import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ExifDateTime, Tags } from 'exiftool-vendored'; import { firstDateTime } from 'exiftool-vendored/dist/FirstDateTime'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Duration } from 'luxon'; import { constants } from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { StorageCore } from 'src/cores/storage.core'; import { FeatureFlag, SystemConfigCore } from 'src/cores/system-config.core'; import { AssetEntity, AssetType } from 'src/entities/asset.entity'; import { ExifEntity } from 'src/entities/exif.entity'; import { IAlbumRepository } from 'src/interfaces/album.repository'; import { IAssetRepository, WithoutProperty } from 'src/interfaces/asset.repository'; import { ClientEvent, ICommunicationRepository } from 'src/interfaces/communication.repository'; import { ICryptoRepository } from 'src/interfaces/crypto.repository'; import { DatabaseLock, IDatabaseRepository } from 'src/interfaces/database.repository'; import { IBaseJob, IEntityJob, IJobRepository, ISidecarWriteJob, JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, JobName, JobStatus, QueueName, } from 'src/interfaces/job.repository'; import { IMediaRepository } from 'src/interfaces/media.repository'; import { IMetadataRepository, ImmichTags } from 'src/interfaces/metadata.repository'; import { IMoveRepository } from 'src/interfaces/move.repository'; import { IPersonRepository } from 'src/interfaces/person.repository'; import { IStorageRepository } from 'src/interfaces/storage.repository'; import { ISystemConfigRepository } from 'src/interfaces/system-config.repository'; import { ImmichLogger } from 'src/utils/logger'; import { handlePromiseError } from 'src/utils/misc'; import { usePagination } from 'src/utils/pagination'; /** look for a date from these tags (in order) */ const EXIF_DATE_TAGS: Array = [ 'SubSecDateTimeOriginal', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'SubSecCreateDate', 'CreationDate', 'CreateDate', 'SubSecMediaCreateDate', 'MediaCreateDate', 'DateTimeCreated', ]; interface DirectoryItem { Length?: number; Mime: string; Padding?: number; Semantic?: string; } interface DirectoryEntry { Item: DirectoryItem; } export enum Orientation { Horizontal = '1', MirrorHorizontal = '2', Rotate180 = '3', MirrorVertical = '4', MirrorHorizontalRotate270CW = '5', Rotate90CW = '6', MirrorHorizontalRotate90CW = '7', Rotate270CW = '8', } type ExifEntityWithoutGeocodeAndTypeOrm = Omit< ExifEntity, 'city' | 'state' | 'country' | 'description' | 'exifTextSearchableColumn' > & { dateTimeOriginal: Date }; const exifDate = (dt: ExifDateTime | string | undefined) => (dt instanceof ExifDateTime ? dt?.toDate() : null); const tzOffset = (dt: ExifDateTime | string | undefined) => (dt instanceof ExifDateTime ? dt?.tzoffsetMinutes : null); const validate = (value: T): NonNullable | null => { // handle lists of numbers if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value[0]; } if (typeof value === 'string') { // string means a failure to parse a number, throw out result return null; } if (typeof value === 'number' && (Number.isNaN(value) || !Number.isFinite(value))) { return null; } return value ?? null; }; @Injectable() export class MetadataService { private logger = new ImmichLogger(; private storageCore: StorageCore; private configCore: SystemConfigCore; private subscription: Subscription | null = null; constructor( @Inject(IAlbumRepository) private albumRepository: IAlbumRepository, @Inject(IAssetRepository) private assetRepository: IAssetRepository, @Inject(ICommunicationRepository) private communicationRepository: ICommunicationRepository, @Inject(ICryptoRepository) private cryptoRepository: ICryptoRepository, @Inject(IDatabaseRepository) private databaseRepository: IDatabaseRepository, @Inject(IJobRepository) private jobRepository: IJobRepository, @Inject(IMediaRepository) private mediaRepository: IMediaRepository, @Inject(IMetadataRepository) private repository: IMetadataRepository, @Inject(IMoveRepository) moveRepository: IMoveRepository, @Inject(IPersonRepository) personRepository: IPersonRepository, @Inject(IStorageRepository) private storageRepository: IStorageRepository, @Inject(ISystemConfigRepository) configRepository: ISystemConfigRepository, ) { this.configCore = SystemConfigCore.create(configRepository); this.storageCore = StorageCore.create( assetRepository, moveRepository, personRepository, cryptoRepository, configRepository, storageRepository, ); } async init() { if (!this.subscription) { this.subscription = this.configCore.config$.subscribe(() => handlePromiseError(this.init(), this.logger)); } const { reverseGeocoding } = await this.configCore.getConfig(); const { enabled } = reverseGeocoding; if (!enabled) { return; } try { await this.jobRepository.pause(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION); await this.databaseRepository.withLock(DatabaseLock.GeodataImport, () => this.repository.init()); await this.jobRepository.resume(QueueName.METADATA_EXTRACTION); this.logger.log(`Initialized local reverse geocoder`); } catch (error: Error | any) { this.logger.error(`Unable to initialize reverse geocoding: ${error}`, error?.stack); } } async teardown() { this.subscription?.unsubscribe(); await this.repository.teardown(); } async handleLivePhotoLinking(job: IEntityJob): Promise { const { id } = job; const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id], { exifInfo: true }); if (!asset?.exifInfo) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } if (!asset.exifInfo.livePhotoCID) { return JobStatus.SKIPPED; } const otherType = asset.type === AssetType.VIDEO ? AssetType.IMAGE : AssetType.VIDEO; const match = await this.assetRepository.findLivePhotoMatch({ livePhotoCID: asset.exifInfo.livePhotoCID, ownerId: asset.ownerId, otherAssetId:, type: otherType, }); if (!match) { return JobStatus.SKIPPED; } const [photoAsset, motionAsset] = asset.type === AssetType.IMAGE ? [asset, match] : [match, asset]; await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, livePhotoVideoId: }); await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, isVisible: false }); await this.albumRepository.removeAsset(; // Notify clients to hide the linked live photo asset this.communicationRepository.send(ClientEvent.ASSET_HIDDEN, motionAsset.ownerId,; return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } async handleQueueMetadataExtraction(job: IBaseJob): Promise { const { force } = job; const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.EXIF); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { await this.jobRepository.queueAll( => ({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: } })), ); } return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } async handleMetadataExtraction({ id }: IEntityJob): Promise { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } const { exifData, tags } = await this.exifData(asset); if (asset.type === AssetType.VIDEO) { const { videoStreams } = await this.mediaRepository.probe(asset.originalPath); if (videoStreams[0]) { switch (videoStreams[0].rotation) { case -90: { exifData.orientation = Orientation.Rotate90CW; break; } case 0: { exifData.orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; break; } case 90: { exifData.orientation = Orientation.Rotate270CW; break; } case 180: { exifData.orientation = Orientation.Rotate180; break; } } } } await this.applyMotionPhotos(asset, tags); await this.applyReverseGeocoding(asset, exifData); await this.assetRepository.upsertExif(exifData); const dateTimeOriginal = exifData.dateTimeOriginal; let localDateTime = dateTimeOriginal ?? undefined; const timeZoneOffset = tzOffset(firstDateTime(tags as Tags)) ?? 0; if (dateTimeOriginal && timeZoneOffset) { localDateTime = new Date(dateTimeOriginal.getTime() + timeZoneOffset * 60_000); } await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, duration: tags.Duration ? this.getDuration(tags.Duration) : null, localDateTime, fileCreatedAt: exifData.dateTimeOriginal ?? undefined, }); await this.assetRepository.upsertJobStatus({ assetId:, metadataExtractedAt: new Date(), }); return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } async handleQueueSidecar(job: IBaseJob): Promise { const { force } = job; const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_ASSET_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) => { return force ? this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination) : this.assetRepository.getWithout(pagination, WithoutProperty.SIDECAR); }); for await (const assets of assetPagination) { await this.jobRepository.queueAll( => ({ name: force ? JobName.SIDECAR_SYNC : JobName.SIDECAR_DISCOVERY, data: { id: }, })), ); } return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } handleSidecarSync({ id }: IEntityJob): Promise { return this.processSidecar(id, true); } handleSidecarDiscovery({ id }: IEntityJob): Promise { return this.processSidecar(id, false); } async handleSidecarWrite(job: ISidecarWriteJob): Promise { const { id, description, dateTimeOriginal, latitude, longitude } = job; const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } const sidecarPath = asset.sidecarPath || `${asset.originalPath}.xmp`; const exif = _.omitBy( { ImageDescription: description, CreationDate: dateTimeOriginal, GPSLatitude: latitude, GPSLongitude: longitude, }, _.isUndefined, ); if (Object.keys(exif).length === 0) { return JobStatus.SKIPPED; } await this.repository.writeTags(sidecarPath, exif); if (!asset.sidecarPath) { await this.assetRepository.update({ id, sidecarPath }); } return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } private async applyReverseGeocoding(asset: AssetEntity, exifData: ExifEntityWithoutGeocodeAndTypeOrm) { const { latitude, longitude } = exifData; if (!