import asyncio import threading from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import Any from zipfile import BadZipFile import orjson from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, HTTPException, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import ORJSONResponse from onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state import InvalidProtobuf, NoSuchFile # type: ignore from starlette.formparsers import MultiPartParser from app.models.base import InferenceModel from .config import log, settings from .models.cache import ModelCache from .schemas import ( MessageResponse, ModelType, TextResponse, ) MultiPartParser.max_file_size = 2**24 # spools to disk if payload is 16 MiB or larger app = FastAPI() def init_state() -> None: app.state.model_cache = ModelCache(ttl=settings.model_ttl, revalidate=settings.model_ttl > 0) ( "Created in-memory cache with unloading " f"{f'after {settings.model_ttl}s of inactivity' if settings.model_ttl > 0 else 'disabled'}." ) ) # asyncio is a huge bottleneck for performance, so we use a thread pool to run blocking code app.state.thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(settings.request_threads) if settings.request_threads > 0 else None app.state.locks = {model_type: threading.Lock() for model_type in ModelType}"Initialized request thread pool with {settings.request_threads} threads.") @app.on_event("startup") async def startup_event() -> None: init_state() @app.get("/", response_model=MessageResponse) async def root() -> dict[str, str]: return {"message": "Immich ML"} @app.get("/ping", response_model=TextResponse) def ping() -> str: return "pong""/predict") async def predict( model_name: str = Form(alias="modelName"), model_type: ModelType = Form(alias="modelType"), options: str = Form(default="{}"), text: str | None = Form(default=None), image: UploadFile | None = None, ) -> Any: if image is not None: inputs: str | bytes = await elif text is not None: inputs = text else: raise HTTPException(400, "Either image or text must be provided") try: kwargs = orjson.loads(options) except orjson.JSONDecodeError: raise HTTPException(400, f"Invalid options JSON: {options}") model = await load(await app.state.model_cache.get(model_name, model_type, **kwargs)) model.configure(**kwargs) outputs = await run(model, inputs) return ORJSONResponse(outputs) async def run(model: InferenceModel, inputs: Any) -> Any: if app.state.thread_pool is None: return model.predict(inputs) return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(app.state.thread_pool, model.predict, inputs) async def load(model: InferenceModel) -> InferenceModel: if model.loaded: return model def _load() -> None: with app.state.locks[model.model_type]: model.load() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() try: if app.state.thread_pool is None: model.load() else: await loop.run_in_executor(app.state.thread_pool, _load) return model except (OSError, InvalidProtobuf, BadZipFile, NoSuchFile): log.warn( ( f"Failed to load {model.model_type.replace('_', ' ')} model '{model.model_name}'." "Clearing cache and retrying." ) ) model.clear_cache() if app.state.thread_pool is None: model.load() else: await loop.run_in_executor(app.state.thread_pool, _load) return model