header parameters based on authentication settings. void _updateParamsForAuth( List queryParams, Map headerParams, ) { if (authentication != null) { authentication!.applyToParams(queryParams, headerParams); } } static dynamic _deserialize(dynamic value, String targetType, {bool growable = false}) { try { switch (targetType) { case 'String': return value is String ? value : value.toString(); case 'int': return value is int ? value : int.parse('$value'); case 'double': return value is double ? value : double.parse('$value'); case 'bool': if (value is bool) { return value; } final valueString = '$value'.toLowerCase(); return valueString == 'true' || valueString == '1'; case 'DateTime': return value is DateTime ? value : DateTime.tryParse(value); case 'AddAssetsDto': return AddAssetsDto.fromJson(value); case 'AddAssetsResponseDto': return AddAssetsResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AddUsersDto': return AddUsersDto.fromJson(value); case 'AdminSignupResponseDto': return AdminSignupResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AlbumCountResponseDto': return AlbumCountResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AlbumResponseDto': return AlbumResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AllJobStatusResponseDto': return AllJobStatusResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AssetCountByTimeBucket': return AssetCountByTimeBucket.fromJson(value); case 'AssetCountByTimeBucketResponseDto': return AssetCountByTimeBucketResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AssetCountByUserIdResponseDto': return AssetCountByUserIdResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AssetEntity': return AssetEntity.fromJson(value); case 'AssetFileUploadResponseDto': return AssetFileUploadResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AssetResponseDto': return AssetResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'AssetTypeEnum': return AssetTypeEnumTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'CheckDuplicateAssetDto': return CheckDuplicateAssetDto.fromJson(value); case 'CheckDuplicateAssetResponseDto': return CheckDuplicateAssetResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'CheckExistingAssetsDto': return CheckExistingAssetsDto.fromJson(value); case 'CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto': return CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'CreateAlbumDto': return CreateAlbumDto.fromJson(value); case 'CreateDeviceInfoDto': return CreateDeviceInfoDto.fromJson(value); case 'CreateProfileImageResponseDto': return CreateProfileImageResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'CreateTagDto': return CreateTagDto.fromJson(value); case 'CreateUserDto': return CreateUserDto.fromJson(value); case 'CuratedLocationsResponseDto': return CuratedLocationsResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'CuratedObjectsResponseDto': return CuratedObjectsResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'DeleteAssetDto': return DeleteAssetDto.fromJson(value); case 'DeleteAssetResponseDto': return DeleteAssetResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'DeleteAssetStatus': return DeleteAssetStatusTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'DeviceInfoResponseDto': return DeviceInfoResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'DeviceTypeEnum': return DeviceTypeEnumTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'ExifEntity': return ExifEntity.fromJson(value); case 'ExifResponseDto': return ExifResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'GetAssetByTimeBucketDto': return GetAssetByTimeBucketDto.fromJson(value); case 'GetAssetCountByTimeBucketDto': return GetAssetCountByTimeBucketDto.fromJson(value); case 'JobCommand': return JobCommandTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'JobCommandDto': return JobCommandDto.fromJson(value); case 'JobCounts': return JobCounts.fromJson(value); case 'JobId': return JobIdTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'JobStatusResponseDto': return JobStatusResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'LoginCredentialDto': return LoginCredentialDto.fromJson(value); case 'LoginResponseDto': return LoginResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'LogoutResponseDto': return LogoutResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'OAuthCallbackDto': return OAuthCallbackDto.fromJson(value); case 'OAuthConfigDto': return OAuthConfigDto.fromJson(value); case 'OAuthConfigResponseDto': return OAuthConfigResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'RemoveAssetsDto': return RemoveAssetsDto.fromJson(value); case 'SearchAssetDto': return SearchAssetDto.fromJson(value); case 'ServerInfoResponseDto': return ServerInfoResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'ServerPingResponse': return ServerPingResponse.fromJson(value); case 'ServerStatsResponseDto': return ServerStatsResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'ServerVersionReponseDto': return ServerVersionReponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'SignUpDto': return SignUpDto.fromJson(value); case 'SmartInfoEntity': return SmartInfoEntity.fromJson(value); case 'SmartInfoResponseDto': return SmartInfoResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'SystemConfigKey': return SystemConfigKeyTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'SystemConfigResponseDto': return SystemConfigResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'SystemConfigResponseItem': return SystemConfigResponseItem.fromJson(value); case 'TagEntity': return TagEntity.fromJson(value); case 'TagResponseDto': return TagResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'TagTypeEnum': return TagTypeEnumTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'ThumbnailFormat': return ThumbnailFormatTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'TimeGroupEnum': return TimeGroupEnumTypeTransformer().decode(value); case 'UpdateAlbumDto': return UpdateAlbumDto.fromJson(value); case 'UpdateAssetDto': return UpdateAssetDto.fromJson(value); case 'UpdateDeviceInfoDto': return UpdateDeviceInfoDto.fromJson(value); case 'UpdateTagDto': return UpdateTagDto.fromJson(value); case 'UpdateUserDto': return UpdateUserDto.fromJson(value); case 'UsageByUserDto': return UsageByUserDto.fromJson(value); case 'UserCountResponseDto': return UserCountResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'UserEntity': return UserEntity.fromJson(value); case 'UserResponseDto': return UserResponseDto.fromJson(value); case 'ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto': return ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto.fromJson(value); default: dynamic match; if (value is List && (match = _regList.firstMatch(targetType)?.group(1)) != null) { return value .map((dynamic v) => _deserialize(v, match, growable: growable,)) .toList(growable: growable); } if (value is Set && (match = _regSet.firstMatch(targetType)?.group(1)) != null) { return value .map((dynamic v) => _deserialize(v, match, growable: growable,)) .toSet(); } if (value is Map && (match = _regMap.firstMatch(targetType)?.group(1)) != null) { return Map.fromIterables( value.keys.cast(), value.values.map((dynamic v) => _deserialize(v, match, growable: growable,)), ); } } } on Exception catch (error, trace) { throw ApiException.withInner(HttpStatus.internalServerError, 'Exception during deserialization.', error, trace,); } throw ApiException(HttpStatus.internalServerError, 'Could not find a suitable class for deserialization',); } } /// Primarily intended for use in an isolate. class DeserializationMessage { const DeserializationMessage({ required this.json, required this.targetType, this.growable = false, }); /// The JSON value to deserialize. final String json; /// Target type to deserialize to. final String targetType; /// Whether to make deserialized lists or maps growable. final bool growable; } /// Primarily intended for use in an isolate. Future deserializeAsync(DeserializationMessage message) async { // Remove all spaces. Necessary for regular expressions as well. final targetType = message.targetType.replaceAll(' ', ''); // If the expected target type is String, nothing to do... return targetType == 'String' ? message.json : ApiClient._deserialize( jsonDecode(message.json), targetType, growable: message.growable, ); } /// Primarily intended for use in an isolate. Future serializeAsync(Object? value) async => value == null ? '' : json.encode(value);