import { CropOptions, IMediaRepository, ResizeOptions, TranscodeOptions, VideoInfo, handlePromiseError, } from '@app/domain'; import { Colorspace } from '@app/infra/entities'; import { ImmichLogger } from '@app/infra/logger'; import ffmpeg, { FfprobeData } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'; import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import { Writable } from 'node:stream'; import { promisify } from 'node:util'; import sharp from 'sharp'; import { Instrumentation } from '../instrumentation'; const probe = promisify<string, FfprobeData>(ffmpeg.ffprobe); sharp.concurrency(0); sharp.cache({ files: 0 }); @Instrumentation() export class MediaRepository implements IMediaRepository { private logger = new ImmichLogger(; crop(input: string | Buffer, options: CropOptions): Promise<Buffer> { return sharp(input, { failOn: 'none' }) .pipelineColorspace('rgb16') .extract({ left: options.left, top:, width: options.width, height: options.height, }) .toBuffer(); } async resize(input: string | Buffer, output: string, options: ResizeOptions): Promise<void> { await sharp(input, { failOn: 'none' }) .pipelineColorspace(options.colorspace === Colorspace.SRGB ? 'srgb' : 'rgb16') .resize(options.size, options.size, { fit: 'outside', withoutEnlargement: true }) .rotate() .withIccProfile(options.colorspace) .toFormat(options.format, { quality: options.quality, // this is default in libvips (except the threshold is 90), but we need to set it manually in sharp chromaSubsampling: options.quality >= 80 ? '4:4:4' : '4:2:0', }) .toFile(output); } async probe(input: string): Promise<VideoInfo> { const results = await probe(input); return { format: { formatName: results.format.format_name, formatLongName: results.format.format_long_name, duration: results.format.duration || 0, bitrate: results.format.bit_rate ?? 0, }, videoStreams: results.streams .filter((stream) => stream.codec_type === 'video') .map((stream) => ({ index: stream.index, height: stream.height || 0, width: stream.width || 0, codecName: stream.codec_name === 'h265' ? 'hevc' : stream.codec_name, codecType: stream.codec_type, frameCount: Number.parseInt(stream.nb_frames ?? '0'), rotation: Number.parseInt(`${stream.rotation ?? 0}`), isHDR: stream.color_transfer === 'smpte2084' || stream.color_transfer === 'arib-std-b67', bitrate: Number.parseInt(stream.bit_rate ?? '0'), })), audioStreams: results.streams .filter((stream) => stream.codec_type === 'audio') .map((stream) => ({ index: stream.index, codecType: stream.codec_type, codecName: stream.codec_name, frameCount: Number.parseInt(stream.nb_frames ?? '0'), })), }; } transcode(input: string, output: string | Writable, options: TranscodeOptions): Promise<void> { if (!options.twoPass) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.configureFfmpegCall(input, output, options).on('error', reject).on('end', resolve).run(); }); } if (typeof output !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Two-pass transcoding does not support writing to a stream'); } // two-pass allows for precise control of bitrate at the cost of running twice // recommended for vp9 for better quality and compression return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // first pass output is not saved as only the .log file is needed this.configureFfmpegCall(input, '/dev/null', options) .addOptions('-pass', '1') .addOptions('-passlogfile', output) .addOptions('-f null') .on('error', reject) .on('end', () => { // second pass this.configureFfmpegCall(input, output, options) .addOptions('-pass', '2') .addOptions('-passlogfile', output) .on('error', reject) .on('end', () => handlePromiseError(fs.unlink(`${output}-0.log`), this.logger)) .on('end', () => handlePromiseError(fs.rm(`${output}-0.log.mbtree`, { force: true }), this.logger)) .on('end', resolve) .run(); }) .run(); }); } async generateThumbhash(imagePath: string): Promise<Buffer> { const maxSize = 100; const { data, info } = await sharp(imagePath) .resize(maxSize, maxSize, { fit: 'inside', withoutEnlargement: true }) .raw() .ensureAlpha() .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true }); const thumbhash = await import('thumbhash'); return Buffer.from(thumbhash.rgbaToThumbHash(info.width, info.height, data)); } private configureFfmpegCall(input: string, output: string | Writable, options: TranscodeOptions) { return ffmpeg(input, { niceness: 10 }) .inputOptions(options.inputOptions) .outputOptions(options.outputOptions) .output(output) .on('error', (error, stdout, stderr) => this.logger.error(stderr || error)); } private chainPath(existing: string, path: string) { const separator = existing.endsWith(':') ? '' : ':'; return `${existing}${separator}${path}`; } }