import { AuthService, JobService, ONE_HOUR, OpenGraphTags, ServerInfoService, SharedLinkService, StorageService, SystemConfigService, WEB_ROOT_PATH, } from '@app/domain'; import { ImmichLogger } from '@app/infra/logger'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Cron, CronExpression, Interval } from '@nestjs/schedule'; import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from 'express'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; const render = (index: string, meta: OpenGraphTags) => { const tags = ` ${meta.imageUrl ? `` : ''} ${meta.imageUrl ? `` : ''}`; return index.replace('', tags); }; @Injectable() export class AppService { private logger = new ImmichLogger(; constructor( private authService: AuthService, private configService: SystemConfigService, private jobService: JobService, private serverService: ServerInfoService, private sharedLinkService: SharedLinkService, private storageService: StorageService, ) {} @Interval('milliseconds')) async onVersionCheck() { await this.serverService.handleVersionCheck(); } @Cron(CronExpression.EVERY_DAY_AT_MIDNIGHT) async onNightlyJob() { await this.jobService.handleNightlyJobs(); } async init() { await this.configService.init(); this.storageService.init(); await this.serverService.handleVersionCheck(); this.logger.log(`Feature Flags: ${JSON.stringify(await this.serverService.getFeatures(), null, 2)}`); } ssr(excludePaths: string[]) { let index = ''; try { index = readFileSync(WEB_ROOT_PATH).toString(); } catch (error: Error | any) { this.logger.warn('Unable to open `www/index.html, skipping SSR.'); } return async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { if ( req.url.startsWith('/api') || req.method.toLowerCase() !== 'get' || excludePaths.find((item) => req.url.startsWith(item)) ) { return next(); } const targets = [ { regex: /^\/share\/(.+)$/, onMatch: async (matches: RegExpMatchArray) => { const key = matches[1]; const auth = await this.authService.validateSharedLink(key); return this.sharedLinkService.getMetadataTags(auth); }, }, ]; let html = index; try { for (const { regex, onMatch } of targets) { const matches = req.url.match(regex); if (matches) { const meta = await onMatch(matches); if (meta) { html = render(index, meta); } break; } } } catch {} res.type('text/html').header('Cache-Control', 'no-store').send(html); }; } }