import 'dart:math'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; final log = Logger('AssetGridDataStructure'); enum RenderAssetGridElementType { assets, assetRow, groupDividerTitle, monthTitle; } class RenderAssetGridElement { final RenderAssetGridElementType type; final String? title; final DateTime date; final int count; final int offset; final int totalCount; RenderAssetGridElement( this.type, { this.title, required, this.count = 0, this.offset = 0, this.totalCount = 0, }); } enum GroupAssetsBy { day, month, auto, none, ; } class RenderList { final List elements; final List? allAssets; final QueryBuilder? query; final int totalAssets; /// reference to batch of assets loaded from DB with offset [_bufOffset] List _buf = []; /// global offset of assets in [_buf] int _bufOffset = 0; RenderList(this.elements, this.query, this.allAssets) : totalAssets = allAssets?.length ?? query!.countSync(); bool get isEmpty => totalAssets == 0; /// Loads the requested assets from the database to an internal buffer if not cached /// and returns a slice of that buffer List loadAssets(int offset, int count) { assert(offset >= 0); assert(count > 0); assert(offset + count <= totalAssets); if (allAssets != null) { // if we already loaded all assets (e.g. from search result) // simply return the requested slice of that array return allAssets!.slice(offset, offset + count); } else if (query != null) { // general case: we have the query to load assets via offset from the DB on demand if (offset < _bufOffset || offset + count > _bufOffset + _buf.length) { // the requested slice (offset:offset+count) is not contained in the cache buffer `_buf` // thus, fill the buffer with a new batch of assets that at least contains the requested // assets and some more final bool forward = _bufOffset < offset; // if the requested offset is greater than the cached offset, the user scrolls forward "down" const batchSize = 256; const oppositeSize = 64; // make sure to load a meaningful amount of data (and not only the requested slice) // otherwise, each call to [loadAssets] would result in DB call trashing performance // fills small requests to [batchSize], adds some legroom into the opposite scroll direction for large requests final len = max(batchSize, count + oppositeSize); // when scrolling forward, start shortly before the requested offset... // when scrolling backward, end shortly after the requested offset... // ... to guard against the user scrolling in the other direction // a tiny bit resulting in a another required load from the DB final start = max( 0, forward ? offset - oppositeSize : (len > batchSize ? offset : offset + count - len), ); // load the calculated batch (start:start+len) from the DB and put it into the buffer _buf = query!.offset(start).limit(len).findAllSync(); _bufOffset = start; } assert(_bufOffset <= offset); assert(_bufOffset + _buf.length >= offset + count); // return the requested slice from the buffer (we made sure before that the assets are loaded!) return _buf.slice(offset - _bufOffset, offset - _bufOffset + count); } throw Exception("RenderList has neither assets nor query"); } /// Returns the requested asset either from cached buffer or directly from the database Asset loadAsset(int index) { if (allAssets != null) { // all assets are already loaded (e.g. from search result) return allAssets![index]; } else if (query != null) { // general case: we have the DB query to load asset(s) on demand if (index >= _bufOffset && index < _bufOffset + _buf.length) { // lucky case: the requested asset is already cached in the buffer! return _buf[index - _bufOffset]; } // request the asset from the database (not changing the buffer!) final asset = query!.offset(index).findFirstSync(); if (asset == null) { throw Exception( "Asset at index $index does no longer exist in database", ); } return asset; } throw Exception("RenderList has neither assets nor query"); } static Future fromQuery( QueryBuilder query, GroupAssetsBy groupBy, ) => _buildRenderList(null, query, groupBy); static Future _buildRenderList( List? assets, QueryBuilder? query, GroupAssetsBy groupBy, ) async { final List elements = []; const pageSize = 50000; const