(await this.configCore.hasFeature(FeatureFlag.REVERSE_GEOCODING)) || !longitude || !latitude) { return; } try { const reverseGeocode = await this.repository.reverseGeocode({ latitude, longitude }); if (!reverseGeocode) { return; } Object.assign(exifData, reverseGeocode); } catch (error: Error | any) { this.logger.warn( `Unable to run reverse geocoding due to ${error} for asset ${} at ${asset.originalPath}`, error?.stack, ); } } private async applyMotionPhotos(asset: AssetEntity, tags: ImmichTags) { if (asset.type !== AssetType.IMAGE) { return; } const rawDirectory = tags.Directory; const isMotionPhoto = tags.MotionPhoto; const isMicroVideo = tags.MicroVideo; const videoOffset = tags.MicroVideoOffset; const hasMotionPhotoVideo = tags.MotionPhotoVideo; const hasEmbeddedVideoFile = tags.EmbeddedVideoType === 'MotionPhoto_Data' && tags.EmbeddedVideoFile; const directory = Array.isArray(rawDirectory) ? (rawDirectory as DirectoryEntry[]) : null; let length = 0; let padding = 0; if (isMotionPhoto && directory) { for (const entry of directory) { if (entry.Item.Semantic == 'MotionPhoto') { length = entry.Item.Length ?? 0; padding = entry.Item.Padding ?? 0; break; } } } if (isMicroVideo && typeof videoOffset === 'number') { length = videoOffset; } if (!length && !hasEmbeddedVideoFile && !hasMotionPhotoVideo) { return; } this.logger.debug(`Starting motion photo video extraction (${})`); try { const stat = await this.storageRepository.stat(asset.originalPath); const position = stat.size - length - padding; let video: Buffer; // Samsung MotionPhoto video extraction // HEIC-encoded if (hasMotionPhotoVideo) { video = await this.repository.extractBinaryTag(asset.originalPath, 'MotionPhotoVideo'); } // JPEG-encoded; HEIC also contains these tags, so this conditional must come second else if (hasEmbeddedVideoFile) { video = await this.repository.extractBinaryTag(asset.originalPath, 'EmbeddedVideoFile'); } // Default video extraction else { video = await this.storageRepository.readFile(asset.originalPath, { buffer: Buffer.alloc(length), position, length, }); } const checksum = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha1(video); let motionAsset = await this.assetRepository.getByChecksum(asset.ownerId, checksum); if (motionAsset) { this.logger.debug( `Asset ${}'s motion photo video with checksum ${checksum.toString( 'base64', )} already exists in the repository`, ); } else { // We create a UUID in advance so that each extracted video can have a unique filename // (allowing us to delete old ones if necessary) const motionAssetId = this.cryptoRepository.randomUUID(); const motionPath = StorageCore.getAndroidMotionPath(asset, motionAssetId); const createdAt = asset.fileCreatedAt ?? asset.createdAt; motionAsset = await this.assetRepository.create({ id: motionAssetId, libraryId: asset.libraryId, type: AssetType.VIDEO, fileCreatedAt: createdAt, fileModifiedAt: asset.fileModifiedAt, localDateTime: createdAt, checksum, ownerId: asset.ownerId, originalPath: motionPath, originalFileName: asset.originalFileName, isVisible: false, isReadOnly: false, deviceAssetId: 'NONE', deviceId: 'NONE', }); this.storageCore.ensureFolders(motionPath); await this.storageRepository.writeFile(motionAsset.originalPath, video); await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: } }); await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, livePhotoVideoId: }); // If the asset already had an associated livePhotoVideo, delete it, because // its checksum doesn't match the checksum of the motionAsset we just extracted // (if it did, getByChecksum() would've returned non-null) if (asset.livePhotoVideoId) { await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.ASSET_DELETION, data: { id: asset.livePhotoVideoId } }); this.logger.log(`Removed old motion photo video asset (${asset.livePhotoVideoId})`); } } this.logger.debug(`Finished motion photo video extraction (${})`); } catch (error: Error | any) { this.logger.error(`Failed to extract live photo ${asset.originalPath}: ${error}`, error?.stack); } } private async exifData( asset: AssetEntity, ): Promise<{ exifData: ExifEntityWithoutGeocodeAndTypeOrm; tags: ImmichTags }> { const stats = await this.storageRepository.stat(asset.originalPath); const mediaTags = await this.repository.readTags(asset.originalPath); const