import { SystemConfig, UserEntity } from '@app/infra/db/entities'; import { BadRequestException, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { generators, Issuer } from 'openid-client'; import { Socket } from ''; import { userEntityStub, loginResponseStub, newCryptoRepositoryMock, newSystemConfigRepositoryMock, newUserRepositoryMock, systemConfigStub, userTokenEntityStub, } from '../../test'; import { ISystemConfigRepository } from '../system-config'; import { IUserRepository } from '../user'; import { AuthType, IMMICH_ACCESS_COOKIE, IMMICH_AUTH_TYPE_COOKIE } from './auth.constant'; import { AuthService } from './auth.service'; import { ICryptoRepository } from './crypto.repository'; import { SignUpDto } from './dto'; import { IUserTokenRepository } from '@app/domain'; import { newUserTokenRepositoryMock } from '../../test/user-token.repository.mock'; import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'http'; const email = ''; const sub = 'my-auth-user-sub'; const fixtures = { login: { email, password: 'password', }, }; const CLIENT_IP = ''; jest.mock('@nestjs/common', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@nestjs/common'), Logger: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ verbose: jest.fn(), debug: jest.fn(), log: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), warn: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), }), })); describe('AuthService', () => { let sut: AuthService; let cryptoMock: jest.Mocked; let userMock: jest.Mocked; let configMock: jest.Mocked; let userTokenMock: jest.Mocked; let callbackMock: jest.Mock; let create: (config: SystemConfig) => AuthService; afterEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); beforeEach(async () => { callbackMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ access_token: 'access-token' }); jest.spyOn(generators, 'state').mockReturnValue('state'); jest.spyOn(Issuer, 'discover').mockResolvedValue({ id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: ['HS256'], Client: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ issuer: { metadata: { end_session_endpoint: 'http://end-session-endpoint', }, }, authorizationUrl: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('http://authorization-url'), callbackParams: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ state: 'state' }), callback: callbackMock, userinfo: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ sub, email }), }), } as any); cryptoMock = newCryptoRepositoryMock(); userMock = newUserRepositoryMock(); configMock = newSystemConfigRepositoryMock(); userTokenMock = newUserTokenRepositoryMock(); create = (config) => new AuthService(cryptoMock, configMock, userMock, userTokenMock, config); sut = create(systemConfigStub.enabled); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(sut).toBeDefined(); }); describe('login', () => { it('should throw an error if password login is disabled', async () => { sut = create(systemConfigStub.disabled); await expect(sut.login(fixtures.login, CLIENT_IP, true)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(UnauthorizedException); }); it('should check the user exists', async () => { userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue(null); await expect(sut.login(fixtures.login, CLIENT_IP, true)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(userMock.getByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should check the user has a password', async () => { userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue({} as UserEntity); await expect(sut.login(fixtures.login, CLIENT_IP, true)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(userMock.getByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should successfully log the user in', async () => { userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue(userEntityStub.user1); userTokenMock.create.mockResolvedValue(userTokenEntityStub.userToken); await expect(sut.login(fixtures.login, CLIENT_IP, true)).resolves.toEqual(loginResponseStub.user1password); expect(userMock.getByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should generate the cookie headers (insecure)', async () => { userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue(userEntityStub.user1); userTokenMock.create.mockResolvedValue(userTokenEntityStub.userToken); await expect(sut.login(fixtures.login, CLIENT_IP, false)).resolves.toEqual(loginResponseStub.user1insecure); expect(userMock.getByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('changePassword', () => { it('should change the password', async () => { const authUser = { email: '' } as UserEntity; const dto = { password: 'old-password', newPassword: 'new-password' }; userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue({ email: '', password: 'hash-password', } as UserEntity); await sut.changePassword(authUser, dto); expect(userMock.getByEmail).