import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:native_video_player/native_video_player.dart'; import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart'; enum VideoPlaybackState { initializing, paused, playing, buffering, completed, } class VideoPlaybackValue { /// The current position of the video final Duration position; /// The total duration of the video final Duration duration; /// The current state of the video playback final VideoPlaybackState state; /// The volume of the video final double volume; const VideoPlaybackValue({ required this.position, required this.duration, required this.state, required this.volume, }); factory VideoPlaybackValue.fromNativeController( NativeVideoPlayerController controller, ) { final playbackInfo = controller.playbackInfo; final videoInfo = controller.videoInfo; if (playbackInfo == null || videoInfo == null) { return videoPlaybackValueDefault; } final VideoPlaybackState status = switch (playbackInfo.status) { PlaybackStatus.playing => VideoPlaybackState.playing, PlaybackStatus.paused => VideoPlaybackState.paused, PlaybackStatus.stopped => VideoPlaybackState.completed, }; return VideoPlaybackValue( position: Duration(seconds: playbackInfo.position), duration: Duration(seconds: videoInfo.duration), state: status, volume: playbackInfo.volume, ); } factory VideoPlaybackValue.fromController(VideoPlayerController? controller) { final video = controller?.value; late VideoPlaybackState s; if (video == null) { s = VideoPlaybackState.initializing; } else if (video.isCompleted) { s = VideoPlaybackState.completed; } else if (video.isPlaying) { s = VideoPlaybackState.playing; } else if (video.isBuffering) { s = VideoPlaybackState.buffering; } else { s = VideoPlaybackState.paused; } return VideoPlaybackValue( position: video?.position ??, duration: video?.duration ??, state: s, volume: video?.volume ?? 0.0, ); } VideoPlaybackValue copyWith({ Duration? position, Duration? duration, VideoPlaybackState? state, double? volume, }) { return VideoPlaybackValue( position: position ?? this.position, duration: duration ?? this.duration, state: state ?? this.state, volume: volume ?? this.volume, ); } } const VideoPlaybackValue videoPlaybackValueDefault = VideoPlaybackValue( position:, duration:, state: VideoPlaybackState.initializing, volume: 0.0, ); final videoPlaybackValueProvider = StateNotifierProvider<VideoPlaybackValueState, VideoPlaybackValue>((ref) { return VideoPlaybackValueState(ref); }); class VideoPlaybackValueState extends StateNotifier<VideoPlaybackValue> { VideoPlaybackValueState(this.ref) : super(videoPlaybackValueDefault); final Ref ref; VideoPlaybackValue get value => state; set value(VideoPlaybackValue value) { state = value; } set position(Duration value) { if (state.position == value) return; state = VideoPlaybackValue( position: value, duration: state.duration, state: state.state, volume: state.volume, ); } set status(VideoPlaybackState value) { if (state.state == value) return; state = VideoPlaybackValue( position: state.position, duration: state.duration, state: value, volume: state.volume, ); } void reset() { state = videoPlaybackValueDefault; } }