sidecarTags = asset.sidecarPath ? await this.repository.readTags(asset.sidecarPath) : null; // ensure date from sidecar is used if present const hasDateOverride = !!this.getDateTimeOriginal(sidecarTags); if (mediaTags && hasDateOverride) { for (const tag of EXIF_DATE_TAGS) { delete mediaTags[tag]; } } const tags = { ...mediaTags, ...sidecarTags }; this.logger.verbose('Exif Tags', tags); const exifData = { // altitude: tags.GPSAltitude ?? null, assetId:, bitsPerSample: this.getBitsPerSample(tags), colorspace: tags.ColorSpace ?? null, dateTimeOriginal: this.getDateTimeOriginal(tags) ?? asset.fileCreatedAt, description: (tags.ImageDescription || tags.Description) ?? '', exifImageHeight: validate(tags.ImageHeight), exifImageWidth: validate(tags.ImageWidth), exposureTime: tags.ExposureTime ?? null, fileSizeInByte: stats.size, fNumber: validate(tags.FNumber), focalLength: validate(tags.FocalLength), fps: validate(Number.parseFloat(tags.VideoFrameRate!)), iso: validate(tags.ISO), latitude: validate(tags.GPSLatitude), lensModel: tags.LensModel ?? null, livePhotoCID: (tags.ContentIdentifier || tags.MediaGroupUUID) ?? null, autoStackId: this.getAutoStackId(tags), longitude: validate(tags.GPSLongitude), make: tags.Make ?? null, model: tags.Model ?? null, modifyDate: exifDate(tags.ModifyDate) ?? asset.fileModifiedAt, orientation: validate(tags.Orientation)?.toString() ?? null, profileDescription: tags.ProfileDescription || null, projectionType: tags.ProjectionType ? String(tags.ProjectionType).toUpperCase() : null, timeZone: ?? null, }; if (exifData.latitude === 0 && exifData.longitude === 0) { this.logger.warn('Exif data has latitude and longitude of 0, setting to null'); exifData.latitude = null; exifData.longitude = null; } return { exifData, tags }; } private getAutoStackId(tags: ImmichTags | null): string | null { if (!tags) { return null; } return tags.BurstID ?? tags.BurstUUID ?? tags.CameraBurstID ?? tags.MediaUniqueID ?? null; } private getDateTimeOriginal(tags: ImmichTags | Tags | null) { if (!tags) { return null; } return exifDate(firstDateTime(tags as Tags, EXIF_DATE_TAGS)); } private getBitsPerSample(tags: ImmichTags): number | null { const bitDepthTags = [ tags.BitsPerSample, tags.ComponentBitDepth, tags.ImagePixelDepth, tags.BitDepth, tags.ColorBitDepth, // `numericTags` doesn't parse values like '12 12 12' ].map((tag) => (typeof tag === 'string' ? Number.parseInt(tag) : tag)); let bitsPerSample = bitDepthTags.find((tag) => typeof tag === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(tag)) ?? null; if (bitsPerSample && bitsPerSample >= 24 && bitsPerSample % 3 === 0) { bitsPerSample /= 3; // converts per-pixel bit depth to per-channel } return bitsPerSample; } private getDuration(seconds?: ImmichTags['Duration']): string { let _seconds = seconds as number; if (typeof seconds === 'object') { _seconds = seconds.Value * (seconds?.Scale || 1); } else if (typeof seconds === 'string') { _seconds = Duration.fromISOTime(seconds).as('seconds'); } return Duration.fromObject({ seconds: _seconds }).toFormat('hh:mm:ss.SSS'); } private async processSidecar(id: string, isSync: boolean): Promise { const [asset] = await this.assetRepository.getByIds([id]); if (!asset) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } if (isSync && !asset.sidecarPath) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } if (!isSync && (!asset.isVisible || asset.sidecarPath)) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } // XMP sidecars can come in two filename formats. For a photo named photo.ext, the filenames are photo.ext.xmp and photo.xmp const assetPath = path.parse(asset.originalPath); const assetPathWithoutExt = path.join(assetPath.dir,; const sidecarPathWithoutExt = `${assetPathWithoutExt}.xmp`; const sidecarPathWithExt = `${asset.originalPath}.xmp`; const [sidecarPathWithExtExists, sidecarPathWithoutExtExists] = await Promise.all([ this.storageRepository.checkFileExists(sidecarPathWithExt, constants.R_OK), this.storageRepository.checkFileExists(sidecarPathWithoutExt, constants.R_OK), ]); let sidecarPath = null; if (sidecarPathWithExtExists) { sidecarPath = sidecarPathWithExt; } else if (sidecarPathWithoutExtExists) { sidecarPath = sidecarPathWithoutExt; } if (sidecarPath) { await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, sidecarPath }); return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } if (!isSync) { return JobStatus.FAILED; } this.logger.debug( `Sidecar file was not found. Checked paths '${sidecarPathWithExt}' and '${sidecarPathWithoutExt}'. Removing sidecarPath for asset ${}`, ); await this.assetRepository.update({ id:, sidecarPath: null }); return JobStatus.SUCCESS; } }