sectionSize = 60; // divides evenly by 2,3,4,5,6 if (groupBy == GroupAssetsBy.none) { final int total = assets?.length ?? query!.countSync(); for (int i = 0; i < total; i += sectionSize) { final date = assets != null ? assets[i].fileCreatedAt : await query!.offset(i).fileCreatedAtProperty().findFirst(); final int count = i + sectionSize > total ? total - i : sectionSize; if (date == null) break; elements.add( RenderAssetGridElement( RenderAssetGridElementType.assets, date: date, count: count, totalCount: total, offset: i, ), ); } return RenderList(elements, query, assets); } final formatSameYear = groupBy == GroupAssetsBy.month ? DateFormat.MMMM() : DateFormat.MMMEd(); final formatOtherYear = groupBy == GroupAssetsBy.month ? DateFormat.yMMMM() : DateFormat.yMMMEd(); final currentYear =; final formatMergedSameYear = DateFormat.MMMd(); final formatMergedOtherYear = DateFormat.yMMMd(); int offset = 0; DateTime? last; DateTime? current; int lastOffset = 0; int count = 0; int monthCount = 0; int lastMonthIndex = 0; String formatDateRange(DateTime from, DateTime to) { final startDate = (from.year == currentYear ? formatMergedSameYear : formatMergedOtherYear) .format(from); final endDate = (to.year == currentYear ? formatMergedSameYear : formatMergedOtherYear) .format(to); if (DateTime(from.year, from.month, == DateTime(to.year, to.month, { // format range with time when both dates are on the same day final startTime = DateFormat.Hm().format(from); final endTime = DateFormat.Hm().format(to); return "$startDate $startTime - $endTime"; } return "$startDate - $endDate"; } void mergeMonth() { if (last != null && groupBy == && monthCount <= 30 && elements.length > lastMonthIndex + 1) { // merge all days into a single section assert(elements[lastMonthIndex].date.month == last.month); final e = elements[lastMonthIndex]; elements[lastMonthIndex] = RenderAssetGridElement( RenderAssetGridElementType.monthTitle, date:, count: monthCount, totalCount: monthCount, offset: e.offset, title: formatDateRange(,, ); elements.removeRange(lastMonthIndex + 1, elements.length); } } void addElems(DateTime d, DateTime? prevDate) { final bool newMonth = last == null || last.year != d.year || last.month != d.month; if (newMonth) { mergeMonth(); lastMonthIndex = elements.length; monthCount = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < count; j += sectionSize) { final type = j == 0 ? (groupBy != GroupAssetsBy.month && newMonth ? RenderAssetGridElementType.monthTitle : RenderAssetGridElementType.groupDividerTitle) : (groupBy == ? RenderAssetGridElementType.groupDividerTitle : RenderAssetGridElementType.assets); final sectionCount = j + sectionSize > count ? count - j : sectionSize; assert(sectionCount > 0 && sectionCount <= sectionSize); elements.add( RenderAssetGridElement( type, date: d, count: sectionCount, totalCount: groupBy == ? sectionCount : count, offset: lastOffset + j, title: j == 0 ? (d.year == currentYear ? formatSameYear.format(d) : formatOtherYear.format(d)) : (groupBy == ? formatDateRange(d, prevDate ?? d) : null), ), ); } monthCount += count; } DateTime? prevDate; while (true) { // this iterates all assets (only their createdAt property) in batches // memory usage is okay, however runtime is linear with number of assets // TODO replace with groupBy once Isar supports such queries final dates = assets != null ? => a.fileCreatedAt) : await query! .offset(offset) .limit(pageSize) .fileCreatedAtProperty() .findAll(); int i = 0; for (final date in dates) { final d = DateTime( date.year, date.month, groupBy == GroupAssetsBy.month ? 1 :, ); current ??= d; if (current != d) { addElems(current, prevDate); last = current; current = d; lastOffset = offset + i; count = 0; } prevDate = date; count++; i++; } if (assets != null || dates.length != pageSize) break; offset += pageSize; } if (count > 0 && current != null) { addElems(current, prevDate); mergeMonth(); } assert(elements.every((e) => e.count <= sectionSize), "too large section"); return RenderList(elements, query, assets); } static RenderList empty() => RenderList([], null, []); static Future fromAssets( List assets, GroupAssetsBy groupBy, ) => _buildRenderList(assets, null, groupBy); }