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, true); expect(cryptoMock.compareBcrypt).toHaveBeenCalledWith('old-password', 'hash-password'); }); it('should throw when auth user email is not found', async () => { const authUser = { email: '' } as UserEntity; const dto = { password: 'old-password', newPassword: 'new-password' }; userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue(null); await expect(sut.changePassword(authUser, dto)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(UnauthorizedException); }); it('should throw when password does not match existing password', async () => { const authUser = { email: '' } as UserEntity; const dto = { password: 'old-password', newPassword: 'new-password' }; cryptoMock.compareBcrypt.mockReturnValue(false); userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue({ email: '', password: 'hash-password', } as UserEntity); await expect(sut.changePassword(authUser, dto)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); }); it('should throw when user does not have a password', async () => { const authUser = { email: '' } as UserEntity; const dto = { password: 'old-password', newPassword: 'new-password' }; userMock.getByEmail.mockResolvedValue({ email: '', password: '', } as UserEntity); await expect(sut.changePassword(authUser, dto)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); }); }); describe('logout', () => { it('should return the end session endpoint', async () => { await expect(sut.logout(AuthType.OAUTH)).resolves.toEqual({ successful: true, redirectUri: 'http://end-session-endpoint', }); }); it('should return the default redirect', async () => { await expect(sut.logout(AuthType.PASSWORD)).resolves.toEqual({ successful: true, redirectUri: '/auth/login?autoLaunch=0', }); }); }); describe('adminSignUp', () => { const dto: SignUpDto = { email: '', password: 'password', firstName: 'immich', lastName: 'admin' }; it('should only allow one admin', async () => { userMock.getAdmin.mockResolvedValue({} as UserEntity); await expect(sut.adminSignUp(dto)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(BadRequestException); expect(userMock.getAdmin).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should sign up the admin', async () => { userMock.getAdmin.mockResolvedValue(null); userMock.create.mockResolvedValue({ ...dto, id: 'admin', createdAt: 'today' } as UserEntity); await expect(sut.adminSignUp(dto)).resolves.toEqual({ id: 'admin', createdAt: 'today', email: '', firstName: 'immich', lastName: 'admin', }); expect(userMock.getAdmin).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(userMock.create).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('validate - socket connections', () => { it('should validate using authorization header', async () => { userMock.get.mockResolvedValue(userEntityStub.user1); userTokenMock.get.mockResolvedValue(userTokenEntityStub.userToken); const client = { request: { headers: { authorization: 'Bearer auth_token' } } }; await expect(sut.validate((client as Socket).request.headers)).resolves.toEqual(userEntityStub.user1); }); }); describe('validate - api request', () => { it('should throw if no user is found', async () => { userMock.get.mockResolvedValue(null); await expect(sut.validate({ email: 'a', userId: 'test' })).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(UnauthorizedException); }); it('should return an auth dto', async () => { userMock.get.mockResolvedValue(userEntityStub.user1); userTokenMock.get.mockResolvedValue(userTokenEntityStub.userToken); await expect( sut.validate({ cookie: 'immich_access_token=auth_token', email: 'a', userId: 'test' }), ).resolves.toEqual(userEntityStub.user1); }); }); describe('extractTokenFromHeader - Cookie', () => { it('should extract the access token', () => { const cookie: IncomingHttpHeaders = { cookie: `${IMMICH_ACCESS_COOKIE}=signed-jwt;${IMMICH_AUTH_TYPE_COOKIE}=password`, }; expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader(cookie)).toEqual('signed-jwt'); }); it('should work with no cookies', () => { const cookie: IncomingHttpHeaders = { cookie: undefined, }; expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader(cookie)).toBeNull(); }); it('should work on empty cookies', () => { const cookie: IncomingHttpHeaders = { cookie: '', }; expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader(cookie)).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('extractTokenFromHeader - Bearer Auth', () => { it('should extract the access token', () => { expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader({ authorization: `Bearer signed-jwt` })).toEqual('signed-jwt'); }); it('should work without the auth header', () => { expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader({})).toBeNull(); }); it('should ignore basic auth', () => { expect(sut.extractTokenFromHeader({ authorization: `Basic stuff` })).toBeNull(); }); }); });